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The GNU C Programming Tutorial - Pointer operators

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Pointer operators

To create a pointer to a variable, we use the * and & operators. (In context, these have nothing to do with multiplication or logical AND. For example, the following code declares a variable called total_cost and a pointer to it called total_cost_ptr.

float total_cost;
float *total_cost_ptr;

total_cost_ptr = &total_cost;

The * symbol in the declaration of total_cost_ptr is the way to declare that variable to be a pointer in C. (The _ptr at the end of the variable name, on the other hand, is just a way of reminding humans that the variable is a pointer.)

When you read C code to yourself, it is often useful to be able to pronounce C's operators aloud; you will find it can help you make sense of a difficult piece of code. For example, you can pronounce the above statement float *total_cost_ptr as "Declare a float pointer called total_cost_ptr", and you can pronounce the statement total_cost_ptr = &total_cost; as "Let total_cost_ptr take as its value the address of the variable total_cost".

Here are some suggestions for pronouncing the * and & operators, which are always written in front of a variable:

"The contents of the address held in variable" or "the contents of the location pointed to by variable".
"The address of variable" or "the address at which the variable variable is stored".

For instance:

"The address of fred" or "the address at which the variable fred is stored".
"The contents of the address held in fred_ptr" or "the contents of the location pointed to by fred_ptr".

The following examples show some common ways in which you might use the * and & operators:

int some_var;                           /* 1 */
"Declare an integer variable called some_var."

int *ptr_to_some_var;                   /* 2 */
"Declare an integer pointer called ptr_to_some_var."  (The
* in front of ptr_to_some_var is the way C declares
ptr_to_some_var as a pointer to an integer, rather than just an

some_var = 42;                          /* 3 */
"Let some_var take the value 42."

ptr_to_some_var = &some_var;            /* 4 */
"Let ptr_to_some_var take the address of the variable
some_var as its value."  (Notice that only now does
ptr_to_some_var become a pointer to the particular variable
some_var -- before this, it was merely a pointer that could
point to any integer variable.)

printf ("%d\n\n", *ptr_to_some_var);    /* 5 */
"Print out the contents of the location pointed to by
ptr_to_some_var."  (In other words, print out some_var
itself.  This will print just 42.  Accessing what a pointer points to in
this way is called dereferencing the pointer, because the pointer
is considered to be referencing the variable.)

*ptr_to_some_var = 56; /* 6 */ "Let the contents of the location
pointed to by ptr_to_some_var equal 56."  (In the context of the
other statements, this is the same as the more direct statement
some_var = 56;.)

A subtle point: don't confuse the usage of asterisks in code like examples 2 and 6 above. Using an asterisk in a declaration, as in example 2, declares the variable to be a pointer, while using it on the left-hand side of an assignment, as in example 6, dereferences a variable that is already a pointer, enabling you to access the variable to which the pointer is pointing.

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