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GNU Image Manipulation Program

User Manual

Legal Notice

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section enphrased GNU Free Documentation License.

Table of Contents

1. GIMP User Manual Authors and Contributors
I. Getting Started
1. Introduction
1. Welcome to GIMP
1.1. Authors
1.2. The GIMP Help system
1.3. Features and Capabilities
2. What's New in GIMP 2.6?
2. Fire up the GIMP
1. Running GIMP
1.1. Known Platforms
1.2. Language
1.3. Command Line Arguments
2. Starting GIMP the first time
2.1. Finally . . .
3. First Steps with Wilber
1. Basic Concepts
2. Main Windows
2.1. The Main Toolbox
2.2. Image Window
2.3. Dialogs and Docking
3. Undoing
3.1. Things That Cannot be Undone
4. GIMPLite Quickies
4.1. Intention
4.2. Change the Size of an Image (Scale)
4.3. Make JPEGs Smaller
4.4. Crop An Image
4.5. Find Info About Your Image
4.6. Change the Mode
4.7. Flip An Image
4.8. Rotate An Image
5. How to Draw Straight Lines
5.1. Intention
5.2. Examples
4. Getting Unstuck
1. Getting Unstuck
1.1. Stuck!
1.2. Common Causes of GIMP Non-Responsiveness
II. How do I Become a GIMP Wizard?
5. Getting Images into GIMP
1. Image Types
2. Creating new Files
3. Opening Files
3.1. Open File
3.2. Open Location
3.3. Open Recent
3.4. File Browser
3.5. Drag and Drop
3.6. Copy and Paste
3.7. Image Browser
6. Getting Images out of GIMP
1. Files
1.1. Saving Images
1.2. Saving Files
2. Preparing your Images for the Web
2.1. Images with an Optimal Size/Quality Ratio
2.2. Reducing the File Size Even More
2.3. Saving Images with Transparency
7. Painting with GIMP
1. The Selection
1.1. Feathering
1.2. Making a Selection Partially Transparent
2. Creating and Using Selections
2.1. Moving a Selection
2.2. Adding or subtracting selections
3. QuickMask
3.1. Overview
3.2. Properties
4. Using the Quickmask
5. Paths
5.1. Path Creating
5.2. Paths and Selections
5.3. Transforming Paths
5.4. Stroking a Path
5.5. Paths and Text
5.6. Paths and SVG files
6. Brushes
7. Adding New Brushes
8. The GIH Dialog Box
9. Varying brush size
9.1. How to vary the height of a brush
9.2. Creating a brush quickly
10. Gradients
11. Patterns
12. Palettes
12.1. Colormap
13. Drawing Simple Objects
13.1. Drawing a Straight Line
13.2. Creating a Basic Shape
8. Combining Images
1. Introduction to Layers
1.1. Layer Properties
2. Layer Modes
3. Creating New Layers
4. Text and Fonts
5. Text
5.1. Embellishing Text
5.2. Adding Fonts
5.3. Font Problems
9. Enhancing Photographs
1. Working with Digital Camera Photos
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Improving Composition
1.3. Improving Colors
1.4. Adjusting Sharpness
1.5. Removing Unwanted Objects from an Image
1.6. Saving Your Results
10. Color Management with GIMP
1. Color Management in GIMP
1.1. Problems of a non Color Managed Workflow
1.2. Introduction to a Color Managed Workflow
11. Pimp my GIMP
1. Preferences Dialog
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Environment
1.3. Interface
1.4. Theme
1.5. Help System
1.6. Tool Options
1.7. Toolbox
1.8. Default Image Preferences
1.9. Default Image Grid
1.10. Image Windows
1.11. Image Window Appearance
1.12. Image Window Title and Statusbar
1.13. Display
1.14. Color Management
1.15. Input Devices
1.16. Input Controllers
1.17. Window Management
1.18. Folders
1.19. Data Folders
2. Grids and Guides
2.1. The Image Grid
2.2. Guides
3. Rendering a Grid
4. How to Set Your Tile Cache
5. Creating Shortcuts to Menu Functions
6. Customize Splash-Screen
12. Scripting
1. Plugins
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Using Plugins
1.3. Installing New Plugins
1.4. Writing Plugins
2. Using Script-Fu Scripts
2.1. Script-Fu?
2.2. Installing Script-Fus
2.3. Do's and Don'ts
2.4. Different Kinds Of Script-Fus
2.5. Standalone Scripts
2.6. Image-Dependent Scripts
3. A Script-Fu Tutorial
3.1. Getting Acquainted With Scheme
3.2. Variables And Functions
3.3. Lists, Lists And More Lists
3.4. Your First Script-Fu Script
3.5. Giving Our Script Some Guts
3.6. Extending The Text Box Script
3.7. Your script and its working
III. Function Reference
13. Toolbox
1. The Toolbox
1.1. Tool Options
2. Selection Tools
2.1. Common Features
2.2. Rectangle Selection
2.3. Ellipse Selection
2.4. Free Selection (Lasso)
2.5. Fuzzy selection (Magic wand)
2.6. Select By Color
2.7. Intelligent Scissors
2.8. Foreground Select
3. Brush Tools
3.1. Common Features
3.2. Painting Tools (Pencil, Paintbrush, Airbrush)
3.3. Bucket Fill
3.4. Blend
3.5. Pencil
3.6. Paintbrush
3.7. Eraser
3.8. Airbrush Tool
3.9. Ink
3.10. Clone
3.11. Heal
3.12. Perspective Clone
3.13. Blur/Sharpen
3.14. Smudge
3.15. Dodge or Burn
4. Transform Tools
4.1. Common Features
4.2. Move
4.3. Align
4.4. Crop
4.5. Rotate
4.6. Scale
4.7. Shear
4.8. Perspective
4.9. Flip
5. Color Tools
5.1. Color Balance
5.2. Hue-Saturation
5.3. Colorize
5.4. Brightness-Contrast tool
5.5. Threshold
5.6. Levels
5.7. Curves
5.8. Posterize
5.9. Desaturate
6. Other
6.1. Paths
6.2. Color Picker
6.3. Zoom
6.4. Measure
6.5. Text
7. Color and Indicator Area
7.1. Color Area
7.2. Indicator Area
7.3. Active image Area
14. Dialogs
1. Dialog Introduction
2. Image Structure Related Dialogs
2.1. Layers Dialog
2.2. “Channels” Dialog
2.3. “Paths” Dialog
2.4. Colormap Dialog
2.5. Histogram dialog
2.6. Navigation Dialog
2.7. Undo History Dialog
3. Image-content Related Dialogs
3.1. The “FG/BG Color” Dialog
3.2. “Brushes” Dialog
3.3. Patterns Dialog
3.4. Gradients Dialog
3.5. Palettes Dialog
3.6. Fonts Dialog
4. Image Management Related Dialogs
4.1. “Buffers” Dialog
4.2. Images Dialog
4.3. Document History Dialog
4.4. Templates Dialog
5. Misc. Dialogs
5.1. Tools Dialog
5.2. Device Status Dialog
5.3. Error Console
5.4. Export File
5.5. Sample Points Dialog
5.6. Pointer Dialog
15. Menus
1. Introduction to Menus
1.1. Context Menus
1.2. Tear-off menus
2. The “File” Menu
2.1. File menu
2.2. New
2.3. Create
2.4. Open
2.5. Open as Layers
2.6. Open Location
2.7. Open Recent
2.8. Save
2.9. Save as
2.10. Save a Copy
2.11. Save as Template
2.12. Revert
2.13. Print
2.14. Close
2.15. Close all
2.16. Quit
3. The “Edit” Menu
3.1. “Edit” Menu Entries
3.2. Undo
3.3. Redo
3.4. Fade...
3.5. Undo History
3.6. Cut
3.7. Copy
3.8. Copy Visible
3.9. Paste
3.10. Paste Into
3.11. Paste as...
3.12. Buffers
3.13. Clear
3.14. Fill with FG Color
3.15. Fill with BG Color
3.16. Fill with Pattern
3.17. Stroke Selection
3.18. Stroke Path
3.19. The “Preferences” Command
3.20. Keyboard Shortcuts
3.21. The Module Manager
3.22. Units
4. The “Select” Menu
4.1. Introduction to the “Select” Menu
4.2. Select All
4.3. None
4.4. Invert
4.5. Float
4.6. By Color
4.7. From Path
4.8. Selection Editor
4.9. Feather
4.10. Sharpen
4.11. Shrink
4.12. Grow
4.13. Border
4.14. Rounded Rectangle
4.15. Distort
4.16. Toggle QuickMask
4.17. Save to Channel
4.18. To Path
5. The “View” Menu
5.1. Introduction to the “View” Menu
5.2. New View
5.3. Dot for Dot
5.4. Zoom
5.5. Shrink Wrap
5.6. Full Screen
5.7. Navigation Window
5.8. Display Filters
5.9. Show Selection
5.10. Show Layer Boundary
5.11. Show Guides
5.12. Show Grid
5.13. Show Sample Points
5.14. Snap to Guides
5.15. Snap to Grid
5.16. Snap to Canvas
5.17. Snap to Active Path
5.18. Padding Color
5.19. Show Menubar
5.20. Show Rulers
5.21. Show Scrollbars
5.22. Show Statusbar
6. The “Image” Menu
6.1. Overview
6.2. Duplicate
6.3. Mode
6.4. RGB mode
6.5. Grayscale mode
6.6. Indexed mode
6.7. Transform
6.8. Flip Horizontally; Flip Vertically
6.9. Rotation
6.10. Guillotine
6.11. Canvas Size
6.12. Fit Canvas to Layers
6.13. Fit Canvas to Selection
6.14. Print Size
6.15. Scale Image
6.16. Crop to Selection
6.17. Autocrop Image
6.18. Zealous Crop
6.19. Merge Visible Layers
6.20. Flatten Image
6.21. Guides
6.22. New Guide
6.23. New Guide (by Percent)
6.24. New Guides from Selection
6.25. Remove all guides
6.26. Configure Grid
6.27. Align Visible Layers
6.28. Image Properties
7. The “Layers” Menu
7.1. Introduction to the “Layer” Menu
7.2. New Layer
7.3. New From Visible
7.4. Duplicate layer
7.5. Anchor layer
7.6. Merge Down
7.7. Delete Layer
7.8. The Text Commands of the Layer Menu
7.9. Discard Text Information
7.10. Stack” Submenu
7.11. Select Previous Layer
7.12. Select Next Layer
7.13. Select Top Layer
7.14. Select Bottom Layer
7.15. Raise Layer
7.16. Lower Layer
7.17. Layer to Top
7.18. Layer to Bottom
7.19. The “Reverse Layer Order” command
7.20. Autocrop Layer
7.21. The “Mask” Submenu
7.22. Add Layer Mask
7.23. Apply Layer Mask
7.24. Delete Layer Mask
7.25. Show Layer Mask
7.26. Edit Layer Mask
7.27. Disable Layer Mask
7.28. Mask to Selection
7.29. Add Layer Mask to Selection
7.30. Subtract Layer Mask from Selection
7.31. Intersect Layer Mask with Selection
7.32. The “Transparency” Submenu of the “Layer” menu
7.33. Add Alpha Channel
7.34. Remove Alpha Channel
7.35. Color to Alpha
7.36. Semi-flatten
7.37. Threshold Alpha
7.38. Alpha to Selection
7.39. Add Alpha channel to Selection
7.40. Subtract from Selection
7.41. Intersect Alpha channel with Selection
7.42. The “Transform” Submenu
7.43. Flip Horizontally
7.44. Flip Vertically
7.45. Rotate 90 degrees CW
7.46. Rotate 90 degrees CCW
7.47. Rotate 180 degrees
7.48. Arbitrary Rotation
7.49. Offset
7.50. Layer Boundary Size
7.51. Layer to Image Size
7.52. Scale Layer
7.53. Crop to Selection
8. The “Colors” Menu
8.1. Introduction to the “Colors” Menu
8.2. Colors Tools
8.3. Invert
8.4. Value Invert
8.5. Use GEGL
8.6. The “Auto” Submenu
8.7. Equalize
8.8. White Balance
8.9. Color Enhance
8.10. Normalize
8.11. Stretch Contrast
8.12. Stretch HSV
8.13. The “Components” Submenu
8.14. Channel Mixer
8.15. Compose
8.16. Decompose
8.17. Recompose
8.18. The “Map” Submenu
8.19. Rearrange Colormap
8.20. Set Colormap
8.21. Alien Map
8.22. Color Exchange
8.23. Gradient Map
8.24. Palette Map
8.25. Rotate Colors
8.26. Sample Colorize
8.27. The “Info” Submenu
8.28. Histogram
8.29. Border Average
8.30. Colorcube Analysis
8.31. Smooth Palette
8.32. The Color Filters
8.33. Colorify
8.34. Color to Alpha
8.35. Filter Pack
8.36. Hot
8.37. Max RGB
8.38. Retinex
9. The “Tools” Menu
9.1. Introduction to the “Tools” Menu
10. The “Filters” Menu
10.1. Introduction to the “Filters” Menu
10.2. Repeat Last
10.3. Re-show Last
10.4. Reset All Filters
10.5. The “Script-Fu” Submenu
11. The “Windows” Menu
11.1. “Windows” Menu Entries
11.2. The “Recently Closed Docks” submenu
11.3. The “Dockable Dialogs” submenu
12. The “Help” Menu
12.1. Introduction to the “Help” Menu
12.2. Help
12.3. Context Help
12.4. Tip of the Day
12.5. About
12.6. Plug-In Browser
12.7. The Procedure Browser
12.8. GIMP online
16. Filters
1. Introduction
1.1. Preview
2. Blur Filters
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Blur
2.3. Gaussian Blur
2.4. Selective Gaussian Blur
2.5. Motion Blur
2.6. Pixelise
2.7. Tileable Blur
3. Enhance Filters
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Deinterlace
3.3. Despeckle
3.4. NL Filter
3.5. Red Eye Removal
3.6. Destripe
3.7. Unsharp Mask
3.8. Sharpen
4. Distort Filters
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Blinds
4.3. Curve Bend
4.4. Emboss
4.5. Engrave
4.6. Erase Every Other Row
4.7. IWarp
4.8. Lens Distortion
4.9. Mosaic
4.10. Newsprint
4.11. Page Curl
4.12. Polar Coords
4.13. Ripple
4.14. Shift
4.15. Value Propagate
4.16. Video
4.17. Waves
4.18. Whirl and Pinch
4.19. Wind
5. Light and Shadow Filters
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Gradient Flare
5.3. Lens Flare
5.4. Lighting Effects
5.5. Sparkle
5.6. Supernova
5.7. Drop Shadow
5.8. Perspective
5.9. Xach-Effect
5.10. Apply Lens
5.11. Glass Tile
6. Noise Filters
6.1. Introduction
6.2. Hurl
6.3. RGB Noise
6.4. Pick
6.5. Scatter HSV
6.6. Slur
6.7. Spread
7. Edge-Detect Filters
7.1. Introduction
7.2. Difference of Gaussians
7.3. Edge
7.4. Laplace
7.5. Neon
7.6. Sobel
8. Generic Filters
8.1. Introduction
8.2. Convolution Matrix
8.3. Dilate
8.4. Erode
9. Combine Filters
9.1. Introduction
9.2. Depth Merge
9.3. Film
10. Artistic Filters
10.1. Introduction
10.2. Cartoon
10.3. Photocopy
10.4. GIMPressionist
10.5. GIMPressionist - Orientation Map Editor
10.6. GIMPressionist - Size Map Editor
10.7. Cubism
10.8. Apply Canvas
10.9. Predator
10.10. Van Gogh (LIC)
10.11. Soft Glow
10.12. Oilify
11. Decor Filters
11.1. Introduction
11.2. Add Bevel
11.3. Add Border
11.4. Coffee Stain
11.5. Fuzzy Border
11.6. Old Photo
11.7. Round Corners
11.8. Slide
11.9. Stencil Carve
12. Map Filters
12.1. Introduction
12.2. Bump Map
12.3. Displace
12.4. Fractal Trace
12.5. Illusion
12.6. Make Seamless
12.7. Map Object
12.8. Paper Tile
12.9. Small Tiles
12.10. Tile
12.11. Warp
13. Rendering Filters
13.1. Introduction
13.2. Plasma
13.3. Solid Noise
13.4. Flame
13.5. IFS Fractal
13.6. Diffraction Patterns
13.7. CML Explorer
13.8. Grid
13.9. Maze
13.10. Jigsaw
13.11. Qbist
13.12. Checkerboard
13.13. Sinus
13.14. Fractal Explorer
13.15. Gfig
13.16. Sphere Designer
14. Web Filters
14.1. Introduction
14.2. ImageMap
14.3. Semi-Flatten
14.4. Slice
15. Animation Filters
15.1. Optimize
15.2. Playback
16. Alpha to Logo Filters
16.1. Introduction
16.2. 3D Outline
16.3. Alien Glow
16.4. Alien Neon
16.5. Basic I
16.6. Basic II
16.7. Blended
16.8. Bovination
16.9. Chalk
16.10. Chip Away
16.11. Chrome
16.12. Comic Book
16.13. Cool Metal
16.14. Frosty
16.15. Glossy
16.16. Glowing Hot
16.17. Gradient Bevel
16.18. Neon
16.19. Particle Trace
16.20. Starburst
16.21. Starscape
16.22. Textured
I. Keys and Mouse Reference
Help — Key reference for Help menu
Tools — Key reference for the Tools menu
File — Key reference for the File menu
Dialogs — Key reference for Dockable Dialogs submenu
View — Key reference for View menu
Edit — Key reference for Edit menu
Layers — Key reference for Layers menu
Selections — Key reference for Selections menu
Filters — Key reference for Filters menu
Zoom tool — Key reference for the Zoom tool submenu
A. GIMP History
1. The Very Beginning
2. The Early Days of GIMP
3. The One to Change the World
4. Version 2.0
5. What's New in GIMP 2.2?
6. What's New in GIMP 2.4?
B. Reporting Bugs and Requesting Enhancements
1. Making sure it's a Bug
2. Reporting the Bug
3. What Happens to a Bug Report after you Submit it
C. GNU Free Documentation License
12. ADDENDUM: How to use this License for your documents
D. Eeek! There is Missing Help

  Published under the terms of the GNU General Public License Design by Interspire