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The Art of Unix Programming
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Unix Programming - Speaking of Complexity - Mapping Complexity

Mapping Complexity

So far, we've developed two different scales for thinking about complexity. These scales are actually orthogonal to each other. Figure13.1 may help clarify the relationships. Each of the nine boxes of the figure lists a common source of a particular kind of complexity.

We've touched on some of these varieties of complexity earlier in this book, especially the accidental ones. In Chapter4 we saw that accidental interface complexity often comes from non-orthogonality in the interface design — that is, failing to carefully factor the interface operations so that each does exactly one thing. Accidental code complexity (making code more complicated than it needs to be to get the job done) often results from premature optimization. Accidental codebase bloat often results from violating the SPOT rule, duplicating code or organizing it poorly so that opportunities for reuse aren't recognized.

Essential interface complexity usually can't be cut without trimming the basic functional requirements for the software (a theme we'll develop further in this chapter's case studies). Essential codebase size is related to choice of development tools because, if the feature list is held constant, the most important factor in codebase size is probably the choice of implementation language (as we implied in Chapter8).

Sources of optional complexity are the most difficult to make useful generalizations about, because they so often depend on delicate judgments about which features it is worth paying the complexity cost for. Optional interface complexity often comes from adding convenience features that make life easier for users but aren't essential to the function of the program. Optional increases in codebase size (supposing the user-visible features and the algorithms used are held constant) can often come from various sorts of practices intended to make it more maintainable — adding mode comments, using long variable names, and so forth. Optional implementation complexity tends to be driven by everything that touches a project.

The sources of complexity have to be grappled with in different ways. Codebase size can be attacked with better tools. Implementation complexity can be addressed with better choice of algorithms. Interface complexity has to be addressed with better interaction design, a skill involving considerations of ergonomics and user psychology. This skill is less common (and possibly more difficult) than writing code.

Attacking the kinds of complexity, on the other hand, has to be done more with insight than with methods. You cut accidental complexity by noticing that there is a simpler way to do things. You cut optional complexity by making context-dependent judgments about what features are worthwhile. You can only cut essential complexity by having an epiphany, fundamentally redefining the problem you are addressing.

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The Art of Unix Programming
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