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The Art of Unix Programming
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Unix Programming - Designing for Transparency and Discoverability

To design for transparency and discoverability, you need to apply every tactic for keeping your code simple, and also concentrate on the ways in which your code is a communication to other human beings. The first questions to ask, after “Will this design work?” are “Will it be readable to other people? Is it elegant?” We hope it is clear by now that these questions are not fluff and that elegance is not a luxury. These qualities in the human reaction to software are essential for reducing its bugginess and increasing its long-term maintainability.

One pattern that emerges from the examples we've examined so far in this chapter is this: If you want transparent code, the most effective route is simply not to layer too much abstraction over what you are manipulating with the code.

In Chapter4's section on the value of detachment, our advice was to abstract and simplify and generalize, to try and detach from the particular, accidental conditions under which a design problem was posed. The advice to abstract does not actually contradict the advice against excessive abstractions we're developing here, because there is a difference between getting free of assumptions and forgetting the problem you're trying to solve. This is part of what we were driving at when we developed the idea that glue layers need to be kept thin.

One of the main lessons of Zen is that we ordinarily see the world through a haze of preconceptions and fixed ideas that proceed from our desires. To achieve enlightenment, we must follow the Zen teaching not merely to let go of desire and attachment, but to experience reality exactly as it is — without the preconceptions and the fixed ideas getting in the way.

This is excellent pragmatic advice for software designers. It's part of what's implicit in the classic Unix advice to be minimalist. Software designers are clever people who form ideas (abstractions) about the application domains they deal with. They organize the software they write around those ideas. Then, when debugging, they often find they have great trouble seeing through those ideas to what is actually going on.

Any Zen master would recognize this problem instantly, yell “Three pounds of flax!”, and probably clout the student a good one.[63] Consciously designing for transparency is a slightly less mystical way of addressing it.

In Chapter4 we criticized object-oriented programming in terms likely to prove a bit shocking to programmers who were raised on the 1990s gospel of OO. Object-oriented design doesn't have to be over-complicated design, but we've observed that too often it is. Too many OO designs are spaghetti-like tangles of is-a and has-a relationships, or feature thick layers of glue in which many of the objects seem to exist simply to hold places in a steep-sided pyramid of abstractions. Such designs are the opposite of transparent; they are (notoriously) opaque and difficult to debug.

As we've previously noted, Unix programmers are the original zealots about modularity, but tend to go about it in a quieter way. Keeping glue layers thin is part of it; more generally, our tradition teaches us to build lower, hugging the ground with algorithms and structures that are designed to be simple and transparent.

As with Zen art, the simplicity of good Unix code depends on exacting self-discipline and a high level of craft, neither of which are necessarily apparent on casual inspection. Transparency is hard work, but worth the effort for more than merely artistic reasons. Unlike Zen art, software requires debugging — and usually needs continuing maintenance, forward-porting, and adaptation throughout its lifetime. Transparency is therefore more than an esthetic triumph; it is a victory that will be reflected in lower costs throughout the software's life cycle.

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The Art of Unix Programming
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