Chapter 2. Basic Principles of the Tools
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Tools's C and C++ compilers, macro-assembler,
debugger, binary utilities, libraries, and other development
tools provide productivity,
flexibility, performance, and portability.
This chapter begins with a
summary of the tools, then describes each tool in more detail.
To use a tool, open your system's
terminal shell window and enter the tool's
name as a command (gcc, for instance, invokes the
For a summary of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Tools, refer to
Section 2.1 Compiler and Development Tools,
Section 2.2 Libraries, and
Section 2.3 Auxiliary Development Tools.
To learn about working with the tools, refer to
Chapter 3 Developing with Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Tools.
2.1. Compiler and Development Tools
The following lists the main tools for developing projects
with Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Tools.