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Solaris Trusted Extensions Developer's Guide
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Trusted X Window System Security Attributes

The Trusted X Window System interfaces manage security-related attribute information for various X Window System objects. You can choose to create a GUI application with Motif only. The Motif application should use XToolkit routines to retrieve the Xlib object IDs underlying the Motif widgets to handle security attribute information for an Xlib object.

The X Window System objects for which security attribute information can be retrieved by the Trusted X Window System interfaces are window, property, X Window Server, and the connection between the client and the X Window Server. Xlib provides calls to retrieve the window, property, display, and client connection IDs.

A window displays output to the user and accepts input from clients.

A property is an arbitrary collection of data that is accessed by the property name. Property names and property types can be referenced by an atom, which is a unique, 32-bit identifier and a character name string.

The security attributes for windows, properties, and client connections consist of ownership IDs and sensitivity label information. For information about the structures for capturing some of these attributes, see Data Types for X11. For information about the interfaces that obtain and set security attribute information, see Trusted Extensions X Window System APIs.

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