Creating Shortcuts to Menu Functions
Many functions which are accessible via the image menu have a default
keyboard shortcut. You may want to create a new shortcut for a command
that you use a lot and doesn't have one or, more rarely, edit an existing
shortcut. There are two methods for doing this.
Procedure 11.1.
Using dynamic keyboard shortcuts
First, you have to activate this capability by checking the
Use dynamic keyboard shortcuts option in
the Interface item of the Preferences menu. This
option is usually not checked, to prevent accidental key presses
from creating an unwanted shortcut.
While you're doing that, also check the Save keyboard
shortcuts on exit option so that your shortcut will
be saved.
To create a keyboard shortcut, simply place the mouse pointer on a
command in the menu: it will then be highlighted. Be careful that the
mouse pointer doesn't move and type a sequence of three keys, keeping
the keys pressed. You will see this sequence appear on the right of
the command.
It is best to use the
sequence for your custom shortcuts.
Procedure 11.2.
Using the Keyboard Shortcut Editor
You get to this Editor by clicking on Configure
keyboard shortcuts in the “Interface”
item of the Preferences menu.
As shown in this dialog, you can select the command you want to
create a shortcut for, in the “Action” area. Then you
type your key sequence as above. In principle, the Space bar should
clear a shortcut. (In practice, it clears it, but doesn't delete it.)
This shortcut editor also allows you to control the
tool parameter settings with the keyboard. At the top
of this dialog, you can find a Context menu
that takes you to the tool parameters. To make your work easier,
tool types are marked with small icons.
Note |
Custom Keyboard shortcuts are stored in one of Gimp's hidden
directory (/home/[username]/.gimp-2.6/menurc )
under Linux, and
C:\Documents and Settings\[Username]\.gimp-2.6\menurc
under Windows XP. It is a simple text file that you can transport from
one computer to another.