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Solaris Trusted Extensions Developer's Guide
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Releasing an Application

You submit a fully tested and debugged application to the system administrator for application integration. The application can be submitted as a CDE action or as a software package. If the application uses privileges, the system administrator must evaluate the application source code and the security information that you supply. This evaluation verifies that your use of privileges does not compromise system security.

Caution - Notify the system administrator of new auditing events, audit classes, or X Window System properties that your application uses. The system administrator must place these items into the correct files. For more information, see Chapter 6, Trusted X Window System.

Creating a CDE Action

A CDE action is started from the workspace by a user or a role. The action inherits the privileges assigned to the profile of that user or role. A CDE action is a set of instructions that work like application macros or APIs to automate desktop tasks such as running applications and opening data files. On a system configured with Trusted Extensions, applications are started from the workspace as CDE actions. Instructions on how to create a CDE action are provided in the Solaris Common Desktop Environment: Advanced User’s and System Administrator’s Guide.

Note - When you create a CDE action, create an f.action, not an f.exec. An f.exec executes the program as superuser with all privileges.

The system administrator puts the CDE action into the appropriate profiles and assigns any necessary privileges to the CDE action. You must list the privileges that the program uses, indicate the labels at which the application is intended to run, and supply any required effective user or group IDs. The system administrator assigns privileges as well as effective user and group IDs to the CDE action in the profile.

Creating a Software Package

To create a software package, see the Application Packaging Developer’s Guide. To debug package installation issues, see Chapter 14, Troubleshooting Software Problems (Overview), in System Administration Guide: Advanced Administration.

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