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Red Hat Cluster Suite

Configuring and Managing a Cluster

Table of Contents
1. How To Use This Manual
2. Document Conventions
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I. Using the Red Hat Cluster Manager
1. Red Hat Cluster Manager Overview
1.1. Red Hat Cluster Manager Features
2. Hardware Installation and Operating System Configuration
2.1. Choosing a Hardware Configuration
2.2. Cluster Hardware Components
2.3. Setting Up the Nodes
2.4. Installing and Configuring Red Hat Enterprise Linux
2.5. Setting Up and Connecting the Cluster Hardware
3. Cluster Configuration
3.1. Installing the Red Hat Cluster Suite Packages
3.2. The Cluster Configuration Tool
3.3. Configuring the Cluster Software
3.4. Adding and Deleting Members
3.5. Configuring a Fence Device
3.6. Configuring a Failover Domain
3.7. Adding Cluster Resources
3.8. Adding a Cluster Service to the Cluster
4. Cluster Administration
4.1. Overview of the Cluster Status Tool
4.2. Displaying Cluster and Service Status
4.3. Starting and Stopping the Cluster Software
4.4. Modifying the Cluster Configuration
4.5. Backing Up and Restoring the Cluster Database
4.6. Updating the Cluster Software
4.7. Changing the Cluster Name
4.8. Disabling the Cluster Software
4.9. Diagnosing and Correcting Problems in a Cluster
5. Setting Up Apache HTTP Server
5.1. Apache HTTP Server Setup Overview
5.2. Configuring Shared Storage
5.3. Installing and Configuring the Apache HTTP Server
II. Configuring a Linux Virtual Server Cluster
6. Introduction to Linux Virtual Server
6.1. Technology Overview
6.2. Basic Configurations
7. Linux Virtual Server Overview
7.1. A Basic LVS Configuration
7.2. A Three Tiered LVS Configuration
7.3. LVS Scheduling Overview
7.4. Routing Methods
7.5. Persistence and Firewall Marks
7.6. LVS Cluster — A Block Diagram
8. Initial LVS Configuration
8.1. Configuring Services on the LVS Routers
8.2. Setting a Password for the Piranha Configuration Tool
8.3. Starting the Piranha Configuration Tool Service
8.4. Limiting Access To the Piranha Configuration Tool
8.5. Turning on Packet Forwarding
8.6. Configuring Services on the Real Servers
9. Setting Up a Red Hat Enterprise Linux LVS Cluster
9.1. The NAT LVS Cluster
9.2. Putting the Cluster Together
9.3. Multi-port Services and LVS Clustering
9.4. FTP In an LVS Cluster
9.5. Saving Network Packet Filter Settings
10. Configuring the LVS Routers with Piranha Configuration Tool
10.1. Necessary Software
10.2. Logging Into the Piranha Configuration Tool
10.7. Synchronizing Configuration Files
10.8. Starting the Cluster
III. Appendixes
A. Supplementary Hardware Information
A.1. Attached Storage Requirements
A.2. Setting Up a Fibre Channel Interconnect
A.3. SCSI Storage Requirements

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