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Chapter 5. Windows Partitions

5.1. How do I mount/unmount Windows partitions (NTFS) manually, and allow all users to read only?
5.2. How do I mount/unmount Windows partitions (FAT) manually, and allow all users to read/write?
5.3. How do I mount Windows partitions (NTFS) on boot-up, and allow all users to read only?
5.4. How do I mount Windows partitions (FAT) on boot-up, and allow all users to read/write?

How do I mount/unmount Windows partitions (NTFS) manually, and allow all users to read only?


Assuming that /dev/hda1 is the location of the Windows partition (NTFS) and the local mount folder is: /media/windows

  1. Read How do I check disk space and view the partition table?

  2. To mount Windows partition

    								sudo mkdir /media/windows 
    								sudo mount /dev/hda1 /media/windows/ -t ntfs -o umask=0222

  3. To unmount Windows partition

    								sudo umount /media/windows/


How do I mount/unmount Windows partitions (FAT) manually, and allow all users to read/write?


Assuming that /dev/hda1 is the location of the Windows partition (FAT) and the local mount folder is: /media/windows

  1. Read How do I check disk space and view the partition table?

  2. To mount Windows partition

    								sudo mkdir /media/windows 
    								sudo mount /dev/hda1 /media/windows/ -t vfat -o umask=000

  3. To unmount Windows partition

    								sudo umount /media/windows/


How do I mount Windows partitions (NTFS) on boot-up, and allow all users to read only?


Assuming that /dev/hda1 is the location of the Windows partition (NTFS) and the local mount folder is: /media/windows

  1. Read How do I check disk space and view the partition table?

  2. 								sudo mkdir /media/windows 
    								sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab_backup 
    								sudo gedit /etc/fstab

  3. Append the following line at the end of file

    /dev/hda1 /media/windows ntfs umask=0222 0 0

  4. Save the edited file (sample/fstab_automountntfs)

  5. Read How do I remount /etc/fstab without rebooting?


How do I mount Windows partitions (FAT) on boot-up, and allow all users to read/write?


Assuming that /dev/hda1 is the location of the Windows partition (FAT) and the local mount folder is: /media/windows

  1. Read How do I check disk space and view the partition table?

  2. 								sudo mkdir /media/windows 
    								sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab_backup 
    								sudo gedit /etc/fstab

  3. Append the following line at the end of file

    								/dev/hda1 /media/windows vfat umask=000 0 0

  4. Save the edited file (sample/fstab_automountfat)

  5. Read How do I remount /etc/fstab without rebooting?

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