#include <stdio.h>
int main ();
void morse (int);
int main ()
int digit;
printf ("Enter any digit in the range 0 to 9: ");
scanf ("%d", &digit);
if ((digit < 0) || (digit > 9))
printf ("Your number was not in the range 0 to 9.\n");
printf ("The Morse code of that digit is ");
morse (digit);
return 0;
void morse (int digit) /* print out Morse code */
switch (digit)
case 0 : printf ("-----");
case 1 : printf (".----");
case 2 : printf ("..---");
case 3 : printf ("...--");
case 4 : printf ("....-");
case 5 : printf (".....");
case 6 : printf ("-....");
case 7 : printf ("--...");
case 8 : printf ("---..");
case 9 : printf ("----.");
printf ("\n\n");
The morse function selects one of the printf statements
with switch, based on the integer expression digit. After
every case in the switch, a break statement is used to
jump switch statement's closing bracket }. Without
break, execution would fall through to the next case and
execute its printf statement.
Here is an example of using fallthrough in a constructive way.
The function yes accepts input from the user and tests whether it
was 'y' or 'Y'. (The getchar function is from the standard
library and reads a character of input from the terminal. See getchar.)
#include <stdio.h>
int main ()
printf ("Will you join the Free Software movement? ");
if (yes())
printf("Great! The price of freedom is eternal vigilance!\n\n");
printf("Too bad. Maybe next life...\n\n");
return 0;
int yes()
switch (getchar())
case 'y' :
case 'Y' : return 1;
default : return 0;
If the character is y, then the program falls through and meets
the statement return 1. If there were a break statement
after case 'y', then the program would not be able to reach
case 'Y' unless an actual Y were typed.
Note: The return statements substitute for break in
the above code, but they do more than break out of switch --
they break out of the whole function. This can be a useful trick.