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Eclipse GEF and Draw2d Plug-in Developer Guide
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Eclipse GEF

Package org.eclipse.gef.editpolicies

This package contains EditPolicy implementations for many common editing Roles.


Class Summary
AbstractEditPolicy The default implementation of EditPolicy.
AbstractTreeContainerEditPolicy Deprecated. Use TreeContainerEditPolicy
BendpointEditPolicy Used to add bendpoint handles on a ConnectionEditPart.
ComponentEditPolicy A model-based EditPolicy for components within a container.
ConnectionEditPolicy A model-based EditPolicy for connections.
ConnectionEndpointEditPolicy A selection handle policy for placing handles at the two ends of a ConnectionEditPart.
ConstrainedLayoutEditPolicy For use with LayoutManager that require a constraint.
ContainerEditPolicy An EditPolicy for use with container editparts.
DirectEditPolicy Shows DirectEdit feedback and creates the Command to perform a "direct edit".
FeedbackHelper Helps display connection feedback during drags of the connection ends.
FlowLayoutEditPolicy An EditPolicy for use with FlowLayout.
GraphicalEditPolicy A GraphicalEditPolicy is used with a GraphicalEditPart.
GraphicalNodeEditPolicy A GraphicalNodeEditPolicy is responsible for creating and reconnecting connections graphically.
LayoutEditPolicy Provides support for interacting with children GraphicalEditParts with the host figure's current LayoutManager.
NonResizableEditPolicy Provide support for selecting and positioning a non-resizable editpart.
OrderedLayoutEditPolicy A LayoutEditPolicy for use with LayoutManagers that take no constraints.
ResizableEditPolicy Provides support for selecting, positioning, and resizing an editpart.
RootComponentEditPolicy The root component cannot be removed from its parent.
SelectionEditPolicy A GraphicalEditPolicy that is sensitive to the host's selection.
SelectionHandlesEditPolicy A SelectionEditPolicy which manages a List of handles provided by the subclass.
SnapFeedbackPolicy An EditPolicy that is used to show snap feedback for guides (red lines) and geometry (blue lines).
TreeContainerEditPolicy An EditPolicy for handling ADDS, MOVES, and CREATES on a TreeEditPart.
XYLayoutEditPolicy An EditPolicy for use with Figures in XYLayout.

Package org.eclipse.gef.editpolicies Description

This package contains EditPolicy implementations for many common editing Roles.

Eclipse GEF

Copyright (c) IBM Corp. and others 2000, 2007. All Rights Reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire