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Grokking The Gimp
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6.2 Removing Color Casts

A color cast occurs when the Red, Green, and Blue channels of an image are not properly balanced. The cast can be across the entire range of pixel values or can limit itself to the highlight, shadow, or midtones of the image. Color casts are common in photographs. They occur because, under certain circumstances, the sensitivity of film to color is different than the sensitivity of the human eye. The film just doesn't record the same scene as your eye.

Removing color casts requires being able to identify where the color in an image has gone wrong. I often have a hard time telling, simply by looking at an image, if it is suffering from a color cast. This is due to many reasons. First, color is a perceptual issue that is strongly affected by surrounding light conditions. Second, the representation of color varies from one computer monitor to another because settings such as brightness, contrast, gamma, and color temperature can be quite different. Furthermore, the ability of a monitor's phosphors to create levels of red, green, and blue light will differ from monitor to monitor and change over time as the monitor ages.

All this makes the perceptual evaluation of color casts difficult for the average person. Fortunately, the GIMP provides some analytical and interactive tools for determining whether color casts exist and for correcting them. There are several techniques for identifying, measuring, and correcting color casts. Each approach uses the powerful Curves tool which is reviewed in the first part of this section.

6.2.1 The Curves Tool

The Curves tool is found in the Image:Image/Colors menu. Figure  6.8

Figure 6.8: The Curves Tool
Figure 6.8

illustrates the basic components of this tool. As with the Levels tool, the Curves tool can be applied to any of five different channels; however, for removing color casts, we are mainly concerned with the Red, Green, and Blue channels.

The main elements of the tool consist of an input value domain,  an output value range,  and a control curve  drawn on a graph. The graph has a grid divided into quarters, and the range of values is from 0 to 255. Thus, the value of each grid line, moving horizontally from left to right, is 0, 64, 128, 192, and 255. The values moving vertically from bottom to top are the same.

The control curve represents a map of the input value domain to the output value range. That sounds pretty abstract! What good is mapping input to output values? The executive, top-level answer is that curve mapping of input to output values is the most powerful color correcting tool in the GIMP, and learning how to use it is definitely worth your while. More about mapping input to output values and what it's good for in a moment...

Figure  6.9

Figure 6.9: Adding and Moving a Control Point
Figure 6.9

illustrates the main operation we will be performing with the Curves tool--that is, adding a control point  to the control curve as in Figure  6.9(a) and then moving it to a new position as in Figure  6.9(b). Control points can be added to the curve simply by clicking on the curve at the desired location. The point can be moved by clicking and dragging it. If the mouse cursor is not on the curve when the mouse button is clicked, a control point is added to the curve at the position directly above (or below) the cursor. This new point is then automatically positioned to the cursor location.

Every control curve has two default control points located at the curve's upper right and lower left. These can be moved just like user-created control points. All control points except the defaults can be removed by clicking on the Reset button in the dialog. If many control points have been positioned and a single one needs to be removed you can remove it by dragging it with the mouse to the left or right edge of the dialog. This pulls the control point right off the curve.

The Curves tool also has an Information Field that interactively indicates the X and Y positions of the mouse cursor whenever it is in the graph area of the dialog. This field is located in the upper-left corner of the graph area, and, as you will see, this information is essential for performing precise color correction. But first, it is important to get an intuitive feel for how the Curves tool works.

Figure  6.10

Figure 6.10: Image with Shadow-to-Midtone and Midtone-to-Highlight Gradients
Figure 6.10

illustrates a special test case that will help you understand how the Curves tool affects an image. The figure shows two gradients each using up half the tonal range of a grayscale. The upper gradient has values from 0 to 127, and the lower gradient has values from 128 to 255.

The following illustrates how the Curves tool is used to change the tonal range of these two gradients. Figure  6.11(a)

Figure 6.11: Improving the Contrast of the Midtone-to-Highlight Gradient
Figure 6.11

shows the Value channel of the Curves tool. A control point has been placed at the midpoint of the curve and pulled downward to a position one quarter of its original height. Initially, when it is a straight line, the curve of the Curves tool maps each input value to the identical output value. However, the curve shown in Figure  6.11 changes that map. Now the input values from 0 to 128 are mapped to one quarter of the scale they were before. That is, these values are now compressed into the range of 0 to 32. At the same time, the input values in the domain 128 to 255 are stretched to the range of 32 to 255. This is emphasized by the red dashed lines superimposed on the Curves dialog.

This means that all the pixels that had values in 0 to 128 in Figure  6.10 are compressed to a new range of 0 to 32. Thus, much of the detail and contrast between neighboring pixel values in this range is lost. This effect can clearly be seen in the upper gradient in Figure  6.11(b), which is the result of applying the curve in Figure  6.11(a) to the image in Figure  6.10. Simultaneously, the pixel values in the domain 128 to 255 are stretched to a new range of 32 to 255. Consequently, the contrast of the detail of these pixels is increased,  as you can see in the lower gradient in Figure  6.11(b).

A similar analysis can be made for Figure  6.12,

Figure 6.12: Improving the Contrast of the Shadow-to-Midtone Gradient
Figure 6.12

which illustrates the opposite effect. Here, as shown in Figure  6.12(a), the input value domain from 0 to 128 is stretched and the input domain from 128 to 255 is compressed. The effect on the gradients is shown in Figure  6.12(b). Although these two examples are illustrated using the Value channel, the same conclusions hold for the Red, Green, and Blue channels.

The conclusion that can be drawn from these two examples is that the Curves tool can be used for two things. First, ranges of pixel values can be remapped.   This is particularly valuable when a color channel is out of balance with the others. When color imbalances occur, we will try to measure which range is out of balance, determine what the range should be, and use the Curves tool to remap one range to the other. This approach is developed in detail in Section  6.2.2.

The second use is to improve contrast where it is most needed. Often an image has a subject that is much more important than the rest of the image. When this is the case, it is desirable to give the subject the most detail and contrast possible. From the examples, you can see that the Curves tool can be used to improve contrast. Note, however, that in improving the contrast in one range of values, there must simultaneously be a loss of detail and contrast in the complementary range of values. This was clearly demonstrated in Figures  6.11(b) and 6.12(b). Fortunately, improving the contrast of the subject while simultaneously impoverishing the contrast of the background is typically what we want to do. This draws the viewer's eye to the part of the image we most want to convey. The idea of improving subject contrast is developed more in Section  6.2.6.

Grokking The Gimp
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