This filter is found in
It gives a circular or a rectangular representation of your image with
all the possible intermediates between both.
The result of your settings will appear in the Preview without
affecting the image until you click on OK.
Circle Depth in Percent
Slider and input box allow you to set the "circularity" of the
transformation, from rectangle (0%) to circle (100%).
Offset Angle
This option controlles the angle the drawing will start from
(0 - 359°), and so turns it around the circle center.
Map Backwards
When this option is checked, the drawing will start from the
right instead of the left.
Map from Top
If unchecked, the mapping will put the bottom row in the middle
and the top row on the outside. If checked, it will be the
To Polar
If unchecked, the image will be circularly mapped into a rectangle
(odd effect). If checked, the image will be mapped into a circle.