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Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 Essentials Book now available.

Purchase a copy of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 (RHEL 9) Essentials

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 Essentials Print and eBook (PDF) editions contain 34 chapters and 298 pages

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6. Package Management

6.1. Strong Package Checksums

RPM provides support for signed packages using strong hash algorithms such as SHA-256 in order to ensure package integrity and increase security. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 packages are transparently compressed with the XZ lossless compression library, which implements the LZMA2 compression algorithm for greater compression (thus reducing package size) and faster unpacking (when installing RPMs). Further information on the stronger package checksums is available in the Deployment Guide

6.2. New Signing Key

All Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 packages are digitally signed with a new 4096-bit RSA hardware signing key and using a SHA-256 hash. The RPM package signing document gives details of this new key.

6.3. The PackageKit Package Manager

Red Hat provides PackageKit for viewing, managing, updating, installing and uninstalling packages and package groups. PackageKit allows for quick repository enablement and disablement, a graphical and searchable transaction log, and PolicyKit integration. Further information on Package Kit is available in the Deployment Guide

6.4. Yum

Via its plugin architecture, Yum provides new or enhanced support for various capabilities such as delta RPMs (using the presto plugin), RHN communication (rhnplugin), and auditing and applying—using a calculated least-invasive (minimal) number of updates—only relevant security fixes to a system (security plugin).
Yum also ships with the yum-config-manager utility, which shows exhaustive information about all set configuration options and parameters for each individual repository. Further information on updates to Yum is available in the Deployment Guide

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