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System Administration Guide: Basic Administration
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Managing Diskless Clients (Task Map)

The following table identifies the procedures that are required to manage diskless clients.



For Instructions

1. (Optional) Enable Solaris Management Console logging to view diskless client error messages.

Choose Log Viewer from the console main window to view diskless client error messages.

Starting the Solaris Management Console

2. Prepare for adding a diskless client.

Verify supported releases and identify the platform, media path, and cluster (or software group) of each diskless client.

x86: How to Prepare for Adding Diskless Clients in a GRUB Based Boot Environment

How to Prepare for Adding Diskless Clients in the Solaris 10 OS

3. Add required OS services to an OS server.

Add the OS services for the diskless clients you want to support by using the smosservice command. You must identify the platform, media path, and each diskless client platform that you want to support.

How to Add OS Services for Diskless Client Support

4. Locate and install any ARCH=all packages that were missed when you added OS services to the server.

Note - To avoid having to add these packages to each diskless client individually, perform this task prior to adding diskless client support .

The smosservice add command does not install any root (/) or /usr packages that are designated ARCH=all. These packages must be installed manually after adding the OS services to the OS server.

This behavior has existed since the Solaris 2.1 OS. The behavior applies to both SPARC based and x86 based platforms. Missing ARCH=all packages vary, depending on which Solaris OS you are running.

How to Locate and Install Missing ARCH=all Packages

5. Add a diskless client.

Add diskless client support by specifying all required information by using the smdiskless command.

x86: How to Add a Diskless Client in the GRUB Based Boot Environment

How to Add a Diskless Client in the Solaris 10 OS

6. Boot the diskless client.

Verify that a diskless client was successfully added by booting the diskless client.

x86: How to Boot a Diskless Client With GRUB

SPARC: How to Boot a Diskless Client in the Solaris 10 OS

7. (Optional) Delete diskless client support.

Delete support for a diskless client if it is no longer required.

How to Remove Diskless Client Support

8. (Optional) Delete OS services for a diskless client.

Delete OS services for a diskless client if they are no longer needed.

How to Remove OS Services for Diskless Clients

9. (Optional) Patch OS services.

Add, delete, list, or synchronize patches for diskless client OS services.

How to Add an OS Patch for a Diskless Client

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