3.3 The Select Menu and Friends
Complementary to the selection tools are the 12 functions in the Image:Select menu. In addition to these functions, there are five
other important functions related to selections. These are Toggle Selection, found in the Image:View menu, and Copy,
Cut, Paste, and Stroke, found in the Image:Edit menu. Each of these functions is described in this
3.3.1 The Invert Function
A selection partitions an image into two sets--the selected pixels
and the unselected ones. It is often useful to invert a selection,
which is just the swapping of these two sets. When inverting, the
unselected pixels become selected pixels and vice versa. The command
that does this is Invert from the Image:Select menu. The
Invert function is used so often you'll want to remember the
keyboard shortcut for it, which is C-i.