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Saving your Work

KSpread saves the complete document, which may include more than one worksheet, as a single document file.

If you have created a new document, or want to save an existing one under a different name, use File -> Save As... . This will bring up KDE's common Save Document As dialog box. Choose the folder where you want to save the document and enter a suitable file name into the Location: text box. KSpread documents are normally automatically saved with a .ods extension, you do not need to add this to the filename but do make sure that the Filter: selection is set to OASIS OpenDocument SpreadSheet .

To save your document without changing its name, just use File -> Save .

You can also save a KSpread document in a foreign format: see the Import/Export section for more information about doing this.

When you save a modified version of an existing document KSpread will keep the previous version as a backup file, adding a ~ to the end of the filename.

KSpread can provide some protection against losing your work because of a computer crash or because you have closed KSpread without saving the current document. It does this by automatically saving the latest version of the document you are working on every few minutes using a modified file name. The autosaved version is normally removed when you next save your document, so that it will only exist if it is more up to date than the version that was saved manually. When you open a document KSpread checks to see if an autosaved version exists, and if it finds one it will offer to open that instead.

Autosaved documents are saved with a file name of the form .yourfilename.autosave (note the leading period), so that spread1.ods would be autosaved as .spread1.ods.autosave. The autosave feature is user configurable in the settings dialog.


If you are going to be creating a lot of similar documents you can save yourself time and trouble by first creating a template and then using that as the basis for the individual documents.

To do this first create a document containing the common elements, then save it as a template by choosing File -> Create Template From Document... . Doing this opens the Create Template dialog box. Enter a name for your new template into the Name: text box and press OK . The next time you start a new document by choosing File -> New or when you next start KSpread the startup dialog window will give you the option of creating the new document from your template.

The Create Template dialog box also lets you choose a different picture to be displayed above the template name in the startup dialog window, and lets you save your templates under different group names, which will appear as different pages in the dialog.

  Published under the terms of the GNU General Public License Design by Interspire