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System Administration Guide: Basic Administration
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Preparing for Managing Diskless Clients

These sections describe the preparations that are necessary for managing diskless clients.

Keep the following key points in mind when managing diskless clients:

  • The Solaris installation program doesn't prompt you to set up diskless client support. You must manually create an /export partition to support diskless clients. You create the /export partition during or after the installation process.

  • The /export partition must contain a minimum of 5 Gbytes, depending upon the number of clients supported. For specific information, see .

  • The name service identified in the smosservice or smdiskless commands must match the primary name service identified in the /etc/nsswitch.conf file. If you don't specify a name service in the smdiskless or smosservice commands, the default name service is files.

    Use the -D option to the smosservice and smdiskless commands to specify a name server. For more information, see the smosservice(1M) and smdiskless(1M) man pages.

    Starting with the Solaris 10 8/07 release, the set_nfs4_domain script that was delivered in the Solaris 10 OS is no longer used to set the NFSv4 domain. To set the NFSv4 domain, add the nfs4_domain keyword to the diskless client's sysidcfg file, for example, server:/export/root/client/etc/sysidcfg.

    If the nfs4_domain keyword exists in the client system's sysidcfg file, the first boot of a diskless client sets the domain accordingly. Also, the OS server should be up and running, and the diskless client's NFSv4 domain setting must match the setting in the OS server's /var/run/nfs4_domain file.

    For more information, see Preconfiguring With the sysidcfg File in Solaris Express Installation Guide: Network-Based Installations.

  • The OS server and the diskless client must be on the same subnet.

  • You cannot provide client services on a multiterabyte UFS file system, because OS and diskless client services cannot be added to a UFS file system that resides on an EFI-labeled disk.

    Note - Attempts to add OS and diskless client services to a UFS file system that resides on an EFI-labeled disk result in an erroneous insufficient disk space message similar to the following:

    The partition /export does not have enough free space.
    1897816 KB (1853.34 MB) additional free space required.
    Insufficient space available on
    /dev/dsk/c0t5d0s0 /export

After you determine the platform, media path, and cluster for each diskless client, you are ready to add OS services.

The following directories are created and populated for each OS service that you add:

  • /export/Solaris_version/Solaris_version-instruction-set.all (symbolic link to /export/exec/Solaris_version/Solaris_version-instruction-set.all)

  • /export/Solaris_version

  • /export/Solaris_version/var

  • /export/Solaris_version/opt

  • /export/share

  • /export/root/templates/Solaris_version

  • /export/root/clone

  • /export/root/clone/Solaris_version

  • /export/root/clone/Solaris_version/machine-class

The following default directories are created and populated on the OS server for each diskless client that you add:

  • /export/root/diskless-client

  • /export/swap/diskless-client

  • /tftpboot/diskless-client-ipaddress-in-hex/export/dump/diskless-client (if you specify the -x dump option)

Note - You can modify the default locations of the root (/), /swap, and /dump directories by using the -x option to the smosservice and smdiskless commands. However, do not create these directories under the /export file system.

x86: How to Prepare for Adding Diskless Clients in a GRUB Based Boot Environment

Use this procedure to prepare for adding a diskless client. This procedure includes general information for x86 based systems.

When you use the smosservice add command to add OS services, you must specify the platform, media path, and cluster (or software group) of each diskless client platform that you want to support.

Before You Begin

Ensure that the system that is intended to be the OS service is running a supported release. Also, verify that the OS server release and diskless client release combination is supported. For more information, see OS Server and Diskless Client Support Information.

  1. Identify the diskless client platform by using this format:


    For example:


    The following are the possible platform options:

    Instruction Set

    Machine Class

    Solaris Version



    sun4u, sun4m, sun4d, and sun4c

    Starting with the Solaris 10 1/06 OS

    Solaris Express, Solaris 10, Solaris 9, and Solaris 8



    Solaris Express, Solaris 10, Solaris 9, and Solaris 8

    Note - The sun-4c architecture is not supported in the Solaris 8, Solaris 9, Solaris 10, or Solaris Express releases. The sun-4d architecture is not supported in the Solaris 9, Solaris 10, or Solaris Express releases. The sun-4m architecture is not supported in the Solaris Express Developer Editionor the Solaris 10 release.

  2. Identify the media path.

    The media path is the full path to the disk image that contains the OS that you want to install for the diskless client.

    The Solaris OS is delivered on multiple CDs. However, you cannot use the smosservice command to load OS services from a multiple CD distribution. You must run the scripts that are found on the Solaris software CDs (and optional Language CD) to do the following:

  3. Create an install image on a server. For information on setting up an install server, refer to Solaris Express Installation Guide: Network-Based Installations.
  4. Load the required OS services from the CD image.

    Use one of the following scripts:

    • CD 1 – /media/Solaris_11/Tools/setup_install_server

    • Additional Solaris Software CDs – /media/Solaris_11/Tools/add_to_install_server

    • Language CD – /media/Solaris_11/Tools/add_to_install_server

    For example, if you are using the setup_install_server script from the Solaris Express Software 1 CD on a locally connected CD-ROM device, the syntax looks similar to the following:

    # mkdir /export/install/sol_11_x86
    # cd /cd_mount_point/Solaris_11/Tools
    # ./setup_install_server /export/install/sol_11_x86
  5. Add the BootFile and BootSrvA DHCP options to your DHCP server configuration to enable a PXE boot.

    For example:

    Boot server IP (BootSrvA) : svr-addr
    (BootFile) : 01client-macro

    where svr-addr is the IP address of the OS server and client-macro is named by the client's Ethernet type (01) and the mac address of the client. This number is also the name of the file that is used in the /tftpboot directory on the installation server.

    Note - The notation for the client-macro consists of uppercase letters. This notation should not contain any colons.

    You can add these options from the command-line, or by using DHCP Manager. See Example 7-4 for more information.

    For more information, see x86: How to Perform a GRUB Based Boot From the Network, Preconfiguring System Configuration Information With the DHCP Service (Tasks) in Solaris Express Installation Guide: Network-Based Installations, and Part II, DHCP, in System Administration Guide: IP Services.

  6. After the Solaris CD image is installed on the disk, note the disk media path. For example:

    This is the disk media path that needs to be specified when you use the smosservice command.

  7. Identify the SUNWCXall cluster when you add OS services.

    You must use the same cluster for diskless clients that run the same OS on the same system.

    Note - Always specify SUNWCXall as the cluster.

How to Prepare for Adding Diskless Clients in the Solaris 10 OS

When you use the smosservice add command to add OS services, you must specify the platform, media path, and cluster (or software group) of each diskless client platform that you want to support.

Before You Begin

Ensure that the system that is intended to be the OS service is running a supported release. Also verify that the combination of OS server release and diskless client release is supported. For more information, see OS Server and Diskless Client Support Information.

  1. Identify the diskless client platform by using this format:


    For example:


    The following are the possible platform options:






    sun4c, sun4d, sun4m, sun4u,

    Starting with the Solaris 10 1/06 OS

    Solaris_10, Solaris_9, and Solaris_8



    Solaris_10, Solaris_9, and Solaris_8

    Note - The sun-4c architecture is not supported in the Solaris 8, Solaris 9, or Solaris 10 releases. The sun-4d architecture is not supported in the Solaris 9 or 10 releases. The sun-4m architecture is not supported in the Solaris 10 release.

  2. Identify the media path.

    The media path is the full path to the disk image that contains the OS that you want to install for the diskless client.

    The Solaris OS is delivered on multiple CDs. However, you cannot use the smosservice command to load OS services from a multiple CD distribution. You must run the scripts that are found on the Solaris software CDs (and optional Language CD) to do the following:

  3. Create an install image on a server. For information on setting up an install server, refer to Solaris Express Installation Guide: Network-Based Installations.
  4. Load the required OS services from the CD image.

    Use one of the following scripts:

    • CD 1 – /media/Solaris_11/Tools/setup_install_server

    • Additional Solaris Software CDs – /media/Solaris_11/Tools/add_to_install_server

    • Language CD – /media/Solaris_11/Tools/add_to_install_server

    For example, if you are using the setup_install_server script from the Solaris Express Community Edition Software 1 CD on a locally connected CD-ROM device, the syntax looks similar to the following:

    # mkdir /export/install/sparc_11
    # cd /cd_mount_point/Solaris_11/Tools
    # ./setup_install_server /export/install/sparc_11
  5. After the Solaris CD image is installed on the disk, specify the disk media path. For example:
  6. Identify the SUNWCXall cluster when you add OS services.

    You must use the same cluster for diskless clients that run the same OS on the same system.

    For example, consider the following Solaris 9 diskless clients:

    • sparc.sun4m.Solaris_9

    • sparc.sun4u.Solaris_9

    To set up these diskless clients, you would need to specify the SUNWCXall cluster for each diskless client because the sun4u and sun4m systems require the SUNWCXall cluster. In addition, diskless clients that run the same operating release (in this example, Solaris_9) on the same system must use the same cluster.

    Note - If you are using a sun4u system, or if you are using a system with an accelerated 8-bit color memory frame buffer (cgsix), you must specify SUNWCXall as the cluster.

How to Add OS Services for Diskless Client Support

Use this procedure to add OS services for a diskless client on the server.

Note - When adding OS services with the smosservice add command, root (/) and /usr packages with the ARCH=all type are not installed. These packages are skipped. No warning or error messages are displayed. After you add the OS services to the OS server, you must install the missing packages manually. For instructions, see How to Locate and Install Missing ARCH=all Packages.

  1. Become superuser or assume an equivalent role.

    Roles contain authorizations and privileged commands. For more information about roles, see Configuring RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Security Services.

  2. Verify that the Solaris Management Console server is running and that the diskless client tools are available on the system.
    # /usr/sadm/bin/smosservice list -H host-name:898 --
  3. Add the OS services.
    # /usr/sadm/bin/smosservice add -H host-name:898 -- -o host-name 
    -x mediapath=path -x platform=instruction-set.machine-class.Solaris_version 
    -x cluster=cluster-name -x locale=locale-name

    Adds the specified OS service.

    -H host-name:898

    Specifies the host name and port to which you want to connect. If you do not specify a port, the system connects to the default port, 898.

    Note - The -H option is not a required option when using the smossservice command to add OS services.


    Identifies that the subcommand arguments start after this point.

    -x mediapath=path

    Specifies the full path to the Solaris image.

    -x platform=instruction-set.machine-class..Solaris_version

    Specifies the instruction architecture, machine class, and the Solaris version to be added.

    -x cluster=cluster-name

    Specifies the Solaris cluster to install.

    -x locale=locale-name

    Specifies the locale to install.

    Note - The installation process can take about 45 minutes, depending on the server speed and the OS service configuration you choose.

    For more information, see the smosservice(1M) man page.

  4. (Optional) Continue to add the other OS services.
  5. When you are finished adding OS services, verify that the OS services were installed.
    # /usr/sadm/bin/smosservice list -H host-name:898 --
Example 7-1 SPARC: Adding an OS Service for Diskless Client Support

This example shows how to add Solaris 10 SPARC based OS services on the server jupiter. The server jupiter is running the Solaris 10 release. The CD image of the Solaris 10 SPARC based OS is located on the installation server, myway, in /export/s10/combined.s10s_u2wos/61.

# /usr/sadm/bin/smosservice add -H jupiter:898 -- -o jupiter -x mediapath=/net/myway/export/s10/combined.s10s_u2wos/61 -x platform=sparc.sun4u.Solaris_10 -x cluster=SUNWCXall -x locale=en_US

# /usr/sadm/bin/smosservice list - H jupiter:898
Authenticating as user: root

Type /? for help, pressing enter accepts the default denoted by [ ]
Please enter a string value for: password :: xxxxxx
Loading Tool: com.sun.admin.osservermgr.cli.OsServerMgrCli
from jupiter:898
Login to jupiter as user root was successful.
Download of com.sun.admin.osservermgr.cli.OsServerMgrCli from jupiter:898 
was successful.
Example 7-2 x86: Adding an OS Service for Diskless Client Support

This example shows how to add Solaris 10 x86 based OS services on the server orbit. The server orbit is running the Solaris 10 release. The CD image of the Solaris 10 x86 based OS is located on the installation server, seriously, in /export/s10/combined.s10x_u2wos/03.

# /usr/sadm/bin/smosservice add -H orbit:898 -- -o orbit -x mediapath=/net/seriously/export/s10u2/combined.s10x_u2wos/03 -x platform=i386.i86pc.Solaris_10 -x cluster=SUNWCXall -x locale=en_US

# /usr/sadm/bin/smosservice list - H orbit:898
Type /? for help, pressing <enter> accepts the default denoted by [ ]
Please enter a string value for: password ::
Starting Solaris Management Console server version 2.1.0.
endpoint created: :898
Solaris Management Console server is ready.
Loading Tool: com.sun.admin.osservermgr.cli.OsServerMgrCli from orbit:898
Login to orbit as user root was successful.
Download of com.sun.admin.osservermgr.cli.OsServerMgrCli from orbit:898 was successful.
Client           Root Area
                Swap Area
                Dump Area
Next Steps

Locate and install any ARCH=all packages that were missed when you ran the smosservice add command to add the OS services to the OS server. For more information, see How to Locate and Install Missing ARCH=all Packages.

x86: How to Add a Diskless Client in the GRUB Based Boot Environment

Starting with the Solaris 10 1/06 release, use this procedure to add a diskless client after you have added OS services.

  1. Become superuser or assume an equivalent role.

    Roles contain authorizations and privileged commands. For more information about roles, see Configuring RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Security Services.

  2. Add the diskless client.
    # /usr/sadm/bin/smdiskless add -- -i ip-address -e ethernet-address 
    -n client-name -x os=instruction-set.machine-class.Solaris_version 
    -x root=/export/root/client-name -x swap=/export/swap/client-name 
    -x swapsize=size -x tz=time-zone -x locale=locale-name

    Adds the specified diskless client.


    Identifies that the subcommand arguments start after this point.

    -i ip-address

    Identifies the IP address of the diskless client.

    -e ethernet-address

    Identifies the Ethernet address of the diskless client.

    -n client-name

    Specifies the name of the diskless client.

    -x os=instruction-set.machine-class.Solaris_version

    Specifies the instruction architecture, machine class, OS, and the Solaris version for the diskless client.

    -x root=root=/export/root/client-name

    Identifies the root (/) directory for the diskless client.

    -x swap=root=/export/root/client-name

    Identifies the swap file for the diskless client.

    -x swapsize=size

    Specifies the size of the swap file in Mbytes. The default is 24 Mbytes.

    -x tz=time-zone

    Specifies the time-zone for the diskless client.

    -x locale=locale-name

    Specifies the locale to install for the diskless client.

    For more information, see the smdiskless(1M) man page.

  3. If not already created, add the BootSrva and BootFile DHCP options to your DHCP server configuration to enable a PXE boot.

    For example:

    Boot server IP (BootSrvA) : svr-addr 
    Boot file (BootFile) : 01client-macro

    where svr-addr is the IP address of the server and client-macro is named by the client's Ethernet type (01) and the mac address of the client. This number is also the name of the file that is used in the /tftpboot directory on the installation server.

    Note - The client-macro notation consists of uppercase letters. The notation should not contain any colons.

    The following files and directories are created in the /tftpboot directory:

    drwxr-xr-x   6 root sys     512 Dec 28 14:53 client-host-name
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root     31 Dec 28 14:53 menu.lst.01ethernet-address
                            -> /tftpboot/client-host-name/grub/menu.lst
    -rw-r--r--   1 root root 118672 Dec 28 14:53 01ethernet-address
  4. If the console is on a serial port, edit the /tftpboot/menu.lst.01ethernet-address file. Uncomment the line that specifies the tty setting.

    To change the default menu.lst file that is created on the client, edit the echo lines in the /usr/sadm/lib/wbem/config_tftp file.

    For more information, see Booting an x86 Based System from the Network.

  5. Verify that the diskless clients were installed.
    # /usr/sadm/bin/smdiskless list -H host-name:898 --
  6. (Optional) Continue to use the smdiskless add command to add each diskless client.
Example 7-3 x86: Adding Diskless Client Support to an x86 Based System in the GRUB Boot Environment

This example shows how to add a Solaris 10 x86 based diskless client, mikey1.

rainy-01# /usr/sadm/bin/smdiskless add -H sdts-01-qfe0 -- -o sdts-01-qfe0 -n mikey1 -i -e 00:E0:88:55:33:BC -x os=i386.i86pc.Solaris_10 -x root=/export/root/mikey1 -x swap=/export/swap/mikey1
Loading Tool: com.sun.admin.osservermgr.cli.OsServerMgrCli
from  sdts-01-qfe0
Login to rainy-01-qfe0 as user root was successful.
Download of com.sun.admin.osservermgr.cli.OsServerMgrCli from
rainy-01-qfe0 was successful.

# /usr/sadm/bin/smdiskless list -H mikey1:898 --
Loading Tool: com.sun.admin.osservermgr.cli.OsServerMgrCli from mikey1:898
Login to mikey1 as user root was successful.
Download of com.sun.admin.osservermgr.cli.OsServerMgrCli from mikey1:898 was 
Example 7-4 x86: Adding the BootSrvA and BootFile DHCP Options to the DHCP Server Configuration

This example shows how to add the BootSrva and BootFile DHCP options that are necessary for enabling a PXE boot.

rainy-01# pntadm -A mikey1 -m 0100E0885533BC -f 'MANUAL+PERMANENT' \ -i 0100E0885533BC
rainy-01# dhtadm -A -m 0100E0885533BC -d \ ":BootSrvA="

In the preceding examples, the server address is the IP address of the server, and the client macro is named by the client's Ethernet type (01) and its mac address. This number is also the name of the file that is used in the /tftpboot directory on the installation server. Note that the notation for the client macro consists of uppercase letters and should not contain any colons.

How to Add a Diskless Client in the Solaris 10 OS

Use this procedure to add a diskless client after you have added OS services. Unless otherwise noted, this procedure includes general information for both SPARC based and x86 based systems.

  1. Become superuser or assume an equivalent role.

    Roles contain authorizations and privileged commands. For more information about roles, see Configuring RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Security Services.

  2. Add the diskless client.
    # /usr/sadm/bin/smdiskless add -- -i ip-address -e ethernet-address 
    -n client-name -x os=instruction-set.machine-class.Solaris_version 
    -x root=/export/root/client-name -x swap=/export/swap/client-name 
    -x swapsize=size -x tz=time-zone -x locale=locale-name

    Adds the specified diskless client.


    Identifies that the subcommand arguments start after this point.

    -i ip-address

    Identifies the IP address of the diskless client.

    -e ethernet-address

    Identifies the Ethernet address of the diskless client.

    -n client-name

    Specifies the name of the diskless client.

    -x os=instruction-set.machine-class..Solaris_version

    Specifies the instruction architecture, machine class, OS, and the Solaris version for the diskless client.

    -x root=root=/export/root/client-name

    Identifies the root (/) directory for the diskless client.

    -x swap=root=/export/root/client-name

    Identifies the swap file for the diskless client.

    -x swapsize=size

    Specifies the size of the swap file in Mbytes. The default is 24 Mbytes.

    -x tz=time-zone

    Specifies the time-zone for the diskless client.

    -x locale=locale-name

    Specifies the locale to install for the diskless client.

    For more information, see the smdiskless(1M) man page.

  3. (Optional) Continue to use the smdiskless add command to add each diskless client.
  4. Verify that the diskless clients were installed.
    # /usr/sadm/bin/smdiskless list -H host-name:898 --
Example 7-5 SPARC: Adding Diskless Client Support to a SPARC Based System

This example shows how to add Solaris 10 sun4u diskless client, starlite, from the server bearclaus.

# /usr/sadm/bin/smdiskless add -- -i -e 8:0:20:a6:d4:5b -n starlite -x os=sparc.sun4u.Solaris_10 -x root=/export/root/starlite -x swap=/export/swap/starlite -x swapsize=128 -x tz=US/Mountain -x locale=en_US

# /usr/sadm/bin/smdiskless list -H starlite:898 --
Loading Tool: com.sun.admin.osservermgr.cli.OsServerMgrCli from line2-v480:898
Login to line2-v480 as user root was successful.
Download of com.sun.admin.osservermgr.cli.OsServerMgrCli from line2-v480:898 was 

Note that the smdiskless list -H command output lists both SPARC based and x86 based systems.

Example 7-6 x86: Adding Diskless Client Support to an x86 Based System in the Solaris 10 OS

This example shows how to add a Solaris 10 x86 based diskless client, mars, from the server bearclaus.

# /usr/sadm/bin/smdiskless add -- -i -e 00:07:E9:23:56:48 -n mars -x os=i386.i86pc.Solaris_10 -x root=/export/root/mars -x swap=/export/swap/mars -x swapsize=128 -x tz=US/Mountain -x locale=en_US

x86: How to Boot a Diskless Client With GRUB

If you have installed or upgraded your system to at least the Solaris 10 1/06 OS, the procedure for booting a diskless client has changed. Follow these steps to boot a diskless client with GRUB.

Note - Starting with the Solaris Express 3/06 release, the GRUB failsafe interaction has changed. When booting the failsafe archive, you are no longer prompted by the system to automatically update the boot archives. The system prompts you to update the boot archives only if inconsistent boot archives are detected. For more information, see How to Boot the Failsafe Archive on an x86 Based System by Using GRUB.

Before You Begin

To ensure that the system boots from the network, verify the following prerequisites on the OS server:

  • Confirm that the name service used to add the diskless client and the OS services matches the primary name in the server's /etc/nsswitch.conf file.

  • Verify that the DHCP and tftp boot services are running.

  • Configure the system BIOS to boot the system from the network by enabling the PXE ROM option.

    Some PXE-capable network adapters have a feature that enables PXE boot if you type a particular keystroke in response to a brief boot-time prompt. See your hardware documentation for information about how to set the boot priority in the BIOS.

  1. Boot the diskless client by typing the correct keystroke combination.

    The GRUB menu is displayed.

    Depending on the configuration of your network installation server, the GRUB menu that is displayed on your system might vary from the GRUB menu that is shown here.

  2. Use the arrow keys to select a boot entry, then press Enter.

    If you do not make a selection, the default OS instance is automatically booted after several seconds.

    • If you need to modify the GRUB kernel behavior by editing the GRUB menu at boot time, use the arrow keys to select a boot entry, then type e to edit the entry.

      Note - The previous example shows the GRUB multiboot implementation. The GRUB menus vary, depending on the Solaris release you are running.

      The boot command that you want to edit is displayed in the GRUB edit screen.

      For more information about modifying kernel behavior at boot time, see Chapter 11, Modifying Solaris Boot Behavior (Tasks).

    • To save the edits and return to the GRUB menu, press Enter.

      The GRUB menu is displayed, showing the edits you made to the boot command.

    • Type b to boot the system from the network.

SPARC: How to Boot a Diskless Client in the Solaris 10 OS

Before You Begin

Verify the following prerequisites on the OS server:

  • Confirm that the name service used to add the diskless client and the OS services matches the primary name in the server's /etc/nsswitch.conf file.

    Otherwise, the diskless client will not boot.

  • Confirm that the rpc.bootparamd daemon is running. If it is not running, start it.

  • Boot the diskless client.
    ok boot net

How to Remove Diskless Client Support

  1. Become superuser or assume an equivalent role.

    Roles contain authorizations and privileged commands. For more information about roles, see Configuring RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Security Services.

  2. Remove the diskless client support.
    # /usr/sadm/bin/smdiskless delete -- -o host-name:898 -n client-name
  3. Verify that the diskless client support has been removed.
    # /usr/sadm/bin/smosservice list -H host-name:898 --
Example 7-7 Removing Diskless Client Support

This example shows how to remove the diskless client holoship from the OS server starlite.

# /usr/sadm/bin/smdiskless delete -- -o starlite:898 -n holoship
Authenticating as user: root

Type /? for help, pressing enter accepts the default denoted by [ ]
Please enter a string value for: password :: 
Starting SMC server version 2.0.0.
endpoint created: :898
SMC server is ready.

# /usr/sadm/bin/smosservice list -H starlite:898 --
Loading Tool: com.sun.admin.osservermgr.cli.OsServerMgrCli from starlite
Login to starlite as user root was successful.
Download of com.sun.admin.osservermgr.cli.OsServerMgrCli from starlite
was successful.

How to Remove OS Services for Diskless Clients

  1. Become superuser or assume an equivalent role.

    Roles contain authorizations and privileged commands. For more information about roles, see Configuring RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Security Services.

  2. Remove the OS services for the diskless clients.
    # /usr/sadm/bin/smosservice delete -H $HOST:$PORT -u root -p $PASSWD -- -x instruction-set.all.Solaris_version

    Note - Only the machine-class, all, is supported.

  3. Verify that the OS services have been removed.
    # /usr/sadm/bin/smosservice list -H host-name:898 --
Example 7-8 Removing OS Services for Diskless Clients

The following example shows how to removing the diskless client OS services (sparc.all.Solaris_10) from the server starlite.

# /usr/sadm/bin/smosservice delete -H starlite:898 -u root -p xxxxxx -- -x sparc.all.solaris_10
Authenticating as user: root
Type /? for help, pressing enter accepts the default denoted by [ ]
Please enter a string value for: password :: 

# /usr/sadm/bin/smosservice list -H starlite:898 --
Loading Tool: com.sun.admin.osservermgr.cli.OsServerMgrCli from starlite:898
Login to starlite as user root was successful.
Download of com.sun.admin.osservermgr.cli.OsServerMgrCli from starlite:898
was successful
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