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Interface Configuration.

This page of KSpread's configuration dialog box (obtained by selecting Configure KSpread... from the Settings menu) controls some more KSpread features:

Number of sheets open at the beginning:

Controls how many worksheets will be created if the option Blank Worksheet is chosen when KSpread is started.

Number of files to show in Recent Files list:

Controls the maximum number of filenames that are shown when you select File -> Open Recent .

Autosave Delay (minutes):

Here you can select the time between autosaves, or disable this feature altogether by choosing Do not save automatically (drag the slider to the far left).

Create backup files

Check this box if you want some backup files created. This is checked per default.

Show vertical scrollbar

Check or uncheck this box to show or hide the vertical scrollbar in all sheets.

Show horizontal scrollbar

Check or uncheck this box to show or hide the horizontal scrollbar in all sheets.

Show column header

Check this box to show the column letters across the top of each worksheet.

Show row header

Check this box to show the row numbers down the left side.

Show tabs

This check box controls whether the sheet tabs are shown at the bottom of the worksheet.

Show formula toolbar

Here is where you can choose to show or hide the Formula bar.

Show status bar

Uncheck this box if you want to hide the status bar.

  Published under the terms of the GNU General Public License Design by Interspire