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The Art of Unix Programming
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Unix Programming - Problems and Methods to Avoid

While BSD-style sockets over TCP/IP have become the dominant IPC method under Unix, there are still live controversies over the right way to partition by multiprogramming. Some obsolete methods have not yet completely died, and some techniques of questionable utility have been imported from other operating systems (often in association with graphics or GUI programming). We'll be touring some dangerous swamps here; beware the crocodiles.

Unix (born 1969) long predates TCP/IP (born 1980) and the ubiquitous networking of the 1990s and later. Anonymous pipes, redirection, and shellout have been in Unix since very early days, but the history of Unix is littered with the corpses of APIs tied to obsolescent IPC and networking models, beginning with the mx() facility that appeared in Version 6 (1976) and was dropped before Version 7 (1979).

Eventually BSD sockets won out as IPC was unified with networking. But this didn't happen until after fifteen years of experimentation that left a number of relics behind. It's useful to know about these because there are likely to be references to them in your Unix documentation that might give the misleading impression that they're still in use. These obsolete methods are described in more detail in Unix Network Programming [Stevens90].

The real explanation for all the dead IPC facilities in old AT&T Unixes was politics. The Unix Support Group was headed by a low-level manager, while some projects that used Unix were headed by vice presidents. They had ways to make irresistible requests, and would not brook the objection that most IPC mechanisms are interchangeable.

-- Doug McIlroy


Streams networking was invented for Unix Version 8 (1985) by Dennis Ritchie. A re-implementation called STREAMS (yes, it is all-capitals in the documentation) first became available in the 3.0 release of System V Unix (1986). The STREAMS facility provided a full-duplex interface (functionally not unlike a BSD socket, and like sockets, accessible through normal read(2) and write(2) operations after initial setup) between a user process and a specified device driver in the kernel. The device driver might be hardware such as a serial or network card, or it might be a software-only pseudodevice set up to pass data between user processes.

An interesting feature of both streams and STREAMS[76] is that it is possible to push protocol-translation modules into the kernel's processing path, so that the device the user process ‘sees’ through the full-duplex channel is actually filtered. This capability could be used, for example, to implement a line-editing protocol for a terminal device. Or one could implement protocols such as IP or TCP without wiring them directly into the kernel.

Streams originated as an attempt to clean up a messy feature of the kernel called ‘line disciplines’ — alternative modes of processing character streams coming from serial terminals and early local-area networks. But as serial terminals faded from view, Ethernet LANs became ubiquitous, and TCP/IP drove out other protocol stacks and migrated into Unix kernels, the extra flexibility provided by STREAMS had less and less utility. In 2003, System V Unix still supports STREAMS, as do some System V/BSD hybrids such as Digital Unix and Sun Microsystems' Solaris.

Linux and other open-source Unixes have effectively discarded STREAMS. Linux kernel modules and libraries are available from the LiS project, but (as of mid-2003) are not integrated into the stock Linux kernel. They will not be supported under non-Unix operating systems.

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The Art of Unix Programming
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