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Chapter 4. Cluster Administration

This chapter describes the various administrative tasks for maintaining a cluster after it has been installed and configured.

4.1. Overview of the Cluster Status Tool

The Cluster Status Tool is part of the Red Hat Cluster Suite management GUI, (the system-config-cluster package) and is accessed by a tab in the Red Hat Cluster Suite management GUI. The Cluster Status Tool displays the status of cluster members and services and provides control of cluster services.

The members and services displayed in the Cluster Status Tool are determined by the cluster configuration file (/etc/cluster/cluster.conf). The cluster configuration file is maintained via the Cluster Configuration Tool in the cluster management GUI.


Do not manually edit the cluster configuration file.

You can access the Cluster Status Tool by clicking the Cluster Management tab at the cluster management GUI to Figure 4-1).

Use the Cluster Status Tool to enable, disable, restart, or relocate a service. To enable a service, select the service in the Services area and click Enable. To disable a service, select the service in the Services area and click Disable. To restart a service, select the service in the Services area and click Restart. To relocate service from one member to another, drag the service to another member and drop the service onto that member. Relocating a member restarts the service on that member. (Relocating a service to its current member — that is, dragging a service to its current member and dropping the service onto that member — restarts the service.)

Figure 4-1. Cluster Status Tool

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