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The Art of Unix Programming
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Unix Programming - The Right Size for an Editor - Compromise Doesn't Work

Compromise Doesn't Work

The comparison between Sam and vi suggests strongly that, at least where editors are concerned, attempts to compromise between the minimalism of ed and the all-singing-all-dancing comprehensiveness of Emacs don't work very well; vi attempts this, and ends up with neither virtue. Instead, it falls into an adhocity trap. Wily avoids the adhocity trap, but cannot match the power of Emacs and must demand a custom process interface from each of its interactive symbionts in order to come anywhere close.

Evidently something about editors tends to push them in the direction of increasing complexity. In the case of vi, that something is not hard to identify; it's the desire for convenience. While ed may be theoretically adequate, very few people (other than perhaps Ken Thompson himself) would forgo screen-oriented editing to make a statement about software bloat.

More generally, programs that mediate between the user and the rest of the universe notoriously attract features. This includes not just editors but Web browsers, mail and newsgroup readers, and other communications programs. All tend to evolve in accordance with the Law of Software Envelopment, aka Zawinski's Law: “Every program attempts to expand until it can read mail. Those programs which cannot so expand are replaced by ones which can”.

Jamie Zawinski, inventor of the Law (and one of the principal authors of the Netscape and Mozilla Web browsers), maintains more generally that all really useful programs tend to turn into Swiss Army knives. The commercial success of large, integrated application suites outside the Unix world tends to confirm this, and directly challenges the Unix philosophy of minimalism.

To the extent Zawinski's Law is correct, it suggests that some things want to be small and some want to be large, but the middle ground is unstable. The superficial problems with vi can be put down to history, but the deeper ones trace back to the combination of steady pressure to add features with refusal to embed the scripting and subprocess-control features that vi partisans associate with excessive size. On a different level, accepting that there would be two modes in the interface (insertion versus character-motion) opened a can of worms — it became far too easy to add new commands without thinking about their complexity impact on the overall design.

The examples of Emacs and Wily further suggest why some things want to be large: so that several related tasks can share context. Editing and version control (or editing and mail, editing and symbolic debugging, etc.) are separate tasks from the point of view of the implementers — but users would often prefer to have one big environment that lets them point at pieces of text, rather than spend time and attention ping-ponging between several programs that each have to have the same filename or the contents of some cut buffer handed to them.

More generally, let's suppose we view the entire Unix environment as a single work of design by community. Then the religion of “small, sharp tools”, the pressure to keep interface complexity and codebase size down, may lead right to a manularity trap — the user has to maintain all the shared context himself, because the tools won't do it for him.

Returning to the specific context of editors, Sam shows us that vi is the wrong thing. Wily is a valiant effort to avoid the vastness of Emacs that falls short because it can't be syntax-aware. But Wily, or some realization of the Emacs design ideas cleaned up and stripped of historical baggage, might be the right thing. The value of optional complexity depends on the objectives you choose, and the ability to share context among all the text-oriented tools related to a task is valuable.

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The Art of Unix Programming
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