IndexNumbers and Symbols
- active menu.lst file, location of, x86: How to Modify Boot Behavior by Editing the menu.lst File
- adding
- a package, example of, How to Add Software Packages (pkgadd)
- a package from a mounted CD (example of), How to Add Software Packages (pkgadd)
- diskless client OS services (how to), How to Add OS Services for Diskless Client Support
- multiple versions of a package, Guidelines for Removing Packages (pkgrm)
- packages (prerequisites), Key Points for Adding Software Packages (pkgadd)
- packages from a spool directory (example of), How to Add Software Packages to a Spool Directory (pkgadd)
- packages from remote package server (example of), How to Add Software Packages (pkgadd)
- packages to a spool directory (example of), How to Check the Integrity of Installed Software Packages (pkgchk)
- packages with administration files, Using an Administration File
- run control script (how to), How to Add a Run Control Script
- user initialization files, Customizing a User's Work Environment
- adding and removing packages and patches
- restrictions on
- zones, Restrictions on Adding and Removing Software Packages and Patches for Solaris Releases That are Not Zones Aware
- adding GRUB menu entries, findroot command, x86: How to Add GRUB Menu Entries That Use the findroot Command
- adding missing ARCH=all packages (example of), How to Locate and Install Missing ARCH=all Packages
- administering GRUB, reference, x86: Administering the GRUB Bootloader
- administration file, keyword, Guidelines for Removing Packages (pkgrm)
- aging user passwords
- Where User Account and Group Information Is Stored
- Administering Passwords
- Using Password Aging
- aliases, user login names vs., User (Login) Names
- appliances, definition, Description of an Appliance
- application access, Java Web Console, Access to Applications in the Java Web Console
- application access to remote systems, Java Web Console, Application Access to Remote Systems
- application privileges, Java Web Console, Application Privileges
- applying patches
- to diskless clients, Managing Solaris Patches by Using the patchadd Command (Tasks)
- using patchadd, How to Download and Apply a Solaris Patch
- ARCH=all packages, how to add missing, diskless client troubleshooting, Troubleshooting Diskless Client Problems
- archive
- booting the failsafe archive
- GRUB, How to Boot the Failsafe Archive on an x86 Based System by Using GRUB
Solaris failsafe and primary
- description, Implementation of the Boot Archives on Solaris SPARC
- audit events, Java Web Console, Configuring the Java Web Console
- auditing implementation, Java Web Console, Configuring the Java Web Console
- authTypes tag, Java Web Console, Specifying Authorizations With the authTypes Tag
- automounting, user home directories, User's Work Environment
- banner command (PROM), SPARC: How to Find the PROM Revision Number for a System
- base directory (basedir)
- Guidelines for Removing Packages (pkgrm)
- Using an Administration File
- basedir keyword (administration files), Guidelines for Removing Packages (pkgrm)
- bin group, User ID Numbers
- system BIOS
- in GRUB boot environment, x86: System BIOS
- boot archive, how to rebuild a corrupt, x86: How to Boot the Failsafe Archive to Forcibly Update a Corrupt Boot Archive
- boot archives
- managing
- Managing the Solaris Boot Archives (Tasks)
- Managing the boot-archive Service
- types of, Implementation of the Boot Archives on Solaris SPARC
- boot archives, managing, booting the failsafe archive, Managing the Solaris Boot Archives (Task Map)
- boot behavior
- editing the GRUB menu.lst file
- how to, x86: How to Modify Boot Behavior by Editing the menu.lst File
how to modify in GRUB menu
- x86: How to Modify Boot Behavior by Editing the GRUB Menu at Boot Time
- How to Boot From a ZFS Root File System on an x86 Based System
- managing, Modifying Solaris Boot Behavior (Tasks)
- boot behavior, modifying on x86 based systems, Modifying Solaris Boot Behavior on x86 Based Systems (Task Map)
- boot-file property, changing, SPARC: How to Change the Default Kernel by Using the Boot PROM
- boot options
- -L
- ZFS root file system, Booting From a ZFS Root File System on a SPARC Based System
- ZFS root file system, Booting From a ZFS Root File System on a SPARC Based System
- boot-time interactions, GRUB menu, x86: Modifying Boot Behavior by Editing the menu.lst File
- bootadm command
- using to manage boot archives, Managing the boot-archive Service
- using to manage the boot archives, Managing the Solaris Boot Archives (Tasks)
- bootadm update-archive, updating boot archive on root (/) mirror., How to Manually Update the Boot Archive on a RAID-1 (Mirror) Volume
- bootfs pool property, How Booting From a ZFS Root File System Works
- booting
- a diskless client (how to), SPARC: How to Boot a Diskless Client in the Solaris 10 OS
- a system, guidelines, Guidelines for Booting a System
- interactively (how to)
- SPARC, SPARC: How to Boot a System Interactively
to run level S
- SPARC, SPARC: How to Boot a System to Run Level S (Single-User Level)
- booting a system by using GRUB, overview, x86: Supported GRUB Implementations
- booting a system to run level S
- GRUB based booting
- how to, x86: How to Boot a System to Run Level S (Single-User Level)
- booting an x86 based system, troubleshooting error messages, x86: Troubleshooting Error Messages Upon System Boot
- booting an x86 based system interactively with GRUB, x86: How to Boot a System Interactively
- booting from a ZFS root file system
- SPARC boot options, SPARC: Boot Options That Support Booting From a ZFS Root File System
- x86 boot options, x86: Boot Options That Support Booting From a ZFS Root File System
- booting from the network with GRUB, Booting an x86 Based System from the Network
- DHCP configuration, Booting an x86 Based System from the Network
- booting from ZFS root file system, SPARC platform, Booting From a ZFS Root File System on a SPARC Based System
- booting the failsafe archive
- GRUB based booting, How to Boot the Failsafe Archive on an x86 Based System by Using GRUB
- SPARC based systems, How to Boot the Failsafe Archive on a SPARC Based System
- to rebuild a corrupt boot archive, x86: How to Boot the Failsafe Archive to Forcibly Update a Corrupt Boot Archive
- booting with GRUB, reference, x86: Administering the GRUB Bootloader
- Bourne shell
- See also user initialization files
- basic features
- Shell Features
- Shell Features
- Break key, SPARC: How to Stop the System for Recovery Purposes
- C shell
- basic features
- Shell Features
- Shell Features
- environment variables and
- Shell Environment
- Shell Environment
- Locale Variables
- shell (local) variables and
- Shell Environment
- Shell Environment
- user initialization files and
- Customizing a User's Work Environment
- User and Site Initialization Files Examples
- See user initialization files
- creating, Shell Features
- to reference a site initialization file, Using Site Initialization Files
- CD-ROM devices
- adding software from mounted CD
- example of, How to Add Software Packages (pkgadd)
- CDPATH environment variable, Shell Environment
- certificate, trusted, definition, Signed Packages, Patches, and Software Updates
- changing
- directory ownership for user accounts, Modifying User Accounts
- file ownership for user accounts, Modifying User Accounts
- Java Web Console properties
- session timeout period, How to Change Java Web Console Properties
user ID numbers, Modifying User Accounts
- user login names, Modifying User Accounts
- user passwords
- by user
- User Passwords
- User Passwords
- frequency of, User Passwords
- Users Tool, Administering Passwords
- changing boot properties, SPARC: How to Change the Default Kernel by Using the Boot PROM
- changing Java Web Console properties, choosing an auditing implementation, Configuring the Java Web Console
- checking, installed packages (example of), How to Check the Integrity of Installed Software Packages (pkgchk)
- class macro, configuring DHCP, x86: About DHCP Macros
- clean shutdown, System Shutdown Commands
- client macro, configuring DHCP, x86: About DHCP Macros
- commands (SMF), list of, SMF Command-Line Administrative Utilities
- compatibility with other applications, Java Web Console, What Is the Java Web Console?
- components of GRUB, x86: Functional Components of GRUB
- configuration repository (SMF), See repository
- configuring DHCP, booting from the network with GRUB, x86: About DHCP Macros
- configuring Java Web Console, Configuring the Java Web Console
- console access, Java Web Console, Access to the Java Web Console
- console session timeout, changing Java Web Console properties, Configuring the Java Web Console
- controlling file and directory access, Default File Permissions (umask)
- corrupt boot archive, how to rebuild, x86: How to Boot the Failsafe Archive to Forcibly Update a Corrupt Boot Archive
- .cshrc file
- customizing
- Shell Features
- User and Site Initialization Files Examples
- description, Customizing a User's Work Environment