The GNU C Programming Tutorial - Code index
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Code index
# output conversion specifier modifier : Formatted output conversion specifiers
#define preprocessor directive : Macros
#else preprocessor directive : A few directives
#error preprocessor directive : A few directives
#if preprocessor directive : A few directives
#ifdef preprocessor directive : Macros
#ifndef preprocessor directive : Macros
#include preprocessor directive : A few directives
#line preprocessor directive : A few directives
#undef preprocessor directive : Macros
% input conversion specifier : Formatted input conversion specifiers
% integer remainder operator : Expressions and values
% mod operator : Expressions and values
% modulo operator : Expressions and values
% output conversion specifier : Formatted output conversion specifiers
& bitwise operator : Bitwise operators
& bitwise operator truth table : Bitwise AND
& pointer operator : Pointer operators
&= bitwise operator : Bitwise operators
' input conversion specifier modifier : Formatted input conversion specifiers
' output conversion specifier modifier : Formatted output conversion specifiers
* input conversion specifier modifier : Formatted input conversion specifiers
* multiplication operator : Expressions and values
* operator : Expressions and operators
* pointer operator : Pointer operators
*= operator : More Special Assignments
+ addition operator : Expressions and values
+ operator : Expressions and operators
+ output conversion specifier modifier : Formatted output conversion specifiers
+ unary plus operator : Expressions and values
++ increment operator : Postfix and prefix ++ and --, Special Assignment Operators ++ --
++ operator : Hidden operators and values
++ postfix operator : Postfix and prefix ++ and --
++ prefix operator : Postfix and prefix ++ and --
+= operator : Hidden operators and values, More Special Assignments
, operator : The comma operator
- operator : Expressions and operators
- output conversion specifier modifier : Formatted output conversion specifiers
- subtraction operator : Expressions and values
- unary minus operator : Expressions and values
-- decrement operator : Postfix and prefix ++ and --, Special Assignment Operators ++ --
-- operator : Hidden operators and values
-- postfix operator : Postfix and prefix ++ and --
-- prefix operator : Postfix and prefix ++ and --
--static option of GCC : Building a library
-= operator : Hidden operators and values, More Special Assignments
-> dot operator of structures : Using structures
-> member operator : Memory allocation
-c option of GCC : Building a library
-fPIC option of GCC : Building a library
-fpic option of GCC : Building a library
-I option of GCC : Building a library, Common library functions
-l option of GCC : Building a library
-L option of GCC : Building a library
. dot operator of structures : Using structures
.a file suffix : Kinds of library, File names
.c file suffix : File names
.h file suffix : File names
.o file suffix : File names
.so file suffix : Kinds of library, File names
/ div operator : Expressions and values
/ division operator : Expressions and values
/ integer division operator : Expressions and values
/usr/include directory : Common library functions, Header files
/usr/include/linux directory : Common library functions
0 output conversion specifier modifier : Formatted output conversion specifiers
0 return code : argp description
< less-than operator : Expressions and operators
<< bitwise operator : Bitwise operators
<<= bitwise operator : Bitwise operators
= ( equals sign) : Errors
= assignment operator : The assignment operator
= confused with == : Confusion of = and ==, Comparisons and logic, Important note about assignment
= operator : Hidden operators and values
== confused with = : Confusion of = and ==
== confused with = : Comparisons and logic, Important note about assignment
> greater-than operator : Expressions and operators
>> bitwise operator : Bitwise operators
>>= bitwise operator : Bitwise operators
? operator : The question mark operator, Decisions
[ input conversion specifier : Formatted input conversion specifiers
^ bitwise operator : Bitwise operators
^ bitwise operator truth table : Bitwise exclusive OR (XOR/EOR)
^= bitwise operator : Bitwise operators
a input conversion specifier modifier : Formatted input conversion specifiers
a.out : The compiler
abs function : Mathematical functions
acos function : Mathematical functions
ar program : Building a library
ARG field : argp description
ARG parser function argument : argp description
arg_num field : argp description
argc variable : argc and argv
argp function : argp description, Processing command-line options
ARGP structure : argp description
ARGP_ERR_UNKNOWN return code : argp description
ARGP_KEY_ARG key : argp description
ARGP_KEY_END key : argp description
argp_option structure : argp description
argp_option structure fields : argp description
argp_parse function : argp description
argp_usage function : argp description
ARGS_DOC field : argp description
arguments structure : argp description
argv array : Environment variables
argv variable : argc and argv
asin function : Mathematical functions
asprintf function : asprintf
atan function : Mathematical functions
atan2 function : Mathematical functions
atof function : String library functions
atoi function : String library functions
atol function : String library functions
auto storage class specifier : Other storage classes
bdflush daemon : Stream buffering
break command : Terminating loops with break, The switch statement
c input conversion specifier : Formatted input conversion specifiers
c output conversion specifier : Formatted output conversion specifiers
cast operator : Cast operator demo, The cast operator
ceil function : Mathematical functions
char type : Conventions and declarations, The char type, Integer variables
clean makefile target : Rules for cleaning the directory
clearerr function : End-of-file and error functions
close function : Closing files at a low level
const type : const, Constants, More data types
cos function : Mathematical functions
cosh function : Mathematical functions
creat function : File creation
ctype.h header file : Character handling, Common library functions
d input conversion specifier : Formatted input conversion specifiers
d output conversion specifier : Formatted output conversion specifiers
do ... while command : Loops
DOC field : argp description
double type : Floating point variables
E input conversion specifier : Formatted input conversion specifiers
E output conversion specifier : Formatted output conversion specifiers
e output conversion specifier : Formatted output conversion specifiers
EACCES file name error : Renaming files at a low level, Deleting files at a low level, Opening files at a low level, Usual file name errors
EBADF file name error : Finding file positions at a low level, Writing files at a low level, Reading files at a low level, Closing files at a low level
EBUSY file name error : Renaming files at a low level, Deleting files at a low level
EEXIST file name error : Opening files at a low level
EFBIG file name error : Writing files at a low level
EINTR file name error : Writing files at a low level
EINVAL error code : argp description
EINVAL file name error : Renaming files at a low level, Finding file positions at a low level, Writing files at a low level
EIO file name error : Writing files at a low level, Reading files at a low level
EISDIR file name error : Renaming files at a low level, Opening files at a low level
ELOOP file name error : Usual file name errors
else command : Decisions
EMFILE file name error : Opening files at a low level
EMLINK file name error : Renaming files at a low level
ENAMETOOLONG file name error : Usual file name errors
ENOENT file name error : Renaming files at a low level, Deleting files at a low level, Opening files at a low level, Usual file name errors
ENOMEM error code : argp description
ENOSPC file name error : Renaming files at a low level, Writing files at a low level, Opening files at a low level
ENOTDIR file name error : Usual file name errors
ENOTEMPTY file name error : Renaming files at a low level, Deleting files at a low level
enum type : enum, More data types
envp array : Environment variables
EOF character : ungetc
EPERM file name error : Deleting files at a low level
EROFS file name error : Renaming files at a low level, Deleting files at a low level, Opening files at a low level
errno system variable : argp description, Renaming files at a low level, Deleting files at a low level, Writing files at a low level, Reading files at a low level, Closing files at a low level, Opening files at a low level
error_t function : argp description
ESPIPE file name error : Finding file positions at a low level
EXDEV file name error : Renaming files at a low level
exit command : The exit function
exp function : Mathematical functions
extern storage class specifier : External variables
f input conversion specifier : Formatted input conversion specifiers
f output conversion specifier : Formatted output conversion specifiers
fabs function : Mathematical functions
FALSE macro : Comparisons and logic
fclose command : Closing a file
fclose function : Closing files at a low level
FE_ALL_EXCEPT function : Mathematical errors
FE_DIVBYZERO floating-point exception : Mathematical errors
FE_INEXACT floating-point exception : Mathematical errors
FE_INVALID floating-point exception : Mathematical errors
FE_OVERFLOW floating-point exception : Mathematical errors
FE_UNDERFLOW floating-point exception : Mathematical errors
feof function : End-of-file and error functions
ferror function : End-of-file and error functions
fetestexcept function : Mathematical errors
fflush function : Uncoordinated output, Stream buffering
fgetc function : getc and fgetc
fgets function : fgets, String output and input
file status flag : Opening files at a low level
FLAGS field : argp description
float type : Floating point variables
floor function : Mathematical functions
fopen command : Opening a file, Input and output
for command : Arrays and for loops, The flexibility of for, for, Loops
fprintf function : fprintf
fputc function : putc and fputc
fputs function : fputs, String output and input
fread function : Block input and output
free function : Memory allocation
fscanf function : fscanf
fseek function : ungetc, File position
fsync function : Writing files at a low level
ftell function : File position
fwrite function : Block input and output
G input conversion specifier : Formatted input conversion specifiers
g input conversion specifier : Formatted input conversion specifiers
gcc : Compiling multiple files, argc and argv, The compiler
getc function : getc and fgetc
getchar function : getchar
getdelim function : getdelim, String output and input
getenv function : Environment variables
getline function : getline, String output and input
getopt function : Processing command-line options
gets function : gets, String output and input
glibc library : Character handling, Header files, Libraries
goto command : A word about goto
grep command : Programming with pipes
h input conversion specifier modifier : Formatted input conversion specifiers
i input conversion specifier : Formatted input conversion specifiers
i output conversion specifier : Formatted output conversion specifiers
if command : Nested if statements, if, Decisions
INFINITY macro : Mathematical errors
input conversion specifier : Formatted input conversion specifiers
input field : argp description
int type : Integer variables
isalnum function : Character handling
isalpha function : Character handling
isascii function : Character handling
iscntrl function : Character handling
isdigit function : Character handling
isgraph function : Character handling
islower function : Character handling
isprint function : Character handling
ispunct function : Character handling
isspace function : Character handling
isupper function : Character handling
isxdigit function : Character handling
KEY field : argp description
KEY parser function argument : argp description
L input conversion specifier modifier : Formatted input conversion specifiers
l input conversion specifier modifier : Formatted input conversion specifiers
L output conversion specifier modifier : Formatted output conversion specifiers
l output conversion specifier modifier : Formatted output conversion specifiers
LD_LIBRARY_PATH shell variable : Building a library
limits.h header file : Mathematical functions
ll input conversion specifier modifier : Formatted input conversion specifiers
ll output conversion specifier modifier : Formatted output conversion specifiers
log function : Mathematical functions
log10 function : Mathematical functions
long double type : Floating point variables
long float type : Floating point variables
long long type : Integer variables
long type : Integer variables
lseek function : Finding file positions at a low level
m output conversion specifier : Usual file name errors, Formatted output conversion specifiers
make program : Writing a makefile
malloc function : Memory allocation
math.h header file : Mathematical functions, Common library functions, Header files
math.h system header file : Actual parameters and formal parameters
NAME field : argp description
NAN macro : Mathematical errors
NULL pointer : Initializing your data structure
O_APPEND file status flag : Opening files at a low level
O_CREAT file status flag : Opening files at a low level
O_EXCL file status flag : Opening files at a low level
O_EXEC file status flag : Opening files at a low level
O_RDONLY file status flag : Opening files at a low level
O_RDWR file status flag : Opening files at a low level
O_TRUNC file status flag : Opening files at a low level
O_WRITE file status flag : Opening files at a low level
O_WRONLY file status flag : Opening files at a low level
OBJ makefile variable : Variables simplify makefiles
obj makefile variable : Variables simplify makefiles
objects : Variables simplify makefiles
OBJECTS makefile variable : Variables simplify makefiles
OBJS makefile variable : Variables simplify makefiles
objs makefile variable : Variables simplify makefiles
off_t type : Finding file positions at a low level
open command : Input and output
open function : Closing files at a low level, File creation, Opening files at a low level
OPTION_ALIAS option flag : argp description
OPTION_ARG_OPTIONAL option flag : argp description
OPTION_HIDDEN option flag : argp description
OPTIONS field : argp description
PARSER field : argp description
pclose function : Programming with pipes
popen function : Programming with pipes
pow function : Mathematical functions
printf : Function examples
printf function : Formatted output conversion specifiers, printf
ps command : Programming with pipes
putc function : putc and fputc
putchar function : putchar
puts function : puts, String output and input
q input conversion specifier modifier : Formatted input conversion specifiers
q output conversion specifier modifier : Formatted output conversion specifiers
read function : Writing files at a low level, Reading files at a low level
realloc function : Memory allocation
register storage class specifier : Other storage classes
rename function : Renaming files at a low level
return command : Terminating loops with return, Example 15, The exit function
rewind function : ungetc
rewind macro : File position
rm program : A simple makefile
rmdir function : Deleting files at a low level
s input conversion specifier : Formatted input conversion specifiers
s output conversion specifier : Formatted output conversion specifiers
scanf function : String overflows with scanf, scanf, Pointers
SEEK_CUR constant : Finding file positions at a low level
SEEK_END constant : Finding file positions at a low level
SEEK_SET constant : Finding file positions at a low level
short type : Integer variables
sin function : Mathematical functions, Header files
sinh function : Mathematical functions
size_t type : Block input and output
sizeof function : Memory allocation
SPACE output conversion specifier modifier : Formatted output conversion specifiers
sprintf function : sprintf, Deprecated formatted string output functions
sqrt function : Mathematical functions, Actual parameters and formal parameters
sscanf function : sscanf
STATE parser function argument : argp description
static storage class specifier : Static variables
stdarg.h system header file : Variadic functions
stdin device : Stream buffering
stdio.h header file : Header files
stdlib.h header file : String library functions
stdout device : Stream buffering
strcat function : String library functions
strcmp function : String library functions
strcpy function : String library functions
string.h header file : String library functions, Common library functions
strlen function : String library functions
strncat function : String library functions
strncmp function : String library functions
strncpy function : String library functions
strstr function : String library functions
struct type : struct, struct and union, More data types
switch command : The switch statement, Decisions
tan function : Mathematical functions
tanh function : Mathematical functions
tgmath.h header file : Mathematical functions
toascii function : Character handling
tolower function : Character handling
toupper function : Character handling
TRUE macro : Comparisons and logic
typedef command : typedef
u output conversion specifier : Formatted output conversion specifiers
ungetc function : ungetc
union type : union, struct and union, More data types
unlink function : Deleting files at a low level
unsigned char type : The char type, Integer variables
unsigned int type : Integer variables
unsigned long long type : Integer variables
unsigned long type : Integer variables
unsigned short type : Integer variables
void type : void, More data types
volatile type : volatile, More data types
while command : Loops
write function : Writing files at a low level
X input conversion specifier : Formatted input conversion specifiers
x input conversion specifier : Formatted input conversion specifiers
X output conversion specifier : Formatted output conversion specifiers
x output conversion specifier : Formatted output conversion specifiers
z input conversion specifier modifier : Formatted input conversion specifiers
Z output conversion specifier modifier : Formatted output conversion specifiers
z output conversion specifier modifier : Formatted output conversion specifiers
| (pipe symbol) : Programming with pipes
| bitwise operator : Bitwise operators
| bitwise operator truth table : Bitwise inclusive OR
|= bitwise operator : Bitwise operators
~ bitwise operator : Bitwise operators
~ bitwise operator truth table : Bitwise NOT