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SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop (SLED 10) GNOME User Guide
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1.4 Accessing Folders and Files

SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop enables you to access folders and files on your computer and on a network.

1.4.1 Managing Folders and Files with Nautilus File Manager

Use the Nautilus File Manager to create and view folders and documents, run scripts, and create CDs of your data. In addition, Nautilus provides support for Web and file viewing.

You can open Nautilus in the following ways:

  • Click Computer > Nautilus.
  • Click your Home directory icon on the desktop

Figure 1-3 Nautilus File Manager

You can change to the browser mode by right-clicking the folder and then clicking Browse Folder. This gives you a familiar view with a location window that shows the current path and buttons for common functions. This applies to the current Nautilus window.

Figure 1-4 Nautilus File Manager in Browser Mode

You can change the preferences for files and folders in Nautilus by clicking Edit > Preferences > Behavior, then selecting from the following options:

Table 1-3 Nautilus Options



Single Click to Activate Item

Performs the default action for an item when you click the item. If this option is selected and you point to an item, the title of the item is underlined.

Double Click to Activate Items

Performs the default action for an item when you double-click the item.

Always Open in Browser Windows

Opens Nautilus in Browser mode whenever you open it.

Run Executable Files When They Are Clicked

Runs an executable file when you click the file. An executable file is a text file than can execute (that is, a shell script).

View Executable Files When They Are Clicked

Displays the contents of an executable file when you click the file.

Ask Each Time

Displays a dialog when you click an executable file. The dialog asks whether you want to execute the file or display the file.

Ask Before Emptying Trash or Deleting Files

Displays a confirmation message before the Trash is emptied or before files are deleted.

Include a Delete Command That Bypasses Trash

Adds a Delete menu item to the Edit menu and the pop-up menu that is displayed when you right-click a file, folder, or desktop object. When you select an item and then click Delete, the item is immediately deleted from your file system.

Some simple shortcuts for navigating include the following:

Table 1-4 Nautilus Navigation Shortcuts



Backspace or Alt+Up-arrow

Opens the parent folder.

Up or Down

Selects an item.

Alt+Down, or Enter

Opens an item.


Opens an item and closes the current folder.


Opens the parent folder and closes the current folder.


Closes all parent folders.


Opens a location by specifying a path or URL.


Opens your home directory.

For more information, click Help > Contents in Nautilus.

1.4.2 Accessing Floppy Disks, CDs, or DVDs

To access floppy disks, CDs, or DVDs, insert the medium into the appropriate drive. For several types of removable media, a Nautilus window pops up automatically when the media is inserted or attached to the computer. If Nautilus does not open, double-click the icon for that drive to view the contents.

WARNING:Do not simply remove floppy disks from the drive after using them. Floppy disks, CDs, and DVDs must always be unmounted from the system first. Close all File Manager sessions still accessing the medium, then right-click the icon for the medium and select Eject from the menu. Then safely remove the floppy disk or CD when the tray opens automatically.

Floppy disks can also be formatted by clicking Computer > More Applications > System > Floppy Formatter. In the Floppy Formatter dialog, select the density of the floppy disk and the file system settings: Linux native (ext2), the file system for Linux, or DOS (FAT) to use the floppy with Windows systems.

1.4.3 Finding Files on Your Computer

To locate files on your computer, click Computer, enter your search terms in the Search field, then press Enter. The results are displayed in the Desktop Search dialog box.

Figure 1-5 Desktop Search Dialog Box

You can use the results lists to open a file, forward it via e-mail, or display it in the file manager. Simply right-click an item in the results list and select the option you want. The options available for an item in the results list depend on the type of file it is. Clicking a file in the list displays a preview of the file and information such as the title, path, and when the file was last modified or accessed.

Use the Search menu to limit your search to files in a specific location, such as your address book or Web pages, or to display only a specific type of file in your results list. The Sort menu lets you sort the items in your results list according to name, relevance, or the date the file was last modified.

You can also access Desktop Search by clicking Computer > More Applications > System > Beagle Search Tool, pressing F12, or clicking Desktop Search icon on the bottom panel.

Search Tips

  • You can use both upper and lowercase letters in search terms. Searches are not case sensitive by default.

    To perform a case sensitive search, put double quotation marks (“) around the word you want to match exactly. For example, if you use “APPLE” in a search, apple would be ignored.

  • To search for optional terms, use OR (for example, apples OR oranges).

    IMPORTANT:The OR is case-sensitive when used to indicate optional search terms.

  • To exclude search terms, use a minus sign (-) in front of the term you want to exclude (for example, apples -oranges would find results containing apples but not oranges).
  • To search for an exact phrase or word, put quotation marks (“) around the phrase or word.
  • Common words such as “a,” “the,” and “is” are ignored.
  • The base form of a search term is used when searching (for example, a search for “driving” will match “drive,” “drives,” and “driven”).

Performing a Property Search

By default, the Beagle search tool looks for search terms in the text of documents and in their properties. To search for a word in a particular property, use property_keyword:query. For example, author:john searches for files that have “john” listed in the Author property.

Table 1-5 Supported Property Keywords




Album of the media




Author of the content


User comments


Creator of the content

extension or ext

File extension (for example, extension:jpeg or ext:mp3). Use extension:or ext: to search in files with no extension.


E-mail sender name


E-mail sender address


Mailing list ID


E-mail recipient name


E-mail recipient address


FSpot and Digikam image tags



Property searches follow the rules mentioned in Search Tips. You can use property searches as an exclusion query or OR query, and phrases can be used as query. For example, the following line will search for all PDF or HTML documents containing the word “apple” whose author property contains “john” and whose title does not contain the word “oranges.”

apple ext:pdf OR ext:html author:john -title:oranges

Setting Search and Indexing Preferences

Use the Search Preferences dialog box to set search and indexing preferences. To open Search Preferences, click Computer > More Applications > System > Beagle Settings. You can also click Search > Preferences in the Desktop Search dialog box.

On the Search tabbed page, click Start search & indexing services automatically to start the search daemon when you log in (this is selected by default). You can also choose the keystrokes that will display the Desktop Search window by specifying any combination of Ctrl, Alt, and a function key. F12 is the default keystroke.

On the Indexing tabbed page, you can choose to index your home directory (selected by default), to not index your home directory, and to add additional directories to index. Make sure you have rights to the directories you add. You can also specify resources that you don’t want indexed (see Preventing Files and Directories from Being Indexed for more information).

Preventing Files and Directories from Being Indexed

Use the Search Preferences dialog box to specify resources that you don’t want indexed. These resources can include directories, patterns, mail folders, or types of objects.

  1. Click Computer > More Applications System > Beagle Search Tool.

  2. Click Search > Preferences.

  3. On the Indexing tabbed page, click Add in the Privacy section.

  4. Select a resource to exclude from indexing, then specify the path to the resource.

  5. Click OK twice.

1.4.4 Accessing Files on the Network

This chapter helps you access network resources using the following tasks:

Connecting to Your Network

There are essentially two ways that you can connect to a network: via wired and wireless connections. To view your network connection status, click Computer. In the Status area of the main menu, The Network Connections icon shows your network connection status. For example, in the following figure, the computer is connected to a wired network using an Ethernet connection.

Figure 1-6 Network Connections Icon in the Main Menu

Click on the icon to get information about your connection, such as IP address, gateway address, and similar details.

Connecting to a Wired Connection
  1. Make sure that an Ethernet cable is connected to your computer's network interface card.

  2. Click the Network Connections icon on the main panel, then click Ethernet: eth0.

After a wired network connection is established, the Network Connections icon changes to show your connection type.

A connection to the network is confirmed when Wired is listed next to the Network menu item. You can also confirm connectivity by clicking the Network Connections icon. If connected, the Connection Information window displays your IP address and other details about your connection.

Connecting to a Wireless Connection
  1. Make sure that your computer contains a wireless network interface card.

  2. Click the Network Connections icon on the main panel, then click Wireless: <device>.

The Network Connections icon changes to a wireless signal strength bar, and any detected wireless networks are displayed in the Network Connections menu.

If your network name is displayed, select the network name from the Network Connections menu. After you are connected, the Network Connections icon shows that you have a wireless connection.

If you do not see your wireless network name in the Network Connections menu:

  1. Click the Network Connections icon on the main panel, then click Other.

  2. In the Specify an ESSID dialog, type the wireless network name in the ESSID: field.

  3. (Conditional) If the wireless network is encrypted, click Show Encryption Key to display the Encryption Key field.

  4. Type the encryption code, then click OK.

    Your wireless network's name should now appear in the Network Connections menu.

  5. Select the wireless network's name.

    Upon connection, the Network Connections icon turns blue.

You can also confirm connection by clicking the Network Connections icon and viewing Connection Information. If connected, your IP address and other details are displayed in the Connection Information dialog.

Managing Network Connections

The Network Connection icon lets you monitor, manage, and configure your network connections. Clicking the icon opens a window that displays which network connection is active, if you have more than one network device in your computer.

For example, if your laptop computer is configured to use a wireless port and a port for a network cable, you will see two network connections in the list.

If you are connected to the network via a cable and need to switch to use your wireless, simply click the Network Connections icon and then click Wireless: eth1. SLED switches your network connection and acquires a new IP address, if needed.

IMPORTANT:Prior to making the change, you should save any data, because the change in services might require that certain applications or services be restarted.

Using the menu, you can view connection informations such as the IP address being used and your hardware address.

If you need to update or make changes to your network settings, click Computer > Control Panel > Configure Network. This launches the Network Card Setup wizard, which steps you through the configuration process. Using this option requires you to provide the password for root.

Accessing Network Shares

Other network devices, like workstations and servers, can be set up to share some or all of their resources. Typically, files and folders are marked to let remote users access them. These are called network shares. If your system is configured to access network shares, you can use Nautilus File Manager to access them.

To access network shares, double-click Computer > Nautilus, then click Network Servers. The window displays the network shares that you can access. Double-click the network resource that you want to access. You might be required to authenticate to the resource by providing a username and password.

To access NFS shares, double-click the UNIX Network icon. A list of UNIX shares available to you is displayed.

To access Windows shares, double-click the Windows Network icon. The Windows shares available to you are displayed.

Figure 1-7 Workgroups on a Windows Network

Adding a Network Place
  1. Click Computer > Nautilus > File > Connect to Server.

  2. Specify the name you want displayed for this link and its URL, then click Connect.

    An icon for the network place is added to the desktop.

Sharing Directories from Your Computer

You can make directories on your computer available to other users on your network.

Enabling Sharing

Use YaST to enable sharing on your computer. In order to enable sharing, you must have root privileges and be a member of a workgroup or domain.

  1. Click Computer > More Applications > System > YaST.

  2. In YaST, click Network Services > Windows Domain Membership.

  3. In the Windows Domain Membership module, click Allow Users To Share Their Directories.

  4. Click Finish.

Sharing a Directory

If directory sharing is enabled on your computer, use the following steps to configure a directory to be shared.

  1. Open Nautilus and browse to the directory you want to share.

  2. Right-click the folder for the directory you want to share, then click Sharing Options.

  3. Select the Share this folder check box, then type the name you want to use for this share.

  4. If you want other users to be able to copy files to your shared directory, select the Allow other people to write in this folder check box.

  5. (Optional) Type a comment, if desired.

  6. Click Create Share.

SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop (SLED 10) GNOME User Guide
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  Published Courtesy of Novell, Inc. Design by Interspire