6.2.3 Finding the Shadow, Midtone, and Highlight
To do color correction using the techniques of the previous section,
it is important to be able to identify shadow, midtone, and highlight
colors. To be frank, I sometimes have difficulties finding them for
some images. When this happens, the Threshold tool is useful
because it can show where any range of values is hidden in an image.
The Threshold tool is found in the Image:Image/Colors
menu. Figure
Figure 6.17:
Using the Threshold Tool to Find Shadows and Highlights: (a) Original
Photo (b) Darkest Shadows (c) Lightest Highlights
shows how this tool can be used to help locate critical shadow and
highlight values.
6.17(a) illustrates an image and
6.17(b) and (c) show how to use the Threshold tool to identify its darkest shadows and lightest
highlights. The Threshold tool, which was introduced in
4.5.3, consists of a dialog that displays the
histogram of the image's pixel values. Clicking and dragging the
mouse through a range of histogram values has the effect of mapping
all the pixel values in the image to either black or white. The image
pixel values corresponding to the selected histogram range become
white, and the rest become black.
In this way, it is easy to localize the pixel values we are searching
for. Starting with an image like the one in
6.17(a), a duplicate of the image is made
by typing C-d in the image window.
Then, the Threshold tool is applied to the duplicate, and a
range of shadow values is swept out with the mouse, as shown in
6.17(b). The resulting white pixel values
in the duplicated image window show the locations of the darkest
shadows. Using the duplicated image as a guide, the Color
Picker can now be used in the original image window to measure pixel
values at the appropriate locations. A similar procedure is used to
accurately find and measure the lightest highlights of the image using
the duplicated image shown in Figure
Note that this procedure, using the Threshold tool to find value
ranges in the image, can also be used on the image's individual RGB
components. The decomposition is made using the Decompose
function, found in the Image:Image/Mode menu (see