- daemon group, User ID Numbers
- default behavior for reboot command
- changing
- Fast Reboot, x86: Making Fast Reboot the Default Behavior of the reboot Command
- definitions of patch-related terms, Solaris Patch Management Terms and Definitions
- delegated restarters (SMF), SMF Delegated Restarters
- deleting
- diskless client OS services (example of), How to Remove OS Services for Diskless Clients
- diskless client OS services (how to), How to Remove OS Services for Diskless Clients
- user home directories, Deleting User Accounts
- user mailboxes, Deleting User Accounts
- dependency statements (SMF), description, Introduction to SMF
- determining, system's run level (how to), Determining a System's Run Level
- device drivers, quiesce function, Implementation of the quiesce Function
- device naming conventions, in GRUB, Naming Conventions That Are Used for Configuring GRUB
- dfstab file, user home directory sharing and, How to Share a User's Home Directory
- DHCP, configuring a GRUB based PXE boot, Booting an x86 Based System from the Network
- DHCP macros, using in GRUB, x86: About DHCP Macros
- digital signature, of signed patches, Signed and Unsigned Patches
- directly loading and booting the unix kernel, GRUB support, x86: GRUB Support for Directly Loading and Booting the unix Kernel
- directories
- base directory (basedir), Guidelines for Removing Packages (pkgrm)
- changing ownership for user accounts, Modifying User Accounts
- controlling access to, Default File Permissions (umask)
- home, Home Directories
- PATH environment variable and
- Shell Environment
- The PATH Variable
- Setting a User's Default Path
- skeleton, Customizing a User's Work Environment
- disabling
- run control script (how to), How to Disable a Run Control Script
- user accounts
- passwords and, Disabling User Accounts
- Users tool, Disabling User Accounts
- diskless client management commands
- smosservice
- add OS services, Adding OS Services
- diskless client troubleshooting, how to add missing ARCH=all packages, Troubleshooting Diskless Client Problems
- diskless clients
- adding OS services for (how to), How to Add OS Services for Diskless Client Support
- applying patches to, Managing Solaris Patches by Using the patchadd Command (Tasks)
- booting (how to), SPARC: How to Boot a Diskless Client in the Solaris 10 OS
- definition, Diskless Clients
- deleting OS services (example of), How to Remove OS Services for Diskless Clients
- deleting OS services (how to), How to Remove OS Services for Diskless Clients
- displaying
- environment variables, Shell Environment
- installed software information, How to List Information About All Installed Packages (pkginfo)
- list of patches
- using patchadd, How to Display Information About Solaris Patches
user mask, Default File Permissions (umask)
- displaying a list of available BEs
- booting a ZFS root
- boot -L option, SPARC: Boot Options That Support Booting From a ZFS Root File System
- downloading
- patches
- using patchadd, How to Download and Apply a Solaris Patch
- editing the menu.lst file, modifying boot behavior, x86: How to Modify Boot Behavior by Editing the menu.lst File
- eeprom command
- how to use to set boot parameters
- GRUB, x86: How to Modify Boot Behavior by Using the eeprom Command
modifying boot behavior, Modifying Boot Behavior on x86 Based Systems
- encryption, Where User Account and Group Information Is Stored
- env command, Shell Environment
- environment variables
- description
- Shell Environment
- Locale Variables
- LOGNAME, Shell Environment
- LPDEST, Shell Environment
- Shell Environment
- Setting a User's Default Path
- SHELL, Shell Environment
- TZ, Shell Environment
- error messages
- GRUB based booting
- troubleshooting, x86: Troubleshooting Error Messages Upon System Boot
- /etc/dfs/dfstab file, user home directory sharing and, How to Share a User's Home Directory
- /etc files
- user account information and
- Name Services
- Name Services
- /etc/init.d directory, How to Add a Run Control Script
- /etc/inittab file
- entry description, /etc/inittab File
- example of default, /etc/inittab File
- /etc/passwd file
- description, Where User Account and Group Information Is Stored
- fields in, Fields in the passwd File
- user ID number assignment and, User ID Numbers
- recovering
- SPARC, SPARC: How to Boot a System for Recovery Purposes
deleting user accounts and, Deleting User Accounts
- /etc/shadow file, description, Where User Account and Group Information Is Stored
- /etc/skel directory, Customizing a User's Work Environment
- /etc/vfstab file, How to Mount a User's Home Directory
- /export/home file system, Home Directories
- extended GRUB support, x86: GRUB Support for Directly Loading and Booting the unix Kernel
- failsafe archive
- booting on SPARC based systems, How to Boot the Failsafe Archive on a SPARC Based System
- GRUB based booting
- recovery, How to Boot the Failsafe Archive on an x86 Based System by Using GRUB
GRUB reference
- description, Implementation of the Boot Archives on Solaris SPARC
- failsafe archives, booting, Managing the Solaris Boot Archives (Task Map)
- fast reboot
- how to initiate on x86 platform, x86: How to Initiate a Fast Reboot of the System
- how to initiate to an alternate boot environment, x86: Initiating a Fast Reboot to an Alternate Boot Environment
- how to reboot to a UFS boot disk or ZFS root pool, x86: Initiating a Fast Reboot to a Specific UFS Boot Disk or a ZFS Root Pool
- Fast Reboot
- modifications to the reboot command, Modifications to the reboot Command to Support Fast Reboot
- quiesce function, Implementation of the quiesce Function
- reboot -f command, x86: Initiating a Fast Reboot to an Alternate Boot Environment in the OpenSolaris 2008.11 OS
- uadmin command changes, New uadmin Function
- fast reboot
- using the reboot -e command to initiate, x86: Initiating a Fast Reboot to an Alternate Boot Environment
- fast reboot of an x86 based system, (Task Map), Using Fast Reboot on the x86 Platform (Task Map)
- Fast Reboot on x86 platform, how to change default behavior of reboot command, x86: Making Fast Reboot the Default Behavior of the reboot Command
- fault management resource identifier, See FMRI
- files
- changing ownership for user accounts, Modifying User Accounts
- controlling access to, Default File Permissions (umask)
- verifying attributes for newly installed packages, How to Check the Integrity of Installed Software Packages (pkgchk)
- findroot command
- adding GRUB menu entries, x86: How to Add GRUB Menu Entries That Use the findroot Command
- menu.lst entries, x86: Implementation of the findroot Command
- FMRI, description, Service Identifiers
- forget root password, SPARC, SPARC: How to Boot a System for Recovery Purposes
- functional components of GRUB, x86: Functional Components of GRUB