The Dodge or Burn tool uses the current brush to lighten or darken
the colors in your image. The mode will determine which type of
pixels are affected.
3.12.1. Activate Tool
The Dodge or Burn Tool can be called in the following order,
from the image-menu:
Paint Tools
The Tool can also be called by clicking the tool icon:
3.12.2. Key modifiers (Defaults)
The key combination Ctrl-D will change the active tool to
Dodge or Burn tool.
Toggle between dodge or burn
types. The type will remain switched until
Ctrl is released.
Shift places the Dodge or Burn tool into
straight line mode. Holding Shift while clicking
Button1 will Dodge or Burn in a
straight line. Consecutive clicks will continue Dodge or
Burn in straight lines that originate from the end of the
last line.
3.12.3. Options
Figure 8.38.
“Dodge/Burn” tool options
See the Brush Tools
Overview for a description of tool options that apply to
many or all brush tools.
The available tool options for the Dodge or Burn Tool can be
accessed by double clicking the Dodge or Burn Tool icon.
The Opacity slider sets the transparency level for the
operation. A higher opacity setting results in a more opaque
render and a lower setting results in a more transparent one.
Indicates the active brush. Clicking on the brush icon
opens the brush selection dialog.
Hard Edge
If this option is toggled on, the tool behaves like
the Pencil tool, in the sense that there is no
anti-aliasing, and pixels are affected in an all-or-nothing
way, even if it is being used with a soft brush.
Pressure Sensitivity
The Pressure Sensitivity section sets whether hardness,
opacity, or size will be affected by pressure for input
devices that support this option.
Fade Out
This option causes a transition to the background over a
distance set by the Length field, visible
only if the field is enabled.
The dodge effect lightens colors.
The burn effect darkens colors.
There are three modes:
Shadows restricts the effect to
darkest pixels.
Midtones restricts the effect
to pixels of average tone.
Highlights restricts the effect
to lightest pixels.
Exposure defines how much the tool effect will be strong, as
a more or less exposed photograph. Default slider is 50 but
can vary from 0 to 100.
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