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SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop (SLED 10) GNOME User Guide
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5.2 Using Different GroupWise Modes

GroupWise provides two different ways to run the GroupWise client: Online mode and Caching mode.

You might be able to run GroupWise in either mode, or your system administrator might require that you use only a certain mode.

Most GroupWise features are available in all both GroupWise modes, with some exceptions. Subscribing to other users’ notifications is not available in Caching mode.

5.2.1 Online Mode

When you use Online mode, you are connected to your post office on the network. Your mailbox displays the messages and information stored in your network mailbox (also called your Online Mailbox). Online mode is connected to your network mailbox continuously. In Online mode, if your Post Office Agent shuts down or you lose your network connection, you temporarily lose your connection to your mailbox.

You should use this mode if you do not have a lot of network traffic, or if you use several different workstations and do not want to download a local mailbox to each one.

5.2.2 Caching Mode

Caching mode stores a copy of your network mailbox, including your messages and other information, on your local drive. This allows you to use GroupWise whether or not your network or Post Office Agent is available. Because you are not connected to the network all the time, this mode cuts down on network traffic and has the best performance. A connection is made automatically to retrieve and send new messages. All updates are performed in the background so your work is not interrupted.

To use Caching mode, the client installation must be a standard installation, not a workstation installation.

You should use this mode if you have enough disk space on your local drive to store your mailbox.

Several users can set up their Caching Mailboxes on a single shared computer.

SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop (SLED 10) GNOME User Guide
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  Published Courtesy of Novell, Inc. Design by Interspire