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9.5. Saving Network Packet Filter Settings

After configuring the appropriate network packet filters for your situation, save the settings so they get restored after a reboot. For iptables, type the following command:

/sbin/service iptables save

This saves the settings in /etc/sysconfig/iptables so they can be recalled at boot time.

Once this file is written, you are able to use the /sbin/service command to start, stop, and check the status (using the status switch) of iptables. The /sbin/service will automatically load the appropriate module for you. For an example of how to use the /sbin/service command, see Section 8.3 Starting the Piranha Configuration Tool Service.

Finally, you need to be sure the appropriate service is set to activate on the proper runlevels. For more on this, see Section 8.1 Configuring Services on the LVS Routers.

The next chapter explains how to use the Piranha Configuration Tool to configure the LVS router and describe the steps necessary to active an LVS cluster.

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