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Class ServerDelegate

  extended by 

public abstract class ServerDelegate
extends java.lang.Object

A server delegate provides the implementation for various generic and server-type-specific operations for a specific type of server. A server delegate is specified by the class attribute of a serverTypes extension.

When the server instance needs to be given a delegate, the delegate class specified for the server type is instantiated with a 0-argument constructor and primed with delegate.initialize(((IServerState)server), which it is expected to hang on to. Later, when delegate.dispose() is called as the server instance is being discarded, the delegate is expected to let go of the server instance.

ServerDelegate supports an open-ended set of attribute-value pairs. All state stored in this manner will be saved when the server working copy is saved, and persisted across workbench sessions. Server delegates may keep state in instance fields, but that state is transient and will not be persisted across workbench sessions. To save state across workbench sessions, it must be persisted using the attributes.

This abstract class is intended to be extended only by clients to extend the serverTypes extension point.

See Also:
IServer, IServerWorkingCopy

Constructor Summary
ServerDelegate ()
          Delegates must have a public 0-arg constructor.
Method Summary
abstract  IStatus canModifyModules ( IModule[] add, IModule[] remove)
          Returns whether the specified module modifications could be made to this server at this time.
 void configurationChanged ()
          This method is called whenever the server configuration folder has changed.
 void dispose ()
          Disposes of this server delegate.
abstract   IModule[] getChildModules ( IModule[] module)
          Returns the child module(s) of this module.
abstract   IModule[] getRootModules ( IModule module)
          Returns the parent module(s) of this module.
  IServer getServer ()
          Returns the server that this server delegate corresponds to.
  ServerPort[] getServerPorts ()
          Returns an array of ServerPorts that this server has.
  IServerWorkingCopy getServerWorkingCopy ()
          Returns the server working copy that this server delegate corresponds to.
 void importConfiguration ( IRuntime runtime, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. should use importRuntimeConfiguration (which can throw a CoreException) instead
 void importRuntimeConfiguration ( IRuntime runtime, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          This method is called to import the server configuration from the given runtime.
abstract  void modifyModules ( IModule[] add, IModule[] remove, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Modifies the list of modules associated with the server.
 void saveConfiguration (IProgressMonitor monitor)
          This method is called whenever the server configuration should be saved.
 void setDefaults (IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Initializes this server with default values.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ServerDelegate()
Delegates must have a public 0-arg constructor.

Method Detail


public final 
IServer getServer()
Returns the server that this server delegate corresponds to.

the server


public final 
IServerWorkingCopy getServerWorkingCopy()
Returns the server working copy that this server delegate corresponds to.

the server


public void dispose()
Disposes of this server delegate.

This method is called by the web server core framework. Clients should never call this method.

Implementations are expected to let go of the delegate's reference to the server, deregister listeners, etc.


public abstract IStatus canModifyModules(
IModule[] add,
IModule[] remove)
Returns whether the specified module modifications could be made to this server at this time. See the specification of IServerAttributes.canModifyModules(IModule[], IModule[], IProgressMonitor) for further details.

This method is called by the web server core framework in response to a call to IServer.canModifyModules. It should return quickly without connection to the server. Clients should never call this method.

add - a possibly-empty list of modules to add
remove - a possibly-empty list of modules to remove
a status object with code IStatus.OK if the modules can be modified, otherwise a status object indicating why they can't
See Also:
IServerAttributes.canModifyModules(IModule[], IModule[], IProgressMonitor)


public abstract 
IModule[] getChildModules(
IModule[] module)
Returns the child module(s) of this module. If this module contains other modules, it should list those modules. If not, it should return an empty list.

This method should only return the direct children. To obtain the full tree of modules if they are multiple levels deep, this method may be recursively called on the children.

module - a module
the child modules
See Also:
IServerAttributes.getChildModules(IModule[], IProgressMonitor)


public abstract 
IModule[] getRootModules(
IModule module)
                                  throws CoreException
Returns the parent module(s) of this module. When determining if a given project can run on a server, this method will be used to find the actual module(s) that may be run on the server. For instance, a Web module may return a list of EAR modules that it is contained in if the server only supports configuring EAR modules. If the server supports running a module directly, the returned array should contain the module.

If the module type is not supported, this method will return null or an empty array. If the type is normally supported but there is a configuration problem or missing parent, etc., this method will fire a CoreException that may then be presented to the user.

If it does return valid parent(s), this method will always return the topmost parent module(s), even if there are a few levels (a heirarchy) of modules.

[issue: should the parameter be IModule[]?]

module - a module
an array of possible root modules
CoreException - if anything went wrong
See Also:
IServerAttributes.getRootModules(IModule, IProgressMonitor)


ServerPort[] getServerPorts()
Returns an array of ServerPorts that this server has.

the server's ports


public void setDefaults(IProgressMonitor monitor)
Initializes this server with default values. This method is called when a new server is created so that the server can be initialized with meaningful values.

monitor - a progress monitor, or null if progress reporting and cancellation are not desired


public abstract void modifyModules(
IModule[] add,
IModule[] remove,
                                   IProgressMonitor monitor)
                            throws CoreException
Modifies the list of modules associated with the server. See the specification of IServerWorkingCopy.modifyModules(IModule[], IModule[], IProgressMonitor) for further details.

This method is called by the web server core framework, in response to a call to IServerWorkingCopy.modifyModules. Clients should never call this method.

This method is called to update the server configuration (if any) or update the delegates internal state. Note that the actual list of modules is stored on the server and can be accessed at any time using server.getModules(). getModules() will not be updated until after this method successfully returns.

This method will not communicate with the server. After saving, publish() can be used to sync up with the server.

add - a possibly-empty list of modules to add
remove - a possibly-empty list of modules to remove
monitor - a progress monitor, or null if progress reporting and cancellation are not desired
CoreException - if the changes are not allowed or could not be processed


public void importConfiguration(
IRuntime runtime,
                                IProgressMonitor monitor)
Deprecated. should use importRuntimeConfiguration (which can throw a CoreException) instead

This method is called to import the server configuration from the given runtime.

runtime - a server runtime
monitor - a progress monitor, or null if progress reporting and cancellation are not desired


public void importRuntimeConfiguration(
IRuntime runtime,
                                       IProgressMonitor monitor)
                                throws CoreException
This method is called to import the server configuration from the given runtime.

runtime - a server runtime
monitor - a progress monitor, or null if progress reporting and cancellation are not desired
CoreException - if there is any problem importing the configuration from the runtime


public void saveConfiguration(IProgressMonitor monitor)
                       throws CoreException
This method is called whenever the server configuration should be saved.

monitor - a progress monitor, or null if progress reporting and cancellation are not desired
CoreException - if there was a problem saving


public void configurationChanged()
This method is called whenever the server configuration folder has changed. It gives the server a chance to throw out any old data and be ready to reload the server configuration when it is needed next.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire