Accessors and mutators
Some people further divide the concept of
access functions into accessors (to read state
information from an object) and mutators (to
change the state of an object). In addition, function overloading may be used to
provide the same function name for both the accessor and mutator; how you call
the function determines whether you’re reading or modifying state
information. Thus,
//: C09:Rectangle.cpp
// Accessors & mutators
class Rectangle {
int wide, high;
Rectangle(int w = 0, int h = 0)
: wide(w), high(h) {}
int width() const { return wide; } // Read
void width(int w) { wide = w; } // Set
int height() const { return high; } // Read
void height(int h) { high = h; } // Set
int main() {
Rectangle r(19, 47);
// Change width & height:
r.height(2 * r.width());
r.width(2 * r.height());
} ///:~
The constructor uses the constructor
initializer list (briefly introduced in Chapter 8 and covered fully in Chapter
14) to initialize the values of wide and high (using the
pseudoconstructor form for
built-in types).
You cannot have member function names
using the same identifiers as data members, so you might be tempted to
distinguish the data members with a
leading underscore. However,
identifiers with leading underscores are reserved so you should not use them.
You may choose instead to use
“get” and
“set” to indicate accessors and mutators:
//: C09:Rectangle2.cpp
// Accessors & mutators with "get" and "set"
class Rectangle {
int width, height;
Rectangle(int w = 0, int h = 0)
: width(w), height(h) {}
int getWidth() const { return width; }
void setWidth(int w) { width = w; }
int getHeight() const { return height; }
void setHeight(int h) { height = h; }
int main() {
Rectangle r(19, 47);
// Change width & height:
r.setHeight(2 * r.getWidth());
r.setWidth(2 * r.getHeight());
} ///:~
Of course, accessors and mutators
don’t have to be simple pipelines to an internal variable. Sometimes they
can perform more sophisticated calculations. The following example uses the
Standard C library time functions to produce a simple Time
//: C09:Cpptime.h
// A simple time class
#ifndef CPPTIME_H
#define CPPTIME_H
#include <ctime>
#include <cstring>
class Time {
std::time_t t;
std::tm local;
char asciiRep[26];
unsigned char lflag, aflag;
void updateLocal() {
if(!lflag) {
local = *std::localtime(&t);
void updateAscii() {
if(!aflag) {
Time() { mark(); }
void mark() {
lflag = aflag = 0;
const char* ascii() {
return asciiRep;
// Difference in seconds:
int delta(Time* dt) const {
return int(std::difftime(t, dt->t));
int daylightSavings() {
return local.tm_isdst;
int dayOfYear() { // Since January 1
return local.tm_yday;
int dayOfWeek() { // Since Sunday
return local.tm_wday;
int since1900() { // Years since 1900
return local.tm_year;
int month() { // Since January
return local.tm_mon;
int dayOfMonth() {
return local.tm_mday;
int hour() { // Since midnight, 24-hour clock
return local.tm_hour;
int minute() {
return local.tm_min;
int second() {
return local.tm_sec;
#endif // CPPTIME_H ///:~
The Standard C library
functions have multiple representations for time, and
these are all part of the Time class. However, it isn’t necessary
to update all of them, so instead the time_t t is
used as the base representation, and the tm local and ASCII character
representation asciiRep each have flags to indicate if they’ve been
updated to the current time_t. The two private functions
updateLocal( ) and updateAscii( ) check the flags and
conditionally perform the update.
The constructor calls the
mark( ) function (which the user can also call to force the object
to represent the current time), and this clears the two flags to indicate that
the local time and ASCII representation are now invalid. The
ascii( ) function calls updateAscii( ), which copies the
result of the Standard C library function
asctime( ) into a local buffer because
asctime( ) uses a static data area that is overwritten if the
function is called elsewhere. The ascii( ) function return value is
the address of this local buffer.
All the functions starting with
daylightSavings( ) use the updateLocal( ) function,
which causes the resulting composite inlines to be fairly large. This
doesn’t seem worthwhile, especially considering you probably won’t
call the functions very much. However, this doesn’t mean all the functions
should be made non-inline. If you make other functions non-inline, at least keep
updateLocal( ) inline so that its code will be duplicated in the
non-inline functions, eliminating extra function-call overhead.
Here’s a small test
//: C09:Cpptime.cpp
// Testing a simple time class
#include "Cpptime.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
Time start;
for(int i = 1; i < 1000; i++) {
cout << i << ' ';
if(i%10 == 0) cout << endl;
Time end;
cout << endl;
cout << "start = " << start.ascii();
cout << "end = " << end.ascii();
cout << "delta = " << end.delta(&start);
} ///:~
A Time object is created, then
some time-consuming activity is performed, then a second Time object is
created to mark the ending time. These are used to show starting, ending, and