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Eclipse GEF

Uses of Interface

Packages that use GraphicalEditPart
org.eclipse.gef All interfaces, base types, and the plugin class are here. 
org.eclipse.gef.editparts This package contains abstract implementation of the EditPart interface. 
org.eclipse.gef.editpolicies This package contains EditPolicy implementations for many common editing Roles. 
org.eclipse.gef.handles This package provide several common handle implementations. This package provides several tool implementations.   

Uses of GraphicalEditPart in org.eclipse.gef

Subinterfaces of GraphicalEditPart in org.eclipse.gef
 interface ConnectionEditPart
          A specialization of GraphicalEditPart for representing connections.
 interface NodeEditPart
          A specialized GraphicalEditPart that supports both target and source ConnectionEditParts.

Fields in org.eclipse.gef declared as GraphicalEditPart
protected   GraphicalEditPart SnapToGuides. container
          The graphical editpart to which guides are relative.
protected   GraphicalEditPart SnapToGrid. container
          The graphical part whose content's figure defines the grid.
protected   GraphicalEditPart SnapToGeometry. container
          The container editpart providing the coordinates and the children to which snapping occurs.

Methods in org.eclipse.gef with parameters of type GraphicalEditPart
protected   Rectangle SnapToGeometry. getFigureBounds ( GraphicalEditPart part)
          Returns the rectangular contribution for the given editpart.

Constructors in org.eclipse.gef with parameters of type GraphicalEditPart
SnapToGuides ( GraphicalEditPart container)
          Constructs a new snap-to-guides helper using the given container as the basis.
SnapToGrid ( GraphicalEditPart container)
          Constructs a gridded snap helper on the given editpart.
SnapToGeometry ( GraphicalEditPart container)
          Constructs a helper that will use the given part as its basis for snapping.

Uses of GraphicalEditPart in org.eclipse.gef.editparts

Classes in org.eclipse.gef.editparts that implement GraphicalEditPart
 class AbstractConnectionEditPart
          The base implementation for ConnectionEditPart.
 class AbstractGraphicalEditPart
          Default implementation for GraphicalEditPart.
 class FreeformGraphicalRootEditPart
          A graphical root that uses FreeformFigures as the layers in the diagram.
 class GraphicalRootEditPart
          Deprecated. this class will be deleted, use ScrollingGraphicalViewer with ScalableRootEditPart instead
 class ScalableFreeformRootEditPart
          Adds Zoom support to the standard FreeformGraphicalRootEditPart.
 class ScalableRootEditPart
          A graphical root composed of regular Layers.
 class SimpleRootEditPart
          Default implementation of RootEditPart for GraphicalViewers.

Constructors in org.eclipse.gef.editparts with parameters of type GraphicalEditPart
ViewportMouseWheelHelper ( GraphicalEditPart part)
ViewportMouseWheelHelper ( GraphicalEditPart part, int lineHeight, int pageHeight)
ViewportExposeHelper ( GraphicalEditPart owner)
          Constructs a new ViewportExposeHelper on the specified GraphicalEditPart.
ViewportAutoexposeHelper ( GraphicalEditPart owner)
          Constructs a new helper on the given GraphicalEditPart.
ViewportAutoexposeHelper ( GraphicalEditPart owner, Insets threshold)
          Constructs a new helper on the given GraphicalEditPart.

Uses of GraphicalEditPart in org.eclipse.gef.editpolicies

Methods in org.eclipse.gef.editpolicies with parameters of type GraphicalEditPart
protected  java.lang.Object XYLayoutEditPolicy. getConstraintFor ( ChangeBoundsRequest request, GraphicalEditPart child)
          Overridden to prevent sizes from becoming too small, and to prevent preferred sizes from getting lost.
protected   Rectangle XYLayoutEditPolicy. getCurrentConstraintFor ( GraphicalEditPart child)
          Retrieves the child's current constraint from the LayoutManager.
protected   Dimension XYLayoutEditPolicy. getMinimumSizeFor ( GraphicalEditPart child)
          Determines the minimum size that the specified child can be resized to.
protected  java.lang.Object ConstrainedLayoutEditPolicy. getConstraintFor ( ChangeBoundsRequest request, GraphicalEditPart child)
          Generates a draw2d constraint object derived from the specified child EditPart using the provided Request.
protected  java.lang.Object ConstrainedLayoutEditPolicy. getConstraintForClone ( GraphicalEditPart part, ChangeBoundsRequest request)
          Returns the correct rectangle bounds for the new clone's location.

Uses of GraphicalEditPart in org.eclipse.gef.handles

Methods in org.eclipse.gef.handles that return GraphicalEditPart
protected   GraphicalEditPart AbstractHandle. getOwner ()
          Returns the GraphicalEditPart associated with this handle.

Methods in org.eclipse.gef.handles with parameters of type GraphicalEditPart
static void ResizableHandleKit. addHandle ( GraphicalEditPart part, java.util.List handles, int direction)
          Adds a single handle in the given direction to the given List.
static void ResizableHandleKit. addHandle ( GraphicalEditPart part, java.util.List handles, int direction, DragTracker tracker, Cursor cursor)
          Adds a single handle in the given direction to the given List with the given DragTracker
static void ResizableHandleKit. addHandles ( GraphicalEditPart part, java.util.List handles)
          Fills the given List with handles at each corner and the north, south, east, and west of the GraphicalEditPart.
static void ResizableHandleKit. addMoveHandle ( GraphicalEditPart f, java.util.List handles)
          Fills the given List with move borders at each side of a figure.
static void ResizableHandleKit. addMoveHandle ( GraphicalEditPart f, java.util.List handles, DragTracker tracker, Cursor cursor)
          Fills the given List with move borders with the given DragTracker at each side of a figure.
static  Handle ResizableHandleKit. moveHandle ( GraphicalEditPart owner)
          Returns a new MoveHandle with the given owner.
static  Handle ResizableHandleKit. moveHandle ( GraphicalEditPart owner, DragTracker tracker, Cursor cursor)
          Returns a new MoveHandle with the given owner and DragTracker.
static void NonResizableHandleKit. addCornerHandles ( GraphicalEditPart part, java.util.List handles, DragTracker tracker, Cursor cursor)
          Fills the given List with handles at each corner of a figure.
static void NonResizableHandleKit. addCornerHandles ( GraphicalEditPart part, java.util.List handles)
          Fills the given List with handles at each corner of a figure.
static void NonResizableHandleKit. addHandle ( GraphicalEditPart part, java.util.List handles, int direction)
          Adds a single handle in the given direction to the given List.
static void NonResizableHandleKit. addHandle ( GraphicalEditPart part, java.util.List handles, int direction, DragTracker tracker, Cursor cursor)
          Adds a single handle in the given direction to the given List.
static void NonResizableHandleKit. addHandles ( GraphicalEditPart part, java.util.List handles)
          Fills the given List with handles at each corner.
static void NonResizableHandleKit. addHandles ( GraphicalEditPart part, java.util.List handles, DragTracker tracker, Cursor cursor)
          Fills the given List with handles at each corner.
static void NonResizableHandleKit. addMoveHandle ( GraphicalEditPart f, java.util.List handles)
          Fills the given List with move borders at each side of a figure.
static void NonResizableHandleKit. addMoveHandle ( GraphicalEditPart f, java.util.List handles, DragTracker tracker, Cursor cursor)
          Fills the given List with move borders at each side of a figure.
static  Handle NonResizableHandleKit. moveHandle ( GraphicalEditPart owner)
          Returns a new MoveHandle with the given owner.
static  Handle NonResizableHandleKit. moveHandle ( GraphicalEditPart owner, DragTracker tracker, Cursor cursor)
          Returns a new MoveHandle with the given owner.
protected  void AbstractHandle. setOwner ( GraphicalEditPart editpart)
          Sets the owner editpart associated with this handle.

Constructors in org.eclipse.gef.handles with parameters of type GraphicalEditPart
SquareHandle ( GraphicalEditPart owner, Locator loc)
          Creates a SquareHandle for the given GraphicalEditPart with the given Locator.
SquareHandle ( GraphicalEditPart owner, Locator loc, Cursor c)
          Creates a SquareHandle for the given GraphicalEditPart with the given Cursor using the given Locator.
ResizeHandle ( GraphicalEditPart owner, int direction)
          Creates a new ResizeHandle for the given GraphicalEditPart.
ResizeHandle ( GraphicalEditPart owner, Locator loc, Cursor c)
          Creates a new ResizeHandle for the given GraphicalEditPart.
NonResizableHandle ( GraphicalEditPart owner)
          Deprecated. Creates a NonResizableHandle for the given GraphicalEditPart using a default Locator.
NonResizableHandle ( GraphicalEditPart owner, Locator loc)
          Deprecated. Creates a NonResizableHandle for the given GraphicalEditPart using the given Locator.
MoveHandle ( GraphicalEditPart owner)
          Creates a MoveHandle for the given GraphicalEditPart using a default Locator.
MoveHandle ( GraphicalEditPart owner, Locator loc)
          Creates a MoveHandle for the given GraphicalEditPart using the given Locator.
AbstractHandle ( GraphicalEditPart owner, Locator loc)
          Creates a handle for the given GraphicalEditPart using the given Locator.
AbstractHandle ( GraphicalEditPart owner, Locator loc, Cursor c)
          Creates a handle for the given GraphicalEditPart using the given Locator and Cursor.

Uses of GraphicalEditPart in

Methods in that return GraphicalEditPart
protected   GraphicalEditPart ResizeTracker. getTargetEditPart ()
          The TargetEditPart is the parent of the EditPart being resized.
protected   GraphicalEditPart DirectEditManager. getEditPart ()
          Returns the source edit part.

Methods in with parameters of type GraphicalEditPart
protected  void DirectEditManager. setEditPart ( GraphicalEditPart source)
          Sets the source edit part.

Constructors in with parameters of type GraphicalEditPart
ResizeTracker ( GraphicalEditPart owner, int direction)
          Constructs a resize tracker that resizes in the specified direction.
DirectEditManager ( GraphicalEditPart source, java.lang.Class editorType, CellEditorLocator locator)
          Constructs a new DirectEditManager for the given source edit part.
DirectEditManager ( GraphicalEditPart source, java.lang.Class editorType, CellEditorLocator locator, java.lang.Object feature)
          Constructs a new DirectEditManager for the given source edit part.

Uses of GraphicalEditPart in

Methods in that return GraphicalEditPart
protected   GraphicalEditPart GraphicalViewerKeyHandler. getFocusEditPart ()

Eclipse GEF

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  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire