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10.7.  Page Curl

10.7.1.  Overview

This filter is found in Image>Filters/Distorts/Pagecurl

It curls a corner of the current layer or selection into a kind of cornet showing the underlying layer in the cleared area. A new "Curl Layer" and a new Alpha channel are created. The part of the initial layer corresponding to this cleared area is also transparent.

10.7.2.  Options

Curl Location

You have there four radio buttons to select the corner you want raise. The Preview is redundant and doesn't respond to other options.

Curl Orientation

Horizontal and Vertical refer to the border you want raise.

Shadow under curl

This is the shadow inside the cornet.

Use current gradient instead of FG/FB-color

This color refers to the outer face of the cornet.

Curl Opacity

Refers to the visibility of the layer part underlying the cornet. It may be set also in the Layer Dialog.

10.7.3.  Example

  Published under the terms of the GNU General Public License Design by Interspire