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Solaris Trusted Extensions Developer's Guide
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DAC (discretionary access control)
Interprocess Communications
Trusted X Window System Environment
data types
label APIs, Label APIs
Label Builder APIs
ModLabelData structure, ModLabelData Structure
tsol_lbuild_create() routine, tsol_lbuild_create() Routine
Trusted X Window System APIs, Trusted Extensions X Window System APIs
debugging, applications, Developing, Testing, and Debugging an Application
definitions of terms, Understanding Labels
detecting a Trusted Extensions system, Detecting a Trusted Extensions System
determining whether a system is labeled, example, Detecting a Trusted Extensions System
devices, input device privileges, Privileged Operations and the Trusted X Window System
DGA (direct graphics access), privileges, Privileged Operations and the Trusted X Window System
disjoint labels, Label Relationships
dominant labels
Label Relationships
Label Relationships
dominates method, declaration, Comparing Label Objects
downgrading labels
guidelines, Privileged Operations and Labels
privileges needed, Privileged Operations and Labels
Trusted X Window System, Privileged Operations and the Trusted X Window System


equal labels, Label Relationships
equals method, declaration, Comparing Label Objects
examples of Trusted Extensions APIs in Solaris, Understanding Labels
extended operations, Extended Label Builder Operations


fgetlabel() system call, declaration, Obtaining and Setting the Label of a File
file_dac_search privilege, overriding access to parent directory of zone's root directory, Write-Down Policy in the Global Zone
file_downgrade_sl privilege, Privileged Operations and Labels
file_owner privilege, Privileged Operations and Labels
files, label privileges, Privileged Operations and Labels
font list translation, Translating the Window Label With the Font List
font path privileges, Privileged Operations and the Trusted X Window System


get_peer_label() function, get_peer_label() Label-Aware Function
getClearanceLabel static factory, declaration, Translating Between Labels and Strings
getdevicerange() routine, declaration, Obtaining Label Ranges
getDeviceRange static factory, declaration, Obtaining Label Range Objects
getFileLabel static factory
Obtaining and Setting the Label of a File
Obtaining and Setting the Label of a File
getlabel command, Setting a File Sensitivity Label
code example, Determining the Relationship Between Two Labels
getlabel() system call
code example, Obtaining a File Label
declaration, Obtaining and Setting the Label of a File
getLabelRange static factory, declaration, Obtaining Label Range Objects
getLower method, declaration, Obtaining Label Range Objects
getMaximum method
Comparing Label Objects
Comparing Label Objects
Comparing Label Objects
getMinimum method
Comparing Label Objects
Comparing Label Objects
Comparing Label Objects
getpathbylabel() routine, declaration, Accessing Labels in Zones
getplabel() routine
code example
Obtaining a Process Label
Determining the Relationship Between Two Labels
Obtaining the Color Names of Labels
declaration, Accessing the Process Sensitivity Label
getSensitivityLabel static factory
code example, Translating Between Labels and Strings
declaration, Translating Between Labels and Strings
getSocketPeer static factory
code example, Obtaining and Setting the Label of a File
declaration, Obtaining and Setting the Label of a File
getUpper method, declaration, Obtaining Label Range Objects
getuserrange() routine, declaration, Obtaining Label Ranges
getUserRange static factory, declaration, Obtaining Label Range Objects
getzoneidbylabel() routine, declaration, Accessing Labels in Zones
getzonelabelbyid() routine, declaration, Accessing Labels in Zones
getzonelabelbyname() routine, declaration, Accessing Labels in Zones
getzonerootbyid() routine, declaration, Accessing Labels in Zones
getzonerootbylabel() routine, declaration, Accessing Labels in Zones
getzonerootbyname() routine, declaration, Accessing Labels in Zones
gid field, Data Types for X11
global zone
controlling multilevel operations, Multilevel Operations
labels in, Labels in the Global Zone
mounts in, Write-Down Policy in the Global Zone
Label Builder, Label Builder APIs
Xlib objects, Trusted X Window System Security Attributes


header files
label APIs, Label APIs
Label Builder APIs, APIs for Label Builder GUIs
locations, list of, Header File Locations
Trusted X Window System APIs, Trusted Extensions X Window System APIs


iaddr field, Data Types for X11
inRange method
Comparing Label Objects
Comparing Label Objects
integrating an application, Releasing an Application
interface names, abbreviations used in, Abbreviations Used in Interface Names and Data Structure Names
IPC (interprocess communication), Interprocess Communications
is_system_labeled() routine
declaration, Detecting a Trusted Extensions System
example, Determining Whether the Printing Service Is Running in a Labeled Environment


Java bindings
classes, Structure of the Experimental Java Label Interfaces
ClearanceLabel subclass, ClearanceLabel Subclass
Range class, Range Class
SensitivityLabel subclass, SensitivityLabel Subclass
SolarisLabel abstract class, SolarisLabel Abstract Class
Java methods
dominates, Comparing Label Objects
equals, Comparing Label Objects
getLower, Obtaining Label Range Objects
Comparing Label Objects
Comparing Label Objects
Comparing Label Objects
Comparing Label Objects
Comparing Label Objects
Comparing Label Objects
getUpper, Obtaining Label Range Objects
Comparing Label Objects
Comparing Label Objects
setFileLabel, Obtaining and Setting the Label of a File
strictlyDominates, Comparing Label Objects
toCaveats, Translating Between Labels and Strings
toChannels, Translating Between Labels and Strings
toColor, Translating Between Labels and Strings
toFooter, Translating Between Labels and Strings
toHeader, Translating Between Labels and Strings
toInternal, Translating Between Labels and Strings
toProtectAs, Translating Between Labels and Strings
toRootPath, Accessing Labels in Zones
toString, Translating Between Labels and Strings
toText, Translating Between Labels and Strings
toTextLong, Translating Between Labels and Strings
toTextShort, Translating Between Labels and Strings
Java static factories
getClearanceLabel, Translating Between Labels and Strings
getDeviceRange, Obtaining Label Range Objects
Obtaining and Setting the Label of a File
Obtaining and Setting the Label of a File
getLabelRange, Obtaining Label Range Objects
getSensitivityLabel, Translating Between Labels and Strings
getSocketPeer, Obtaining and Setting the Label of a File
getUserRange, Obtaining Label Range Objects
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