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The Art of Unix Programming
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Unix Programming - Unix Interface Design Patterns - The ‘Separated Engine and Interface’ Pattern

The ‘Separated Engine and Interface’ Pattern

In Chapter7 we argued against building monster single-process monoliths, and that it is often possible to lower the global complexity of programs by splitting them into communicating pieces. In the Unix world, this tactic is frequently applied by separating the ‘engine’ part of the program (core algorithms and logic specific to its application domain) from the ‘interface’ part (which accepts user commands, displays results, and may provide services such as interactive help or command history). In fact, this separated-engine-and-interface pattern is probably the one most characteristic interface design pattern of Unix.

(The other, more obvious candidate for that distinction would be filters. But filters are more often found in non-Unix environments than engine/interface pairs with bidirectional traffic between them. Simulating pipelines is easy; the more sophisticated IPC mechanisms required for engine/interface pairs are hard.)

Owen Taylor, maintainer of the GTK+ library widely used for writing user interfaces under X, beautifully brings out the engineering benefits of this kind of partitioning at the end of his note Why GTK_MODULES is not a security hole; he finishes by writing "[T]he secure setuid program is a 500 line program that does only what it needs to, rather than a 500,000 line library whose essential task is user interfaces".

This is not a new idea. Xerox PARC's early research into graphical user interfaces led them to propose the “model-view-controller” pattern as an archetype for GUIs.

  • The “model” is what in the Unix world is usually called an “engine”. The model contains the domain-specific data structures and logic for your application. Database servers are archetypal examples of models.

  • The “view” part is what renders your domain objects into a visible form. In a really well-separated model/view/controller application, the view component is notified of updates to the model and responds on its own, rather than being driven synchronously by the controller or by explicit requests for a refresh.

  • The “controller” processes user requests and passes them as commands to the model.

In practice, the view and controller parts tend to be more closely bound together than either is to the model. Most GUIs, for example, combine view and controller behavior. They tend to be separated only when the application demands multiple views of the model.

Under Unix, application of the model/view/controller pattern is far more common than elsewhere precisely because there is a strong “do one thing well” tradition, and IPC methods are both easy and flexible.

An especially powerful form of this technique couples a policy interface (often a GUI combining view and controller functions) with an engine (model) that contains an interpreter for a domain-specific minilanguage. We examined this pattern in Chapter8, focusing on minilanguage design; now it's time to look at the different ways that such engines can form components of larger systems of code.

There are several major variants of this pattern.

A slight variant of the configurator/actor pair can be useful in situations that require serialized access to a shared resource in a batch mode; that is, when a well-defined job stream or sequence of requests requires some shared resource, but no individual job requires user interaction.

In this spooler/daemon pattern, the spooler or front end simply drops job requests and data in a spool area. The job requests and data are simply files; the spool area is typically just a directory. The location of the directory and the format of the job requests are agreed on by the spooler and daemon.

The daemon runs forever in background, polling the spool directory, looking there for work to do. When it finds a job request, it tries to process the associated data. If it succeeds, the job request and data are deleted out of the spool area.

The classic example of this pattern is the Unix print spooler system, lpr(1)/lpd(1). The front end is lpr(1); it simply drops files to be printed in a spool area periodically scanned by lpd. lpd's job is simply to serialize access to the printer devices.

Another classic example is the pair at(1)/atd(1), which schedules commands for execution at specified times. A third example, historically important though no longer in wide use, was UUCP — the Unix-to-Unix Copy Program commonly used as a mail transport over dial-up lines before the Internet explosion of the early 1990s.

The spooler/daemon pattern remains important in mail-transport programs (which are batchy by nature). The front ends of mail transports such as sendmail(1) and qmail(1) usually make one try at delivering mail immediately, through SMTP over an outbound Internet connection. If that attempt fails, the mail will fall into a spool area; a daemon version or mode of the mail transport will retry the delivery later.

Typically, a spooler/daemon system has four parts: a job launcher, a queue lister, a job-cancellation utility, and a spooling daemon, In fact, the presence of the first three parts is a sure clue that there is a spooler daemon behind them somewhere.

The terms “spooler” and “daemon” are well-established Unix jargon. (‘Spooler’ actually dates back to early mainframe days.)

In this pattern, unlike a configurator/actor or spooler/server pair, the interface part supplies commands to and interprets output from an engine after startup; the engine has a simpler interface pattern. The IPC method used is an implementation detail; the engine may be a slave process of the driver (in the sense we discussed in Chapter7) or the engine and driver may communicate through sockets, or shared memory, or any other IPC method. The key points are (a) the interactivity of the pair, and (b) the ability of the engine to run standalone with its own interface.

Such pairs are trickier to write than configurator/actor pairs because they are more tightly and intricately coupled; the driver must have knowledge not merely about the engine's expected startup environment but about its command set and response formats as well.

When the engine has been designed for scriptability, however, it is not uncommon for the driver part to be written by someone other than the engine author, or for more than one driver to front-end a given engine. An excellent example of both is provided by the programs gv(1) and ghostview(1), which are drivers for gs(1), the Ghostscript interpreter. GhostScript renders PostScript to various graphics formats and lower-level printer-control languages. The gv and ghostview programs provide GUI wrappers for GhostScript's rather idiosyncratic invocation switches and command syntax.

Another excellent example of this pattern is the xcdroast/cdrtools combination. The cdrtools distribution provides a program cdrecord(1) with a command-line interface. The cdrecord code specializes in knowing everything about talking to CD-ROM hardware. xcdroast is a GUI; it specializes in providing a pleasant user experience. The xcdroast(1) program calls cdrecord(1) to do most of its work.

xcdroast also calls other CLI tools: cdda2wav(1) (a sound file converter) and mkisofs(1) (a tool for creating ISO-9660 CD-ROM file system images from a list of files). The details of how these tools are invoked are hidden from the user, who can think in terms centered on the task of making CDs rather than having to know directly about the arcana of sound-file conversion or file-system structure. Equally important, the implementers of each of these tools can concentrate on their domain-specific expertise without having to be user-interface experts.

A key pitfall of driver/engine organization is that frequently the driver must understand the state of the engine in order to reflect it to the user. If the engine action is practically instantaneous, it's not a problem, but if the engine can take a long time (e.g., when accessing many URLs) the lack of feedback can be a significant issue. A similar problem is responding to errors. For example, the traditional (although not very Unix-like) confirmation question about whether it's OK to overwrite a file that already exists is kind of painful to write in the driver/engine world; the engine, which detects the problem, has to ask the driver to do the confirmation prompting.

-- Steve Johnson

It's important to design the engine so that it not only does the right thing, but also notifies the driver about what it's doing so the driver can present a graceful interface with appropriate feedback.

The terms “driver” and “engine” are uncommon but established in the Unix community.

A client/server pair is like a driver/engine pair, except that the engine part is a daemon running in background which is not expected to be run interactively, and does not have its own user interface. Usually, the daemon is designed to mediate access to some sort of shared resource — a database, or a transaction stream, or specialized shared hardware such as a sound device. Another reason for such a daemon may be to avoid performing expensive startup actions each time the program is invoked.

Yesterday's paradigmatic example was the ftp(1)/ftpd(1) pair that implements FTP, the File Transfer Protocol; or perhaps two instances of sendmail(1), sender in foreground and listener in background, passing Internet email. Today's would have to be any browser/web server pair.

However, this pattern is not limited to communication programs; another important case is in databases, such as the psql(1)/postmaster(1) pair. In this one, psql serializes access to a shared database managed by the postgres daemon, passing it SQL requests and presenting data sent back as responses.

These examples illustrate an important property of such pairs, which is that the cleanliness of the protocol that serializes communication between them is all-important. If it is well-defined and described by an open standard, it can become a tremendous opportunity for leverage by insulating client programs from the details of how the server's resource is managed, and allowing clients and servers to evolve semi-independently. All separated-engine-and-interface programs potentially get this kind of benefit from clean separation of function, but in the client/server case the payoffs for getting it right tend to be particularly high exactly because managing shared resources is intrinsically difficult.

Message queues and pairs of named pipes can be and have been used for front-end/back-end communication, but the benefits of being able to run the server on a different machine from the client are so great that nowadays almost all modern client-server pairs use TCP/IP sockets.

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The Art of Unix Programming
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