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SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop (SLED 10) GNOME User Guide
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2.1 Hardware

Hardware settings include the following:

2.1.1 Configuring Bluetooth Services

Bluetooth services enable you to connect wireless devices such as mobile phones and personal data assistants (PDAs) to your computer. Bluetooth wireless support includes automatic recognition of Bluetooth-enabled devices via the YaST central configuration and administration tool. Click Computer > Control Center > Hardware > Bluetooth, then set the configuration options that are appropriate for your device.

NOTE:Root privileges are required for configuring Bluetooth services.

2.1.2 Configuring Your Graphics Card and Monitor

Your graphics card was configured for your monitor when you installed SLED. If you ever need to change these settings, click Computer > Control Center > Hardware > Graphics Card and Monitor, then set the appropriate options for your monitor.

NOTE:Graphics card configuration is done in YaST2 and requires root privileges.

2.1.3 Modifying Keyboard Preferences

Use the Keyboard Preferences tool to modify the autorepeat preferences for your keyboard and to configure typing break settings.

Click Computer > Control Center > Hardware > Keyboard.

You can set the following preferences:

Configuring Keyboard Preferences

Use the Keyboard tabbed page to set general keyboard preferences.

Figure 2-2 Keyboard Preferences Dialog—Keyboard Page

You can modify any of the following keyboard preferences:

Table 2-1 Keyboard Preferences



Key Presses Repeat When Key is Held Down

Enables keyboard repeat. The action associated with a key is performed repeatedly when you press and hold that key. For example, if you press and hold a character key, the character is typed repeatedly.

Use the Delay option to select the delay from the time you press a key to the time that the action repeats.

Use the Speed option to set the speed at which the action is repeated.

Cursor Blinks in Text Boxes and Fields

Lets the cursor blink in fields and text boxes.

Use the slider to specify the speed at which the cursor blinks.

Type to Test Settings

The test area is an interactive interface that lets you see how the keyboard settings affect the display as you type. Type text in the test area to test the effect of your settings.

Click the Accessibility button to start the Keyboard accessibility preference tool.

Configuring Typing Break Preferences

Use the Typing Break tabbed page to set typing break preferences.

Figure 2-3 Keyboard Preferences Dialog—Typing Break Page

You can modify any of the following typing break preferences:

Table 2-2 Typing Break Preferences



Lock Screen to Enforce Typing Break

Locks the screen when you are due a typing break.

Work Interval Lasts

Lets you specify how long you can work before a typing break occurs.

Break Interval Lasts

Lets you specify the length of your typing breaks.

Allow Postponing of Breaks

Lets you postpone typing breaks.

Click the Accessibility button to start the Keyboard accessibility preference tool.

Configuring Keyboard Layout Preferences

Use the Layouts tabbed page to set your keyboard layout.

Figure 2-4 Keyboard Preferences Dialog—Layouts Page

Select your keyboard model from the drop-down list, then use the navigational buttons to add or remove the selected layout to or from the list of available layouts.

You can select different layouts to suit different locales.

Click the Accessibility button to start the Keyboard accessibility preference tool.

Configuring Keyboard Layout Options

Use the Layout Options tabbed page to set your keyboard layout options.

Figure 2-5 Keyboard Preferences Dialog—Layout Options Page

Select an option from the list of available layout options and click Add to add the option or Remove to remove it.

Click the Accessibility button to start the Keyboard accessibility preference tool.

2.1.4 Configuring the Mouse

Use the Mouse Preference tool to configure your mouse for right-hand use or for left-hand use. You can also specify the speed and sensitivity of mouse movement.

Click Computer > Control Panel > Hardware > Mouse.

You can customize the settings for the Mouse Preference tool in the following areas:

Configuring Button Preferences

Use the Buttons tabbed page to specify whether the mouse buttons are configured for left-hand use. You can also specify the delay between clicks for a double-click.

Figure 2-6 Mouse Preferences Dialog—Buttons Page

The following table lists the mouse button preferences you can modify.

Table 2-3 Mouse Button Preferences



Left-handed Mouse

Configures your mouse for left-hand use, swapping the functions of the left mouse button.


Use the slider to specify the amount of time that can pass between clicks when you double-click. If the interval between the first and second clicks exceeds the time that is specified here, the action is not interpreted as a double-click.

Configuring Cursor Preferences

Use the Cursors tabbed page to set your mouse pointer preferences.

Figure 2-7 Mouse Preferences Dialog—Cursors Page

The following table lists the mouse pointer preferences you can modify.

Table 2-4 Mouse Pointer Preferences



Cursor Theme

Displays the available cursor themes.

Highlight the Pointer When You Press Ctrl

Enables a mouse pointer animation when you press and release Ctrl. This feature can help you locate the mouse pointer.

Configuring Motion Preferences

Use the Motion tabbed page to set your preferences for mouse movement.

Figure 2-8 Mouse Preferences Dialog—Motion Page

The following table lists the mouse motion preferences you can modify.

Table 2-5 Mouse Motion Preferences




Use the slider to specify the speed at which your mouse pointer moves on your screen when you move your mouse.


Use the slider to specify how sensitive your mouse pointer is to movements of your mouse.


Use the slider to specify the distance that you must move an item before the move action is interpreted as a drag and drop action.

2.1.5 Installing and Configuring Printers

Use the Printers module to install and configure printers.

To start the Printers module, click Computer > Control Center > Hardware > Printers.

Figure 2-9 Printers Dialog

For more information about setting up printing, see Section 8.0, Managing Printers.

2.1.6 Configuring Removable Drives and Media

SLED supports a wide variety of removable drives and media, including storage devices, cameras, scanners, and more. The configurations for many of these devices are set up automatically when SLED is installed. To change the configuration for a drive or other removable device, click Computer > Control Center > Hardware > Removable Drives and Media.

Some of the possible configuration settings include:

  • What happens when a blank CD is inserted in the CD drive
  • What happens when an audio CD is inserted in the drive
  • Whether images are automatically imported from a digital camera when it is attached to the computer
  • Whether removable storage devices are mounted when they are plugged in to the computer
  • Whether PDAs are automatically synced when attached to the computer

In general, you do not need to change the settings that are already configured unless you want to change the behavior when a device is connected or if you want to connect a new device that is not yet configured. If you attach a device for the first time and it behaves in an unexpected or undesired way, check the Removable Drives and Media settings.

2.1.7 Configuring a Scanner

The Scanner configuration enables you to attach and configure a scanner, or to remove an already-attached scanner.

NOTE:Scanner configuration is done in YaST2 and requires root privileges.

To open YaST2 and configure a scanner, click Computer > Control Center > Hardware > Scanner. Refer to the instructions on the Scanner Configuration screen for information about the available options.

2.1.8 Specifying Screen Resolution Settings

Use this module to specify the resolution settings for your screen, including Resolution and Refresh Rate.

Click Computer > Control Center > Hardware > Screen Resolution.

Figure 2-10 Screen Resolution Preferences Dialog

The following table lists the screen resolution preferences you can modify.

Table 2-6 Screen Resolution Preferences




Select the resolution (in pixels) to use for the screen.

Refresh Rate

Select the refresh rate to use for the screen.

Make Default for This Computer Only

Makes the screen resolution settings the default settings only for the computer that you are logged in to.

If you cannot find a setting you want, you might need to use the Administrator Settings to reconfigure your graphics card and monitor settings. See Configuring the Graphics Card and Monitor in the SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop Deployment Guide for more information.

SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop (SLED 10) GNOME User Guide
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  Published Courtesy of Novell, Inc. Design by Interspire