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The Art of Unix Programming
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Unix Programming - Compactness and Orthogonality - The SPOT Rule

The SPOT Rule

The Pragmatic Programmer articulates a rule for one particular kind of orthogonality that is especially important. Their “Don't Repeat Yourself” rule is: every piece of knowledge must have a single , unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system. In this book we prefer, following a suggestion by Brian Kernighan, to call this the Single Point Of Truth or SPOT rule.

Repetition leads to inconsistency and code that is subtly broken, because you changed only some repetitions when you needed to change all of them. Often, it also means that you haven't properly thought through the organization of your code.

Constants, tables, and metadata should be declared and initialized once and imported elsewhere. Any time you see duplicate code, that's a danger sign. Complexity is a cost; don't pay it twice.

Often it's possible to remove code duplication by refactoring; that is, changing the organization of your code without changing the core algorithms. Data duplication sometimes appears to be forced on you. But when you see it, here are some valuable questions to ask:

  • If you have duplicated data in your code because it has to have two different representations in two different places, can you write a function, tool or code generator to make one representation from the other, or both from a common source?

  • If your documentation duplicates knowledge in your code, can you generate parts of the documentation from parts of the code, or vice-versa, or both from a common higher-level representation?

  • If your header files and interface declarations duplicate knowledge in your implementation code, is there a way you can generate the header files and interface declarations from the code?

There is an analog of the SPOT rule for data structures: “No junk, no confusion”. “No junk” says that the data structure (the model) should be minimal, e.g., not made so general that it can represent situations which cannot exist. “No confusion” says that states which must be kept distinct in the real-world problem must be kept distinct in the model. In short, the SPOT rule advocates seeking a data structure whose states have a one-to-one correspondence with the states of the real-world system to be modeled.

From deeper within the Unix tradition, we can add some of our own corollaries of the SPOT rule:

The reader should begin to see a pattern emerging here.

In the Unix world, the SPOT Rule as a unifying idea has seldom been explicit — but heavy use of code generators to implement particular kinds of SPOT are very much part of the tradition. We'll survey these techniques in Chapter9.

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The Art of Unix Programming
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