Shear tool is used to shift one part of an image, a layer, a selection or
a path to a direction and the other part to the opposite direction. For
instance, a horizontal shearing will shift the upper part to the right and
the lower part to the left. A rectangle becomes a diamond. This is not a
rotation: the image is distorted. To use this tool after selecting, click
on the image or the selection: a grid is surperimposed and the Shearing
Information dialog is opened. By dragging the mouse pointer on the image
you distort the image, horizontally or vertically according to the the
direction given to the pointer. When you are satisfied, click on the
Shear button in the info dialog to validate.
Activate Tool
The Shear Tool can be called in the following
order, from the image-menu:
Tools->Transform Tools->Shear
The Tool can also be called by clicking the tool icon:
or by using the
Shift-S key
Figure 8.53.
Shear tool options
The available tool options for the Shear Tool can be accessed by
double clicking the Shear Tool icon.
The shear can affect the Layer (the selection content), the
Selection boundaries, and the current Path differently. These
three buttons associate the remainder of the options to one of
those three elements. Remember that your choice persists after
quitting the tool.
Transform Direction
Forward (Traditional)
: performs transformation in preview moving direction.
Backward (Corrective)
: performs transformation in reverse preview moving direction.
The Interpolation
drop-down list allows you to choose the quality of the
transformation. For more information about the different methods
that can be employed, see the glossary entry
This option will clip the transformated image to the original
image size.
Here, Preview is superimposed on the image. The drop-down list
gives you four possibilities:
: Puts a frame to mark the image outline, with a handle on
each corner. Movements will affect this frame only on the
Preview, but the result of the transformation will concern
either the content or the boundaries of the selection
according to the selected Affect mode.
: Puts a grid on the image, with four handles. Movements
will affect this grid only on the Preview, but the result of
the transformation will concern either the content or the
boundaries of the selection according to the selected Affect
: Here, the preview is a copy of the image superimposed on
the image, with an outline. Movements affect this copy and
the underlying image appears.
: Both turn at the same time.
Preview type is only for greater convenience. Whatever your
choice, result will be the same when you clic on the
button in the Shear information dialog.
Options with grid activate a drop-list with two options:
Number of Grid Lines
will allow control over the total number of displayed grid lines.
Use the slider to set the number of grid lines.
Grid Line Spacing
allows control over the distance between the grid lines. Use the
slider to set the distance.
When shearing a path, Preview options are not valid: only
Outline is active.
Shearing Information
Figure 8.54.
Shearing Information window
Shear magnitude X
Here, you can set the horizontal shearing amplitude. A positive
value producess a clock-wise tilt. A negative value gives a
counter-clock-wise tilt.
Shear magnitude Y
As above, in the vertical direction.
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