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Interface IServer

All Superinterfaces:

public interface IServer
extends IServerAttributes

Represents a server instance. Every server is an instance of a particular, fixed server type.

Not surprisingly, the notion of server is central in the web tools server infrastructure. In this context, understand that a server is a web server of some ilk. It could be a simple web server lacking Java support, or an J2EE based server, or perhaps even some kind of database server. A more exact definition is not required for the purposes of this API. From a tool-centric point of view, a server is something that the developer is writing "content" for. The unit of content is termed a module. In a sense, the server exists, but lacks useful content. The development task is to provide that content. The content can include anything from simple, static HTML web pages to complex, highly dynamic web applications. In the course of writing and debugging this content, the developer will want to test their content on a web server, to see how it gets served up. For this they will need to launch a server process running on some host machine (often the local host on which the IDE is running), or attach to a server that's already running on a remote (or local) host. The newly developed content sitting in the developer's workspace needs to end up in a location and format that the running server can use for its serving purposes.

In this picture, an IServer object is a proxy for the real web server. Through this proxy, a client can configure the server, and start, stop, and restart it.

The server framework maintains a global list of all known server instances ( ServerCore.getServers()).

[rough notes: Server has a state. Server can be started, stopped, and restarted. To modify server attributes, get a working copy, modify it, and then save it to commit the changes. Server attributes. Serialization. Chained working copies for runtime, server configuration. Server has a set of root modules. Modules have state wrt a server. Restarting modules. ]

Two servers are identical if and only if they have the same id.

This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.


Nested Class Summary
static interface IServer.IOperationListener
          An operation listener is used to receive notification back about a specific server operation, such as starting or stopping a server.
Field Summary
static int PUBLISH_AUTO
          Publish kind constant (value 3) indicating an automatic publish request.
static int PUBLISH_CLEAN
          Publish kind constant (value 4) indicating a publish clean request
static int PUBLISH_FULL
          Publish kind constant (value 2) indicating a full publish request.
          Publish kind constant (value 1) indicating an incremental publish request.
          Publish state constant (value 3) indicating that a full publish is required.
          Publish state constant (value 2) indicating that an incremental publish is required.
          Publish state constant (value 1) indicating that there is no publish required.
          Publish state constant (value 0) indicating that it's in an unknown state.
static int STATE_STARTED
          Server state constant (value 2) indicating that the server is ready to serve content.
          Server state constant (value 1) indicating that the server is starting, but not yet ready to serve content.
static int STATE_STOPPED
          Server state constant (value 4) indicating that the server is stopped.
          Server state constant (value 3) indicating that the server is shutting down.
static int STATE_UNKNOWN
          Server state constant (value 0) indicating that the server is in an unknown state.
Method Summary
 void addPublishListener ( IPublishListener listener)
          Adds a publish listener to this server.
 void addServerListener ( IServerListener listener)
          Adds the given server state listener to this server.
 void addServerListener ( IServerListener listener, int eventMask)
          Adds the given server state listener to this server.
 IStatus canControlModule ( IModule[] module, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns whether the given module can be restarted.
 IStatus canPublish ()
          Returns whether this server is in a state that it can be published to.
 IStatus canRestart (java.lang.String mode)
          Returns whether this server is in a state that it can be restarted in the given mode.
 IStatus canStart (java.lang.String launchMode)
          Returns whether this server is in a state that it can be started in the given mode.
 IStatus canStop ()
          Returns whether this server is in a state that it can be stopped.
 ILaunch getLaunch ()
          Returns the launch that was used to start the server, if available.
 ILaunchConfiguration getLaunchConfiguration (boolean create, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Return the launch configuration for this server.
 java.lang.String getMode ()
          Returns the ILaunchManager mode that the server is in.
 int getModulePublishState ( IModule[] module)
          Returns the module's sync state.
 boolean getModuleRestartState ( IModule[] module)
          Check if the given module is in sync on the server.
 int getModuleState ( IModule[] module)
          Returns the current state of the given module on this server.
 int getServerPublishState ()
          Returns the server's sync state.
 boolean getServerRestartState ()
          Returns whether this server is out of sync and needs to be restarted.
 int getServerState ()
          Returns the current state of this server.
 int getStartTimeout ()
          Returns the start timeout in seconds.
 int getStopTimeout ()
          Returns the stop timeout in seconds.
 IStatus publish (int kind, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Publish to the server using the progress monitor.
 void publish (int kind, java.util.List< IModule[]> modules, IAdaptable info, IServer.IOperationListener listener)
          Publish one or more modules to the server.
 void removePublishListener ( IPublishListener listener)
          Removes a publish listener from this server.
 void removeServerListener ( IServerListener listener)
          Removes the given server state listener from this server.
 void restart (java.lang.String launchMode, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Asynchronously restarts this server.
 void restartModule ( IModule[] module, IServer.IOperationListener listener)
          Asynchronously restarts the given module on the server.
 boolean shouldPublish ()
          Returns true if the server should be published to.
 boolean shouldRestart ()
          Returns true if the server should be restarted.
 void start (java.lang.String launchMode, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Asynchronously starts this server in the given launch mode.
 void startModule ( IModule[] module, IServer.IOperationListener listener)
          Asynchronously starts this server in the given launch mode.
 void stop (boolean force)
          Asynchronously stops this server.
 void stop (boolean force, IServer.IOperationListener listener)
          Asynchronously stops this server.
 void stopModule ( IModule[] module, IServer.IOperationListener listener)
          Asynchronously stops the given module.
 void synchronousRestart (java.lang.String launchMode, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. use #restart(String, IServer.IOperationListener) instead
 void synchronousStart (java.lang.String launchMode, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. use #start(String, IServer.IOperationListener) instead
 void synchronousStop (boolean force)
          Deprecated. use stop(boolean, IOperationListener) instead
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.wst.server.core. IServerAttributes
canModifyModules, createWorkingCopy, delete, getAdapter, getChildModules, getHost, getId, getModules, getName, getRootModules, getRuntime, getServerConfiguration, getServerPorts, getServerType, isReadOnly, isWorkingCopy, loadAdapter

Field Detail


static final int STATE_UNKNOWN
Server state constant (value 0) indicating that the server is in an unknown state.

See Also:
getServerState(), getModuleState(IModule[]), Constant Field Values


static final int STATE_STARTING
Server state constant (value 1) indicating that the server is starting, but not yet ready to serve content.

See Also:
getServerState(), getModuleState(IModule[]), Constant Field Values


static final int STATE_STARTED
Server state constant (value 2) indicating that the server is ready to serve content.

See Also:
getServerState(), getModuleState(IModule[]), Constant Field Values


static final int STATE_STOPPING
Server state constant (value 3) indicating that the server is shutting down.

See Also:
getServerState(), getModuleState(IModule[]), Constant Field Values


static final int STATE_STOPPED
Server state constant (value 4) indicating that the server is stopped.

See Also:
getServerState(), getModuleState(IModule[]), Constant Field Values


static final int PUBLISH_STATE_UNKNOWN
Publish state constant (value 0) indicating that it's in an unknown state.

See Also:
getServerPublishState(), getModulePublishState(IModule[]), Constant Field Values


static final int PUBLISH_STATE_NONE
Publish state constant (value 1) indicating that there is no publish required.

See Also:
getServerPublishState(), getModulePublishState(IModule[]), Constant Field Values


Publish state constant (value 2) indicating that an incremental publish is required.

See Also:
getServerPublishState(), getModulePublishState(IModule[]), Constant Field Values


static final int PUBLISH_STATE_FULL
Publish state constant (value 3) indicating that a full publish is required.

See Also:
getServerPublishState(), getModulePublishState(IModule[]), Constant Field Values


static final int PUBLISH_INCREMENTAL
Publish kind constant (value 1) indicating an incremental publish request.

See Also:
publish(int, IProgressMonitor), Constant Field Values


static final int PUBLISH_FULL
Publish kind constant (value 2) indicating a full publish request.

See Also:
publish(int, IProgressMonitor), Constant Field Values


static final int PUBLISH_AUTO
Publish kind constant (value 3) indicating an automatic publish request.

See Also:
publish(int, IProgressMonitor), Constant Field Values


static final int PUBLISH_CLEAN
Publish kind constant (value 4) indicating a publish clean request

See Also:
publish(int, IProgressMonitor), Constant Field Values
Method Detail


int getServerState()
Returns the current state of this server.

Note that this operation is guaranteed to be fast (it does not actually communicate with any actual server).

one of the server state (STATE_XXX) constants declared on IServer


java.lang.String getMode()
Returns the ILaunchManager mode that the server is in. This method will return null if the server is not running.

the mode in which a server is running, one of the mode constants defined by org.eclipse.debug.core.ILaunchManager, or null if the server is stopped.


int getServerPublishState()
Returns the server's sync state.

one of the PUBLISH_XXX state flags


void addServerListener(
IServerListener listener)
Adds the given server state listener to this server. Once registered, a listener starts receiving notification of state changes to this server. The listener continues to receive notifications until it is removed. Has no effect if an identical listener is already registered.

listener - the server listener
See Also:


void addServerListener(
IServerListener listener,
                       int eventMask)
Adds the given server state listener to this server. Once registered, a listener starts receiving notification of state changes to this server. The listener continues to receive notifications until it is removed. Has no effect if an identical listener is already registered.

listener - the server listener
eventMask - the bit-wise OR of all event types of interest to the listener
See Also:


void removeServerListener(
IServerListener listener)
Removes the given server state listener from this server. Has no effect if the listener is not registered.

listener - the listener
See Also:


void addPublishListener(
IPublishListener listener)
Adds a publish listener to this server. Has no effect if an identical listener is already registered.

listener - the publish listener
See Also:


void removePublishListener(
IPublishListener listener)
Removes a publish listener from this server. Has no effect if the listener is not registered.

listener - the publish listener
See Also:


IStatus canPublish()
Returns whether this server is in a state that it can be published to.

a status object with code IStatus.OK if the server can be published to, otherwise a status object indicating what is wrong


boolean shouldPublish()
Returns true if the server should be published to. This is true when the server can be published to and the server's publish state or any module's publish state is not PUBLISH_STATE_NONE.



IStatus publish(int kind,
                IProgressMonitor monitor)
Publish to the server using the progress monitor. The result of the publish operation is returned as an IStatus.

This method should not be called from the UI thread. Publishing is long- running and may trigger resource change events or builds. Although this framework is safe, there is no guarantee that other bundles are UI-safe and the risk of UI deadlock is high.

kind - the kind of publish being requested. Valid values are:
  • PUBLISH_FULL- indicates a full publish.
  • PUBLISH_INCREMENTAL- indicates a incremental publish.
  • PUBLISH_CLEAN- indicates a clean request. Clean throws out all state and cleans up the module on the server before doing a full publish.
monitor - a progress monitor, or null if progress reporting and cancellation are not desired
status indicating what (if anything) went wrong
See Also:
publish(int, List, IAdaptable, IOperationListener)


void publish(int kind,
IModule[]> modules,
             IAdaptable info,
IServer.IOperationListener listener)
Publish one or more modules to the server.

The operation listener can be used to add a listener for notification of the publish result. The listener will be called with a single successful status (severity OK) when the server has finished publishing, or a single failure (severity ERROR) if there was an error publishing to the server.

This method should not be called from the UI thread. Publishing is long- running and may trigger resource change events or builds. Although this framework is safe, there is no guarantee that other bundles are UI-safe and the risk of UI deadlock is high.

kind - the kind of publish being requested. Valid values are:
  • PUBLISH_FULL- indicates a full publish.
  • PUBLISH_INCREMENTAL- indicates a incremental publish.
  • PUBLISH_CLEAN- indicates a clean request. Clean throws out all state and cleans up the module on the server before doing a full publish.
modules - a list of modules to publish, or null to publish all modules
info - the IAdaptable (or null) provided by the caller in order to supply UI information for prompting the user if necessary. When this parameter is not null, it should minimally contain an adapter for the Shell class.
listener - an operation listener to receive notification when this operation is done, or null if notification is not required


IStatus canStart(java.lang.String launchMode)
Returns whether this server is in a state that it can be started in the given mode.

launchMode - a mode in which a server can be launched, one of the mode constants defined by org.eclipse.debug.core.ILaunchManager
a status object with code IStatus.OK if the server can be started, otherwise a status object indicating why it can't


void start(java.lang.String launchMode,
           IProgressMonitor monitor)
           throws CoreException
Asynchronously starts this server in the given launch mode.

If canStart(launchMode) is false, this method will throw an exception.

If the caller wants to listen for failure or success of the server starting, it can add a server listener or use the version of this method that takes an operation listener as a parameter.

launchMode - a mode in which a server can be launched, one of the mode constants defined by org.eclipse.debug.core.ILaunchManager
monitor - a progress monitor, or null if progress reporting and cancellation are not desired
CoreException - if an error occurs while trying to start the server
See Also:
#start(String, IServer.IOperationListener)


IStatus canRestart(java.lang.String mode)
Returns whether this server is in a state that it can be restarted in the given mode. Note that only servers that are currently running can be restarted.

mode - a mode in which a server can be launched, one of the mode constants defined by org.eclipse.debug.core.ILaunchManager
a status object with code IStatus.OK if the server can be restarted, otherwise a status object indicating why it can't


boolean shouldRestart()
Returns true if the server should be restarted. This is true when the server can be restarted and the server's restart state or any module's restart states is not false.



boolean getServerRestartState()
Returns whether this server is out of sync and needs to be restarted. This method will return false when the server is not running.

[issue: Need to explain what is it that can get out of "out of sync" here, and how this can happen.]

true if this server is out of sync and needs to be restarted, and false otherwise (e.g., if the contents have not been modified and the server process is still in sync); the result is unspecified if the server is not currently running


void restart(java.lang.String launchMode,
             IProgressMonitor monitor)
Asynchronously restarts this server. This operation does nothing if this server cannot be stopped ( canRestart(String) returns false. This method cannot be used to start the server from a stopped state.

If the caller wants to listen for failure or success of the server restarting, it can add a server listener or use the version of this method that takes an operation listener as a parameter.

launchMode - a mode in which a server can be launched, one of the mode constants defined by org.eclipse.debug.core.ILaunchManager
monitor - a progress monitor, or null if progress reporting and cancellation are not desired
See Also:
#restart(String, IServer.IOperationListener)


IStatus canStop()
Returns whether this server is in a state that it can be stopped. Servers can be stopped if they are not already stopped and if they belong to a state-set that can be stopped.

a status object with code IStatus.OK if the server can be stopped, otherwise a status object indicating why it can't


void stop(boolean force)
Asynchronously stops this server. This operation does nothing if this server cannot be stopped ( canStop() returns false.

If force is false, it will attempt to stop the server normally/gracefully. If force is true, then the server process will be terminated any way that it can.

If the caller wants to listen for success or failure of the server stopping, it can add a server listener or use the version of this method that takes an operation listener as a parameter.

force - true to kill the server, or false to stop normally
See Also:
#start(String, IServer.IOperationListener)


void stop(boolean force,
IServer.IOperationListener listener)
Asynchronously stops this server. This operation does nothing if this server cannot be stopped ( canStop() returns false.

If force is false, it will attempt to stop the server normally/gracefully. If force is true, then the server process will be terminated any way that it can.

The operation listener can be used to add a listener for notification of this specific server stop. The listener will be called with a single successful status (severity OK) when the server has finished stopping, or a single failure (severity ERROR) if there was an error stopping the server.

force - true to kill the server, or false to stop normally
listener - an operation listener to receive notification when this operation is done, or null if notification is not required


int getModuleState(
IModule[] module)
Returns the current state of the given module on this server. Returns STATE_UNKNOWN if the module is not among the ones associated with this server.

module - the module
one of the state (STATE_XXX) constants declared on IServer


int getModulePublishState(
IModule[] module)
Returns the module's sync state.

module - the module
one of the PUBLISH_STATE_XXX state flags


boolean getModuleRestartState(
IModule[] module)
Check if the given module is in sync on the server. It should return true if the module should be restarted (is out of sync) or false if the module does not need to be restarted.

module - the module


IStatus canControlModule(
IModule[] module,
                         IProgressMonitor monitor)
Returns whether the given module can be restarted.

This method has a progress monitor because it may involve plugin and class loading. No communication to the server will occur.

module - the module
monitor - a progress monitor, or null if progress reporting and cancellation are not desired
a status object with code IStatus.OK if the module can be restarted, otherwise a status object indicating why it can't


void startModule(
IModule[] module,
IServer.IOperationListener listener)
Asynchronously starts this server in the given launch mode.

If canStart(launchMode) is false, this method will throw an exception.

The operation listener can be used to add a listener for notification of this specific module start. The listener will be called with a single successful status (severity OK) when the module has finished starting, or a single failure (severity ERROR) if there was an error starting the module.

module - the module to be started
listener - an operation listener to receive notification when this operation is done, or null if notification is not required


void stopModule(
IModule[] module,
IServer.IOperationListener listener)
Asynchronously stops the given module. This operation does nothing if this module cannot be stopped.

The operation listener can be used to add a listener for notification of this specific module stop. The listener will be called with a single successful status (severity OK) when the module has finished stopping, or a single failure (severity ERROR) if there was an error stopping the module.

module - the module to be stopped
listener - an operation listener to receive notification when this operation is done, or null if notification is not required


void restartModule(
IModule[] module,
IServer.IOperationListener listener)
Asynchronously restarts the given module on the server.

The implementation should update the module sync state and fire an event for the module. If the module does not exist on the server, an exception will be thrown.

[issue: If the module was just published to the server and had never been started, would is be ok to "start" the module using this method?]

module - the module to be started
listener - an operation listener to receive notification when this operation is done, or null if notification is not required


ILaunchConfiguration getLaunchConfiguration(boolean create,
                                            IProgressMonitor monitor)
                                            throws CoreException
Return the launch configuration for this server. If one does not exist, it will be created if "create" is true, and otherwise will return null. Will return null if this server type is invalid or has no associated launch configuration type (i.e. this server type cannot be started).

create - true if a new launch configuration should be created if there are none already
monitor - a progress monitor, or null if progress reporting and cancellation are not desired
the launch configuration, or null if there was no existing launch configuration and create was false


ILaunch getLaunch()
Returns the launch that was used to start the server, if available. If the server is not running, will return null.

the launch used to start the currently running server, or null if the launch is unavailable or could not be found


int getStartTimeout()
Returns the start timeout in seconds.

the start timeout in seconds


int getStopTimeout()
Returns the stop timeout in seconds.

the stop timeout in seconds


void synchronousStart(java.lang.String launchMode,
                      IProgressMonitor monitor)
                      throws CoreException
Deprecated. use #start(String, IServer.IOperationListener) instead

Starts this server in the given launch mode and waits until the server has finished starting.

This convenience method uses start(String, IProgressMonitor) to start the server, and an internal thread and listener to detect when the server has finished starting.

launchMode - a mode in which a server can be launched, one of the mode constants defined by org.eclipse.debug.core.ILaunchManager
monitor - a progress monitor, or null if progress reporting and cancellation are not desired
CoreException - if an error occurs while trying to start the server


void synchronousStop(boolean force)
Deprecated. use stop(boolean, IOperationListener) instead

Stops this server and waits until the server has completely stopped.

This convenience method uses stop(boolean) to stop the server, and an internal thread and listener to detect when the server has complied.

force - true to kill the server, or false to stop normally


void synchronousRestart(java.lang.String launchMode,
                        IProgressMonitor monitor)
                        throws CoreException
Deprecated. use #restart(String, IServer.IOperationListener) instead

Synchronously restarts this server. This operation does nothing if this server cannot be stopped ( canRestart(String) returns false.

launchMode - a mode in which a server can be launched, one of the mode constants defined by org.eclipse.debug.core.ILaunchManager
monitor - a progress monitor, or null if progress reporting and cancellation are not desired
CoreException - if there was an error

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire