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The Art of Unix Programming
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Unix Programming - Designing for Transparency and Discoverability - Coding for Transparency and Discoverability

Coding for Transparency and Discoverability

Transparency and discoverability, like modularity, are primarily properties of designs, not code. It is not sufficient to get right the low-level elements of style, such as indenting code in a clear and consistent way or having good variable-naming conventions. These qualities have much more to do with code properties that are less obvious to inspection. Here are a few to think about:

  • What is the maximum static depth of your procedure-call hierarchy? That is, leaving out recursions, how many levels of call might a human have to model mentally to understand the operation of the code? Hint: If it's more than four, beware.

  • Does the code have invariant properties[64] that are both strong and visible? Invariant properties help human beings reason about code and detect problem cases.

  • Are the function calls in your APIs individually orthogonal, or do they have too many magic flags and mode bits that have a single call doing multiple tasks? Avoiding mode flags entirely can lead to a cluttered API with too many nigh-identical functions, but the obverse error (lots of easily-forgotten and confusable mode flags) is even more common.

  • Are there a handful of prominent data structures or a single global scoreboard that captures the high-level state of the system? Is this state easy to visualize and inspect, or is it diffused among many individual global variables or objects that are hard to find?

  • Is there a clean, one-to-one mapping between data structures or classes in your program and the entities in the world that they represent?

  • Is it easy to find the portion of the code responsible for any given function? How much attention have you paid to the readability not just of individual functions and modules but of the whole codebase?

  • Does the code proliferate special cases or avoid them? Every special case could interact with every other special case; all those potential collisions are bugs waiting to happen. But even more importantly, special cases make the code harder to understand.

  • How many magic numbers (unexplained constants) does the code have in it? Is it easy to discover the implementation's limits (such as critical buffer sizes) by inspection?

It's best for code to be simple. But if it answers these sorts of questions well, it can be very complex without putting an impossible cognitive burden on a human maintainer.

The reader might find it instructive to compare these with our checklist questions about modularity in Chapter4.

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The Art of Unix Programming
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