Unix Programming - PartII.Design
Table of Contents
- 4. Modularity
Encapsulation and Optimal Module Size
Compactness and Orthogonality
The SPOT Rule
Compactness and the Strong Single Center
The Value of Detachment
Software Is a Many-Layered Thing
Top-Down versus Bottom-Up
Glue Layers
Case Study: C Considered as Thin Glue
Case Study: GIMP Plugins
Unix and Object-Oriented Languages
Coding for Modularity
- 5. Textuality
The Importance of Being Textual
Case Study: Unix Password File Format
Case Study: .newsrc Format
Case Study: The PNG Graphics File Format
Data File Metaformats
DSV Style
RFC 822 Format
Cookie-Jar Format
Record-Jar Format
Windows INI Format
Unix Textual File Format Conventions
The Pros and Cons of File Compression
Application Protocol Design
Case Study: SMTP, the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
Case Study: POP3, the Post Office Protocol
Case Study: IMAP, the Internet Message Access Protocol
Application Protocol Metaformats
The Classical Internet Application Metaprotocol
HTTP as a Universal Application Protocol
BEEP: Blocks Extensible Exchange Protocol
XML-RPC, SOAP, and Jabber
- 6. Transparency
Studying Cases
Case Study: audacity
Case Study: fetchmail's -v option
Case Study: GCC
Case Study: kmail
Case Study: SNG
Case Study: The Terminfo Database
Case Study: Freeciv Data Files
Designing for Transparency and Discoverability
The Zen of Transparency
Coding for Transparency and Discoverability
Transparency and Avoiding Overprotectiveness
Transparency and Editable Representations
Transparency, Fault Diagnosis, and Fault Recovery
Designing for Maintainability
- 7. Multiprogramming
Separating Complexity Control from Performance Tuning
Taxonomy of Unix IPC Methods
Handing off Tasks to Specialist Programs
Pipes, Redirection, and Filters
Security Wrappers and Bernstein Chaining
Slave Processes
Peer-to-Peer Inter-Process Communication
Problems and Methods to Avoid
Obsolescent Unix IPC Methods
Remote Procedure Calls
Threads — Threat or Menace?
Process Partitioning at the Design Level
- 8. Minilanguages
Understanding the Taxonomy of Languages
Applying Minilanguages
Case Study: sng
Case Study: Regular Expressions
Case Study: Glade
Case Study: m4
Case Study: XSLT
Case Study: The Documenter's Workbench Tools
Case Study:
fetchmail Run-Control Syntax
Case Study: awk
Case Study: PostScript
Case Study: bc and
Case Study: Emacs Lisp
Case Study: JavaScript
Designing Minilanguages
Choosing the Right Complexity Level
Extending and Embedding Languages
Writing a Custom Grammar
Macros — Beware!
Language or Application Protocol?
- 9. Generation
Data-Driven Programming
Case Study: ascii
Case Study: Statistical Spam Filtering
Case Study: Metaclass Hacking in fetchmailconf
Ad-hoc Code Generation
Case Study: Generating Code for the ascii Displays
Case Study: Generating HTML Code for a Tabular List
- 10. Configuration
What Should Be Configurable?
Where Configurations Live
Run-Control Files
Case Study: The .netrc File
Portability to Other Operating Systems
Environment Variables
System Environment Variables
User Environment Variables
When to Use Environment Variables
Portability to Other Operating Systems
Command-Line Options
The -a to -z of Command-Line Options
Portability to Other Operating Systems
How to Choose among the Methods
Case Study:
Case Study: The XFree86 Server
On Breaking These Rules
- 11. Interfaces
Applying the Rule of Least Surprise
History of Interface Design on Unix
Evaluating Interface Designs
Tradeoffs between CLI and Visual Interfaces
Case Study: Two Ways to Write a Calculator Program
Transparency, Expressiveness, and Configurability
Unix Interface Design Patterns
The Filter Pattern
The Cantrip Pattern
The Source Pattern
The Sink Pattern
The Compiler Pattern
The ed pattern
The Roguelike Pattern
The ‘Separated Engine and Interface’ Pattern
The CLI Server Pattern
Language-Based Interface Patterns
Applying Unix Interface-Design Patterns
The Polyvalent-Program Pattern
The Web Browser as a Universal Front End
Silence Is Golden
- 12. Optimization
Don't Just Do Something, Stand There!
Measure before Optimizing
Nonlocality Considered Harmful
Throughput vs. Latency
Batching Operations
Overlapping Operations
Caching Operation Results
- 13. Complexity
Speaking of Complexity
The Three Sources of Complexity
Tradeoffs between Interface and Implementation Complexity
Essential, Optional, and Accidental Complexity
Mapping Complexity
When Simplicity Is Not Enough
A Tale of Five Editors
The Right Size for an Editor
Identifying the Complexity Problems
Compromise Doesn't Work
Is Emacs an Argument against the Unix Tradition?
The Right Size of Software
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