The “Export file” is opened when you try to save a file in
a format which does not support several layers or transparency.
The file format does not support animation
Portable Network Graphics (PNG)
The PNG format, a lossless format, supports transparency but
doesn't support animation. So, you only can Flatten
image, i.e merge layers into a single one,
according to the mode you have selected for the image.
JPEG File Interchange Format (JFIF, JPEG)
The JPEG format, a compression format with loss, doesn't support
animation nor transparency. The file will be flattened and
transparency will be replaced with the background color of Toolbox.
The file format supports animation
Multiple-Image Network Graphics (MNG)
The MNG format is an animation format and supports 256 transparency
levels (which, at last, are recognized by Internet Explorer 7). The
dialog offers two options. Select Save as
animation, since Flatten Image does
not make sense here. Note that MNG images are not recognized by
Graphics Interchange Format (GIF)
The GIF format, less sophisticated than the MNG format, supports 256
colors and 2 transparency levels only.
The dialog offers you either Flatten Image
or Save as animation. See the glossary
) for more details about the GIF
If you have not transformed your image into a 256 colors indexed
image before, this dialog will ask you choose between
Convert to grayscale and
Convert to indexed using default settings.
Be careful: an indexed image undergoes a severe loss of colors and
the added palette can give it a size bigger and a quality less than
if it was saved as JPEG.