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GNU Image Manipulation Program

User Manual

Legal Notice

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section enphrased GNU Free Documentation License.

Revision History
Revision $Revision: 1.187 $ 2006-03-10 romanofski

Table of Contents

1. GIMP User Manual Authors and Contributors
I. Getting started with The GIMP
1. Introduction
1. Welcome to The GIMP
1.1. Authors
1.2. The GIMP-Help system
1.3. Features and Capabilities
2. What's New in The GIMP?
2.1. Interoperability and standards support
2.2. Shortcut editor
2.3. Plug-in previews
2.4. Real-time previews of transform operations
2.5. GNOME Human Interface Guide conformance
2.6. GTK+ 2.4 migration
2.7. Basic vector support
2.8. Also . . .
3. Running GIMP
3.1. Command Line Arguments
3.2. Known platforms
3.3. Language
4. Starting GIMP the first time
2. GIMP Concepts
1. Main Windows in GIMP
1.1. The Main Toolbox
1.2. Image Window
1.3. Dialogs and Docking
2. Basic GIMP Concepts
3. Working with Images
3.1. Image types
3.2. QuickMask
3.3. Layers
3.4. The Selection
3.5. Undoing
3.6. Grids and Guides
3.7. Paths
3.8. Brushes
3.9. Gradients
3.10. Patterns
3.11. Palettes
3.12. Text and Fonts
3. Getting Unstuck
1. Stuck!
2. Common causes of GIMP non-responsiveness
II. How do I become a GIMP wizard?
4. Concepts for the Intermediate
1. Plugins
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Using Plugins
1.3. Installing New Plugins
1.4. Writing Plugins
2. Using Script-Fu Scripts
2.1. Script-Fu?
2.2. Installing Script-Fus
2.3. Do's and Don'ts
2.4. Different Kinds Of Script-Fus
2.5. Standalone Scripts
2.6. Image-Dependent Scripts
5. Using GIMP as a Beginner
1. Files
1.1. Creating new Files
1.2. Opening Files
1.3. Saving Files
2. Drawing Simple Objects
2.1. Drawing a Straight Line
2.2. Creating a Basic Shape
3. Creating and Using Selections
3.1. Moving a Selection
3.2. Creating a Free Selection
4. Dialogs and Docking
4.1. Creating Dialogs
4.2. Removing Tabs
5. How to Set Your Tile Cache
6. Using GIMP as an Intermediate
1. Using the Quickmask
2. Creating New Layers
3. Paths
3.1. Stroking a Path
3.2. Transforming Paths
4. Working with Digital Camera Photos
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Improving Composition
4.3. Improving Colors
4.4. Adjusting Sharpness
4.5. Removing Unwanted Objects from an Image
4.6. Saving Your Results
5. Preparing your Images for the Web
5.1. Images with an Optimal Size/Quality Ratio
5.2. Reducing the File Size Even More
5.3. Saving Images with Transparency
6. Adding New Brushes
7. Using GIMP as an Expert
1. Text
1.1. Embellishing Text
1.2. Adding Fonts
1.3. Font Problems
2. Rendering a Grid
3. A Script-Fu Tutorial
3.1. Getting Acquainted With Scheme
3.2. Variables And Functions
3.3. Lists, Lists And More Lists
3.4. Your First Script-Fu Script
3.5. Giving Our Script Some Guts
3.6. Extending The Text Box Script
4. Creating Shortcuts to Menu Functions
5. The GIH dialog box
6. Creating a brush with variable size
III. The GIMP Function Reference
8. Toolbox
1. The Toolbox
1.1. Tool Options
2. Selection Tools
2.1. Common Features
2.2. Rectangle Selection Tool
2.3. Ellipse Selection Tool
2.4. Free Selection Tool (Lasso)
2.5. Fuzzy Selection Tool (Magic Wand)
2.6. Select By Color Tool
2.7. Scissors Tool
3. Brush Tools
3.1. Common Features
3.2. Bucket Fill
3.3. Gradient Tool
3.4. Painting Tools (Pencil, Paintbrush, Airbrush)
3.5. Pencil
3.6. Paintbrush Tool
3.7. Eraser
3.8. Airbrush Tool
3.9. Ink Tool
3.10. Clone Tool
3.11. Convolve (Blur/Sharpen)
3.12. Dodge or Burn
3.13. Smudge Tool
4. Transform Tools
4.1. Common Features
4.2. Move Tool
4.3. Crop and Resize Tool
4.4. Rotate Tool
4.5. Scale Tool
4.6. Shear Tool
4.7. Perspective Tool
4.8. Flip Tool
5. Color Tools
5.1. Color Balance Tool
5.2. Hue-Saturation Tool
5.3. Colorize Tool
5.4. Brightness-Contrast tool
5.5. Threshold Tool
5.6. Levels tool
5.7. Curves Tool
5.8. Posterize Tool
6. Other
6.1. Path Tool
6.2. Color Picker Tool
6.3. Magnify Tool
6.4. Measure Tool
6.5. Texttool
7. Color and Indicator Area
7.1. Color Area
7.2. Indicator Area
7.3. Active image area
9. Dialogs
1. Dialog introduction
2. Image structure related dialogs
2.1. Layers dialog
2.2. Channels dialog
2.3. Path dialog
2.4. Colormap dialog
2.5. Histogram dialog
2.6. Navigation Dialog
2.7. Undo History dialog
3. Image content related dialogs
3.1. Colors dialog
3.2. Brushes dialog
3.3. Patterns dialog
3.4. Gradients dialog
3.5. Palettes dialog
3.6. Fonts dialog
4. Image management related dialogs
4.1. Buffers dialog
4.2. Images dialog
4.3. Document History dialog
4.4. Templates dialog
5. Misc dialogs
5.1. Tools dialog
5.2. Preferences dialog
5.3. Device Status dialog
5.4. Error Console
10. Menus
1. Introduction to the GIMP Menus
1.1. Context Menus
1.2. Detachable Submenus
2. Toolbox File Menu
2.1. The “File” Menu of the Toolbox
2.2. Acquire
2.3. The Preferences command
2.4. The Dialogs sub-menu
3. Xtns
3.1. Introduction to the “Xtns” menu
3.2. The Module Manager
3.3. The Unit Editor
3.4. Plug-In Browser
3.5. The Procedure Browser
3.6. The “Script-Fu” submenu
4. The “Help” Menu of the Toolbox Window
4.1. Introduction to the “Help” menu
4.2. Help
4.3. Context Help
4.4. Tip of the Day
4.5. About
4.6. The GIMP Online
5. The “File” Menu of the Image Window
5.1. File menu
5.2. New
5.3. Open
5.4. Open Location
5.5. Open Recent
5.6. Open as Layer
5.7. Save
5.8. Save as
5.9. Save a Copy
5.10. Save as Template
5.11. Revert
5.12. Print
5.13. Close
5.14. Quit
6. The “Edit” Menu of the Image Window
6.1. Edit” menu entries
6.2. Undo
6.3. Redo
6.4. Undo History
6.5. Cut
6.6. Copy
6.7. Copy Visible
6.8. Paste
6.9. Paste Into
6.10. Paste as New
6.11. Buffers
6.12. Clear
6.13. Fill with FG Color
6.14. Fill with BG Color
6.15. Fill with Pattern
6.16. Stroke Selection
6.17. Stroke Path
7. Select
7.1. Introduction to the “Select” menu
7.2. Select All
7.3. None
7.4. Invert
7.5. Float
7.6. By Color
7.7. From Path
7.8. Selection Editor
7.9. Feather
7.10. Sharpen
7.11. Shrink
7.12. Grow
7.13. Border
7.14. Rounded Rectangle
7.15. Toggle QuickMask
7.16. Save to Channel
7.17. To Path
8. View
8.1. Introduction to the “View” Menu
8.2. New View
8.3. Dot for Dot
8.4. Zoom
8.5. Shrink Wrap
8.6. Full Screen
8.7. Info Window
8.8. Navigation Window
8.9. Display Filters
8.10. Show Selection
8.11. Show Layer Boundary
8.12. Show Guides
8.13. Snap to Guides
8.14. Show Grid
8.15. Snap to Grid
8.16. Padding Color
8.17. Show Menubar
8.18. Show Rulers
8.19. Show Scrollbars
8.20. Show Statusbar
9. The “Image” Menu of the Image Window
9.1. The “Image” Menu of the Image Window
9.2. Duplicate
9.3. Mode
9.4. RGB mode
9.5. Grayscale mode
9.6. Indexed mode
9.7. Decompose
9.8. Compose
9.9. Transform
9.10. Flip Horizontally; Flip Vertically
9.11. Rotation
9.12. Guillotine
9.13. Canvas Size
9.14. Print Size
9.15. Fit Canvas to Layers
9.16. Scale Image
9.17. Crop Image
9.18. Autocrop Image
9.19. Zealous Crop
9.20. Merge Visible Layers
9.21. Flatten Image
9.22. Guides
9.23. Remove all guides
9.24. New Guide (by Percent)
9.25. New Guide
9.26. New Guides from Selection
9.27. Configure Grid
10. Layers
10.1. Introduction to the “Layer” Menu
10.2. New Layer
10.3. Duplicate layer
10.4. Anchor layer
10.5. Merge Down
10.6. Delete Layer
10.7. The “Stack” Submenu
10.8. Select Previous Layer
10.9. Select Next Layer
10.10. Select Top Layer
10.11. Select Bottom Layer
10.12. Raise Layer
10.13. Lower Layer
10.14. Layer to Top
10.15. Layer to Bottom
10.16. The “Colors” Submenu
10.17. Desaturate
10.18. Invert
10.19. Layer Color-Stretching Commands
10.20. The “Auto” Submenu
10.21. Equalize
10.22. White Balance
10.23. Stretch Contrast
10.24. Color Enhance
10.25. Stretch HSV
10.26. Normalize
10.27. Autocrop Layer
10.28. The “Mask” Submenu
10.29. Add Layer Mask
10.30. Apply Layer Mask
10.31. Delete Layer Mask
10.32. Edit Layer Mask
10.33. Disable Layer Mask
10.34. Show Layer Mask
10.35. Mask to Selection
10.36. Add Layer Mask to Selection
10.37. Subtract Layer Mask from Selection
10.38. Intersect Layer Mask with Selection
10.39. The “Transparency” Submenu of the “Layer” menu
10.40. Add Alpha Channel
10.41. Color to Alpha
10.42. Semi-flatten
10.43. Threshold Alpha
10.44. Alpha to Selection
10.45. Add to Selection
10.46. Subtract from Selection
10.47. Intersect with Selection
10.48. The “Transform” Submenu
10.49. Flip Horizontally
10.50. Flip Vertically
10.51. Rotate 90 degrees CW
10.52. Rotate 90 degrees CCW
10.53. Rotate 180 degrees
10.54. Arbitrary Rotation
10.55. Offset
10.56. Layer Boundary Size
10.57. Layer to Image Size
10.58. Scale Layer
10.59. Crop Layer
10.60. Align Visible Layers
11. Tools
11.1. Introduction to the “Tools” Menu
12. The “Filters” Menu of the Image Window
12.1. Introduction to the “Filters” menu
12.2. Repeat Last
12.3. Re-show Last
12.4. Reset All Filters
11. Filters
1. Filter introduction
2. Blur filters
2.1. Blur filters introduction
2.2. Blur
2.3. Gaussian Blur
2.4. Selective Gaussian Blur
2.5. Motion Blur
2.6. Pixelise
2.7. Tileable Blur
3. Color filters
3.1. Introduction to Color Filters
3.2. Adjust FG-BG
3.3. Alien Map 2
3.4. Two Colors Exchange
3.5. Colormap Rotation
3.6. Map Color Range
3.7. Sample Colorize
3.8. Gradient Map
3.9. Border Average
3.10. Channel Mixer
3.11. Colorcube Analysis
3.12. Colorify
3.13. Color to Alpha
3.14. Compose
3.15. Decompose
3.16. Filter Pack
3.17. Hot
3.18. Max RGB
3.19. Retinex
3.20. Semi-Flatten
3.21. Smooth Palette
3.22. Value invert
4. Noise filters
4.1. Noise filters introduction
4.2. Hurl
4.3. Scatter RGB
4.4. Pick
4.5. Scatter HSV
4.6. Slur
4.7. Spread
5. Edge-detect filters
5.1. Edge-detect introduction
5.2. Difference of Gaussians
5.3. Edge
5.4. Laplace
5.5. Neon
5.6. Sobel
6. Enhance filters
6.1. Enhance filters introduction
6.2. Deinterlace
6.3. Despeckle
6.4. Destripe
6.5. NL Filter
6.6. Sharpen
6.7. Unsharp Mask
7. Generic filters
7.1. Generic filters introduction
7.2. Convolution matrix
7.3. Dilate
7.4. Erode
8. Glass Effects filters
8.1. Glass Effects filters introduction
8.2. Apply Lens
8.3. Glass Tile
9. Light Effects filters
9.1. Light Effects filters introduction
9.2. FlareFX
9.3. Gflare
9.4. Lighting Effects
9.5. Sparkle
9.6. SuperNova
10. Distort filters
10.1. Distort filters introduction
10.2. Blinds
10.3. Curve Bend
10.4. Emboss
10.5. IWarp
10.6. Mosaic
10.7. Page Curl
10.8. Polar Coords
10.9. Ripple
10.10. Shift
10.11. Newsprint
10.12. Video
10.13. Value Propagate
10.14. Waves
10.15. Whirl and Pinch
10.16. Wind
11. Artistic filters
11.1. Artistic filters introduction
11.2. Apply Canvas
11.3. Cartoon
11.4. Cubism
11.5. GIMPressionist
11.6. GIMPressionist - Orientation Map Editor
11.7. GIMPressionist - Size Map Editor
11.8. Oilify
11.9. Photocopy
11.10. Soft Glow
12. Map filters
12.1. Map filters introduction
12.2. Bump Map
12.3. Displace
12.4. Fractal Trace
12.5. Illusion
12.6. Make Seamless
12.7. Map Object
12.8. Paper Tile
12.9. Small Tiles
12.10. Tile
12.11. Warp
12.12. Van Gogh (LIC)
13. Rendering filters
13.1. Render filters introduction
13.2. Plasma
13.3. Solid Noise
13.4. Flame
13.5. IFS Compose
13.6. Diffraction Patterns
13.7. CML Explorer
13.8. Grid
13.9. Maze
13.10. Jigsaw
13.11. Qbist
13.12. Checkerboard
13.13. Sinus
13.14. Fractal Explorer
13.15. Gfig
13.16. Sphere Designer
14. Combine filters
14.1. Combine filters introduction
14.2. Depth Merge
14.3. Film
I. GIMP keys and mouse reference
Help - Key reference for Help menu
Toolbox - Key reference for Toolbox menu
File - Key reference for File menu
Dialogs - Key reference for Dialogs menu
View - Key reference for View menu
Edit - Key reference for Edit menu
Layers - Key reference for Layers menu
Selections - Key reference for Selections menu
Plug-ins - Key reference for Plug-ins menu
Zoom tool - Key reference for Zoom tool menu
A. GIMP History
1. The very beginning
2. The early days of GIMP
3. The One to change the world
4. New in GIMP 2
B. Reporting Bugs and Requesting Enhancements
1. Making sure it's a Bug
2. Reporting the Bug
3. What Happens to a Bug Report after you Submit it
C. GNU Free Documentation License
D. Eeek! There is missing help

List of Figures

1.1. Welcome
1.2. Personal GIMP Directory
1.3. User Installation Log
1.4. GIMP Performance Tuning
2.1. The screenshot illustrates the standard windows of GIMP
2.2. Screenshot of the Toolbox
2.3. A screenshot of the image window illustrating the important components
2.4. A dock, with docking bars highlighted
2.5. A dialog in a dock, with the drag handle area highlighted.
2.6. A dock with an Image Menu highlighted
2.7. A dialog in a dock, with the Tab menu button highlighted
2.8. Tab menu from the Layers dialog
2.9. Preview Size submenu of a Tab menu El submenú "Tamaño de la vista previa".
2.10. Tab Style submenu of a Tab menu
2.11. Components of the RGB and CMY color model
2.12. Example of an image in RGB and Grayscale mode
2.13. Example of an image with alpha channel
2.14. Image with QuickMask enabled
2.15. How would you isolate the tree?
2.16. Selection shown as usual with dashed line
2.17. Same selection in QuickMask mode
2.18. Same selection in QuickMask mode after feathering
2.19. Image used for examples below
2.20. Image with default grid
2.21. A different grid style
2.22. Image with four guides
2.23. Four examples of GIMP paths
2.24. Appearance of a path while it is being manipulated using the Path tool.
2.25. Text converted to a path
2.26. Brush strokes example
2.27. Some examples of GIMP gradients.
2.28. Gradient usage
2.29. Pattern usage
2.30. Pattern script examples
2.31. The Palettes dialog
2.32. The Palette Editor
2.33. The Colormap dialog
2.34. Example of a text item
2.35. GIMP text editor
3.1. Layers dialog showing a floating selection.
3.2. Unstuck show selection menu
3.3. Unstuck select all
3.4. Unstuck layer invisibility
3.5. Unstuck layer transparency
5.1. The “File Open” dialog.
5.2. The “Open Location” dialog.
5.3. Example of an Export dialog
5.4. The dialog shows a new image, filled with a white background.
5.5. The dialog shows a new image, with the first dot which indicates the start of the straight line. The dot has a black foreground color.
5.6. The screenshot shows the helpline, which indicates how the finished line will look.
5.7. The line created appears in the image window after drawing the second point (or end point), while the Shift key is still pressed.
5.8. The screenshot shows how a rectangular selection is created. Press and hold the left mouse button while you move the mouse in the direction of the red arrow.
5.9. The screenshot shows a rectangular selection filled with the foreground color.
5.10. Moving the selection reveals the background layer
5.11. Using the Free Selection Tool
5.12. A dialog in a dock, with the “Close Tab” button highlighted
6.1. The four paths from the top illustration, each stroked in a different way.
6.2. The Stroke Path dialog.
6.3. The Wilber image opened in RGBA mode.
6.4. An indexed image can look a bit grainy. The left image is Wilber in its original size, the right one is zoomed in by 300 percent.
6.5. The Wilber image opened in RGBA mode.
6.6. Mid-Tone Checks in the background layer represent the transparent region of the saved image while you are working on it in GIMP.
6.7. The dialog to describe the animated brush.
7.1. Fancy text
7.2. Configure Keyboard Shortcuts
7.3. The dialog to describe the animated brush.
7.4. Here is the result by stroking an elliptical selection with the brush:
8.1. Tool Options dialog for the Rectangle Select tool.
8.2. Rectangle Select icon in the Toolbox
8.3. Tool Options for the Rectangle Select tool
8.4. Size Constraint Option Menu for the Rectangle Select tool
8.5. Ellipse Select icon in the Toolbox
8.6. Tool Options for the Ellipse Select tool
8.7. Size Constraint Option Menu for the Ellipse Select tool
8.8. Free Selection icon in the Toolbox
8.9. Tool Options for the Lasso tool
8.10. Magic Wand tool icon in the Toolbox
8.11. Tool Options for the Magic Wand tool
8.12. Select by Color tool icon in the Toolbox
8.13. Tool Options for the Select by Color tool
8.14. Intelligent Scissors tool icon in the Toolbox.
8.15. Tool Options for the Intelligent Scissors
8.16. The Brush tools
8.17. Tool Options shared by all brush tools
8.18. Toolbox Fill
8.19. This tool fills the selected area with a gradient blend of the foreground and background colors by default
8.20. Painting example
8.21. Dissolve mode example
8.22. Gradient options for painting tools.
8.23. Pencil tool
8.24. Pencil Tool options
8.25. Paintbrush
8.26. Paintbrush tool options
8.27. Eraser tool icon in the Toolbox
8.28. Tool Options for the Eraser tool
8.29. The Airbrush tool in Toolbox
8.30. Airbrush options
8.31. Toolbox Pen
8.32. Ink Tool options
8.33. Clone tool icon in the Toolbox
8.34. Tool Options for the Clone tool
8.35. Convolve tool icon in the Toolbox
8.36. Tool Options for the Convolve tool
8.37. Dodge tool
8.38. Dodge/Burn” tool options
8.39. Smudge tool
8.40. The Smudge tool in Toolbox
8.41. An overview of the transform tools
8.42. The Move tool in Toolbox
8.43. Move Tool options
8.44. Crop tool
8.45. Crop and Resize” tool options
8.46. The Rotate tool in Toolbox
8.47. Rotation tool options
8.48. The Rotation Information dialog window
8.49. The Scale tool in Toolbox
8.50. Scale tool options
8.51. The Scaling Information dialog window
8.52. The Shear tool in Toolbox
8.53. Shear tool options
8.54. Shearing Information window
8.55. Perspective tool
8.56. Perspective” tool options
8.57. The dialog window of the “Perspective” tool
8.58. Flip tool
8.59. Flip Tool” Options
8.60. Color Balance options
8.61. Hue-Saturation tool options
8.62. Colorize options
8.63. Threshold tool options
8.64. The original image, the decompose image and its Layer Dialog
8.65. The selected layer after threshold fit
8.66. The mask
8.67. The result
8.68. Level tool options
8.69. Curves tool
8.70. Posterize tool options
8.71. Path tool
8.72. Eye dropper
8.73. Color Picker Options
8.74. Zoom tool
8.75. Zoom tool options
8.76. Measure tool
8.77. The Text tool in Toolbox
8.78. Text tool options
8.79. The Text Editor options
8.80. Color area in the Toolbox Palette
8.81. Active tool indicator area
9.1. Layer Dialog
9.2. An image with layers
9.3. Layer modes
9.4. Keep transparency
9.5. Opacity
9.6. Dialog add mask
9.7. The Channel dialog
9.8. Representation of an image with channels
9.9. Channels Menu
9.10. A selection composed out of channels.
9.11. Dialog Quick Mask
9.12. The Paths dialog
9.13. The Paths dialog menu
9.14. The Colormap dialog
9.15. The Histogram dialog
9.16. Channel options for an RGB layer with alpha channel.
9.17. Combined histograms of R, G, and B channels.
9.18. The histogram shown at the top, changed to logarithmic mode.
9.19. Dialog aspect after range fixing.
9.20. Navigation Dialog
9.21. The Undo History dialog
9.22. Colors dialog
9.23. The Brushes dialog
9.24. The Brushes dialog
9.25. The Patterns dialog
9.26. The Patterns dialog
9.27. The screenshot illustrates the Gradients dialog
9.28. The gradient editor
9.29. The Gradient Editor menu
9.30. The "Load Color From" submenu
9.31. The Blending Function submenu
9.32. The Coloring Type submenu
9.33. The Palettes dialog
9.34. The Palettes dialog
9.35. The Palettes Menu
9.36. The Import Palette dialog
9.37. The Palette Editor
9.38. The Palette Editor Menu
9.39. The Fonts dialog
9.40. The Fonts dialog
9.41. The Buffers dialog
9.42. The Buffers dialog (Grid View)
9.43. The Images dialog
9.44. Document History dialog
9.45. The Templates dialog
9.46. The Edit Template dialog
9.47. The Advanced Options dialog
9.48. The Tools dialog
9.49. List of preference pages
9.50. New Image Preferences
9.51. Default Grid Preferences
9.52. Assorted Interface Preferences
9.53. Theme Preference
9.54. Help System Preferences (Linux Screenshot)
9.55. Tool Options Preferences
9.56. Toolbox Preferences
9.57. Default Toolbox appearance
9.58. General Image Window Preference
9.59. Image Window Appearance Defaults
9.60. Image Window Title and Statusbar formats
9.61. Display Preferences
9.62. The Calibration dialog
9.63. Input devices preferences
9.64. Preferences for a tablet
9.65. Input controllers preferences
9.66. Main Mouse Wheel tab
9.67. Select Controller Event Action
9.68. Main Keyboard
9.69. Window Management Preferences
9.70. Environment Preferences
9.71. Basic Folder Preferences
9.72. Preferences: Brush Folders
9.73. The device Status Dialog
9.74. Error Console” Dialog window
9.75. Save Error Log to file” Dialog window
10.1. The Toolbox Menu
10.2. The “Acquire” submenu and its detached submenu
10.3. Contents of the “File” menu
10.4. The “Acquire” submenu of the Toolbox File menu
10.5. The “Screen Shot” window
10.6. Scanner and Webcam
10.7. The Dialogs submenu of the Toolbox File menu
10.8. Contents of the “Xtns” menu
10.9. The “Module Manager” dialog window
10.10. The “Unit Editor” dialog window
10.11. The “New Unit” dialog
10.12. The list view of the “Plug-In Browser” dialog window
10.13. The tree view of the “Plug-In Browser” dialog window
10.14. The “Procedure Browser” dialog window
10.15. The “Script-Fu” submenu of the Xtns menu
10.16. Contents of the “Help” menu
10.17. Tip of the day”Dialog window
10.18. The “About” dialog window
10.19. The “GIMP online” submenu of the Help menu
10.20. The File menu of the image window
10.21. The File menu of the Toolbox
10.22. The “New Image” dialog
10.23. The “Create a New Image” dialog El diálogo “Crear una imagen nueva”.
10.24. New Image dialog (Advanced Options)
10.25. Colorspace menu
10.26. Fill menu
10.27. Open Dialog
10.28. The “Open Location” dialog window El diálogo “Abrir dirección
10.29. The basic “File Save” dialog
10.30. The “Save” Dialog (Browser)
10.31. Contents of the Edit menu
10.32. The “Buffer” submenu of the “Edit” menu
10.33. The “Choose Stroke Style” dialog window
10.34. Example of miter limit
10.35. The Contents of the “Select” menu
10.36. The “Selection Editor” dialog window
10.37. Example of clicking in the “Selection Editor” display window
10.38. The “Advanced Settings” dialog window
10.39. The “Feather Selection” dialog
10.40. The “Shrink Selection” dialog
10.41. The “Grow Selection” dialog window
10.42. Why growing a rectangular selection results in rounded corners
10.43. Example of creating a border from a selection
10.44. The “Border” dialog window
10.45. The “Rounded Rectangle” dialog
10.46. Contents of the View menu
10.47. The “Zoom” submenu of the “View” menu
10.48. The “General” tab of the “Info Window
10.49. The “Cursor” tab of the “Info Window
10.50. The “Comment” tab of the “Info Window
10.51. The “Configure Color Display Filters” dialog
10.52. Description of the “Color Deficient Vision” dialog
10.53. Example of protanopia with some text
10.54. Examples of the three types of vision deficiencies in one image
10.55. The “Gamma” dialog
10.56. The “Contrast” dialog
10.57. The “Color Proof” options
10.58. Contents of the “Padding Color” submenu
10.59. The Contents of the “Image” Menu
10.60. The “Mode” submenu of the “Image” menu
10.61. The “Convert Image to Indexed Colors” dialog
10.62. Example: full color, with no dithering
10.63. Example: four colors, with no dithering
10.64. Example: Floyd-Steinberg (normal)
10.65. Example: Floyd-Steinberg (reduced color bleeding)
10.66. The “Transform” submenu of the “Image” menu
10.67. The “Canvas size” dialog
10.68. The “Print Size” dialog
10.69. The “Scale Image” dialog
10.70. Zealous Crop” Example
10.71. The “Merge Visible Layers” Dialog
10.72. Accessing the Flatten Image menu item
10.73. The “Guides” options of the “Image” submenu
10.74. The “New Guide (by Percent)” Dialog
10.75. The “New Guide” Dialog
10.76. The “Configure grid” dialog
10.77. The Contents of the “Layer” Menu
10.78. The “New Layer” dialog
10.79. The “Stack” submenu
10.80. The “Colors” submenu
10.81. Applying “Invert layer colors
10.82. The original layer and its histograms
10.83. The “Equalize” command
10.84. The “White Balance” command
10.85. The “Stretch Contrast” command
10.86. The “Stretch HSV” command
10.87. The “Color Enhance” command
10.88. The “Normalize” command
10.89. The “Colors/Auto” submenu
10.90. Original image
10.91. Image after the command
10.92. Original image
10.93. Image after the command
10.94. Original image
10.95. Image after the command
10.96. Color Enhance” example (Original image)
10.97. Color Enhance” example (Image after the command)
10.98. Original image
10.99. Image after the command
10.100. Normalize”Example (Original image)
10.101. Normalize”Example (Image after the command)
10.102. Before applying “Autocrop Layer
10.103. After applying “Autocrop Layer
10.104. The “Mask” submenu of the “Layer” menu
10.105. The “Add Layer Mask” dialog
10.106. Illustration of “Layer Mask to Selection
10.107. Illustration of Add Layer Mask to Selection
10.108. Illustration of Subtract Layer Mask from Selection
10.109. Illustration of Intersecting the Layer Mask with the Selection
10.110. The “Transparency” submenu of the “Layer” menu
10.111. The “Threshold Alpha” dialog
10.112. Applying “Alpha to Selection
10.113. Applying “Add to Selection
10.114. Applying “Subtract from Selection
10.115. Applying “Intersect with Selection
10.116. The “Transform” Submenu of the “Layer” menu
10.117. Applying “Flip Layer Horizontally
10.118. The “Offset” dialog
10.119. The “Layer Boundary Size” Dialog
10.120. The “Scale Layer” dialog
10.121. Applying “Layer Crop
10.122. Example image for layer alignment
10.123. The “Layer Align” dialog
10.124. Horizontal “Collect” alignment (on the edge of the canvas)
10.125. Horizontal “Collect” alignment (on the bottom layer)
10.126. Horizontal “Fill” alignment (canvas)
10.127. Horizontal “Fill” alignment (bottom layer)
10.128. Vertical “Fill” alignment (bottom layer)
10.129. Contents of the “Tools” menu
10.130. The “Filters” menu
11.1. Original for demo
11.2. Gaussian blur (radius 10)
11.3. Simple blur
11.4. Selective blur
11.5. Pixelize
11.6. Motion blur
11.7. The Blur filter applied to a photograph
11.8. From left to right: original, filter applied.
11.9. Gaussian” filter parameters settings
11.10. The Selective Gaussian Blur filter
11.11. Selective Gaussian” filter parateters settings
11.12. Starting example for Motion Blur filter
11.13. Using example for Motion Blur filter
11.14. Motion Blur” filter options
11.15. From left to right: Before and after applying Pixelise filter
11.16. Pixelize” filter options
11.17. From left to right: original, tileable blur applied
11.18. Tileable Blur” filter options
11.19. From left to right: original image, after applying Adjust FG BG (FG:blue, BG:red)
11.20. Alien Map 2 filter example
11.21. Options for the “Alien Map 2” filter
11.22. From left to right: Original image, after applying Color Exchange (Blue to black)
11.23. Option of the “Two color exchange” filter
11.24. From left to right: Original image, after applying filter
11.25. Main Options of the “Color Map Rotation” filter
11.26. Base image for Grey Options
11.27. Grey Mode
11.28. Gray Threshold
11.29. From left to right: Original image, after applying filter
11.30. Options of the “Map Color Range” filter
11.31. From left to right: Original image, after applying filter
11.32. Options of the “Sample Colorize” filter
11.33. Example of gradient map
11.34. Options of the “Border Average Filter
11.35. Original image
11.36. Number of Colors” is set to 4:
11.37. Number of Colors” is set to 128:
11.38. From left to right: original image, after applying Channel Mixer filter
11.39. Channel Mixer” filter options
11.40. The original image and its channels
11.41. Output channel is red. Green Channel +50
11.42. Output channel is red. Green Channel +50%. The Preserve Luminosity option is checked.
11.43. Monochrome option checked. Red:100% Green: 50% Blue: 0%. Preserve Luminosity unchecked.
11.44. From left to right: Original image, after Colorcube Analysis of the image
11.45. From left to right: original image, after applying Colorify filter
11.46. Colorify” filter options
11.47. From left to right: original image, after applying Color to Alpha filter (Blue to transparency)
11.48. From left to right: Decomposed image (RGB decomposition), composed image.
11.49. Compose” filter options
11.50. From left to right: Original image, Decomposed image (RGB decomposition).
11.51. Decompose” filter options
11.52. From left to right: Original image, FilterPack (more Blue, more Saturation)
11.53. All the options for filter “Filter Pack
11.54. Hue option of the “Filterpack” filter
11.55. The saturation option of the “Filterpack” filter
11.56. Value option of the “Filterpack” filter
11.57. Advanced options of the “Filterpack” filter
11.58. From left to right: original image, after applying MaxRGB filter
11.59. Retinex” filter options
11.60. Retinex” example
11.61. Toolbox Background color (pink) and an image with feathered edges on a transparent background, at a 800% zoom level.
11.62. Result, in GIF format, after applying Semi-flatten filter.
11.63. From left to right: original image, after applying Smooth Palette filter
11.64. From left to right: original image, after applying Value Invert filter
11.65. Example of using this filter twice
11.66. Hurl” options
11.67. Example of applying the Noisify filter
11.68. Scatter RGB” filter options
11.69. Example of applying the “Pick” filter
11.70. Pick” filter options
11.71. Example of applying the Pick HSV filter
11.72. Scatter HSV” filter options
11.73. Example of applying the Slur filter
11.74. Slur filter options
11.75. Example of applying the Spread filter
11.76. Spread” filter options
11.77. Applying example for the Difference of Gaussians filter
11.78. Gaussian Difference filter options
11.79. Applying example for the Edge filter
11.80. Applying examples for the Edge filter
11.81. Applying example for the Edge filter
11.82. Applying example for the Edge filter
11.83. Edge filter options
11.84. Applying example for the Laplace filter
11.85. Applying example for the Neon filter
11.86. Neon filter options
11.87. Applying example of the Sobel filter
11.88. Sobel filter options
11.89. Deinterlace ofilter options Options du filtre Désentrelacer
11.90. Simple applying example for the Deinterlace filter
11.91. Despeckle” filter options
11.92. Destripe” filter options
11.93. NL Filter” options
11.94. Applying example for the Sharpen filter
11.95. Sharpen” filter options
11.96. Applying example for the Unsharp Mask filter
11.97. Unsharp Mask” filter options
11.98. Sharpen
11.99. Blur
11.100. Edge enhance
11.101. Edge detect
11.102. Emboss
11.103. Applying example for the Dilate filter
11.104. Dilate text
11.105. Dilate neon effect
11.106. Erode noise
11.107. The same image, before and after applying lens effect.
11.108. Apply Lens” filter options
11.109. The same image, before and after applying glass tile effect.
11.110. Glass Tile” filter options
11.111. GFlare Editor
11.112. The same image, before and after applying Lighting filter
11.113. Lighting” filter general options
11.114. Light” Options of the Lighting filter
11.115. Material” tab of the Lighting filter
11.116. Bumpmap” options of the Lighting filter
11.117. Environment map” options
11.118. Supernova” filter options
11.119. With text
11.120. With text
11.121. Example
11.122. More White
11.123. More Black
11.124. Middle Value to Peaks
11.125. Foreground to Peaks
11.126. Only Foreground
11.127. Illustration
11.128. The same image, before and after applying “Apply Canvas ” filter
11.129. Apply Canvas” options
11.130. The same image, before and after applying “Cartoon” filter
11.131. Cartoon” filter options
11.132. The same image, before and after applying Cubism filter
11.133. Cubism” filter options
11.134. Example illustrating the action of the “Use BackGround color” option
11.135. The option is not checked
11.136. The option is checked
11.137. The same image, before and after applying GIMPressionist
11.138. Presets” tab options
11.139. Paper” tab options
11.140. Brush” tab options
11.141. Orientation” tab options
11.142. Size” tab options
11.143. Placement” tab options
11.144. Color” tab options
11.145. General” tab options
11.146. Options of the “Orientation-map Editor” dialog
11.147. Size-map editor options
11.148. The same image, before and after applying Oilify filter
11.149. Oilify” filter options Volby filtru “Olejomalba
11.150. The same image, before and after applying Photocopy filter
11.151. Photocopy” filter options
11.152. The same image, before and after applying SoftGlow filter
11.153. Soft Glow” filter options
11.154. Bump Map” filter options
11.155. From left to right: original image, bump map, bumpmapped image
11.156. Displacement examples
11.157. Fractal trace” filter options
11.158. Illusion” filter options
11.159. From left to right: original image, mode 1, mode 2, with Divisions=4
11.160. An example of Make Seamless.
11.161. Map Object” general options tab
11.162. Light” tab options
11.163. Material” tab options
11.164. Orientation” tab options
11.165. Box” tab options
11.166. Cylinder” tab options
11.167. From left to right: original image, after applying “Paper Tile” filter (division = 5)
11.168. Paper Tile” filter options
11.169. Small Tiles” filter options
11.170. The same image, before and after applying Tile filter
11.171. Tile” filter options
11.172. From left to right: original image, displace map, displaced image
11.173. With a non-linear gradient
11.174. With a complex gradient:
11.175. Warp filter options
11.176. With a 3.00 dither size:
11.177. With a 10° angle and 6 iterations:
11.178. Magnitude Map example:
11.179. From left to right: original image, map, resulting image
11.180. Van Gogh (LIC)” filter options
11.181. Blurring with vertical gradient map
11.182. Blurring with a square gradient map
11.183. Texture example
11.184. Derivative option example
11.185. Action example of Filter Length on blur
11.186. Filter Length example on texture
11.187. Action example of Noise Magnitude on texture
11.188. Action example of Integration Steps on texture
11.189. Action example of Min/max values on texture
11.190. Example of a rendered plasma.
11.191. Example of turbulent solid noise.
11.192. Example of a rendered Flame.
11.193. The Edit Flame dialog
11.194. "Color transformation" tab options
11.195. Tutorial Step 2
11.196. Tutorial Step 3
11.197. Tutorial Step 4
11.198. Tutorial Step 5
11.199. Two examples of diffraction patterns.
11.200. The same image, before and after applying CML Explorer
11.201. CML Explorer” filter options(Hue)
11.202. Function graph of present settings
11.203. CML Explorer” filter options(Saturation)
11.204. CML Explorer” filter options (Value)
11.205. CML Explorer” filter options (Advanced)
11.206. CML Explorer” filter options (Others)
11.207. CML Explorer” filter options (Misc.ops)
11.208. An example of a rendered maze.
11.209. Jigsaw filter example
11.210. Three more or less random examples of qbist renderings.
11.211. The same image, before and after applying Checkerboard filter
11.212. Checkerboard” filter options
11.213. Example of sinus rendering.
11.214. The same image, before and after applying Fractal Explorer filter
11.215. "Parameters" options for Fractal Explorer filter
11.216. Color tab options
11.217. Loglog smoothing example
11.218. Fractal tab” options
11.219. The same image, before and after using Gfig
11.220. Gfig” filter options
11.221. The same image, before and after the application of “Sphere Designer” filter.
11.222. Sphere Designer” filter parameters
576. Subtractive color model
577. The JPEG Save dialog
578. The “Save as PNG” dialog
579. Additive color model

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