B: Programming Guidelines
This appendix is a collection of
suggestions for C++ programming. They’ve been assembled over the course of
my teaching and programming experience and
also from the insights of friends
including Dan Saks (co-author with Tom
Plum of C++ Programming Guidelines, Plum Hall,
1991), Scott Meyers (author of Effective C++,
2nd edition, Addison-Wesley, 1998), and Rob
Murray (author of C++ Strategies & Tactics,
Addison-Wesley, 1993). Also, many of the tips are summarized from the pages of
Thinking in C++.
- First make it work, then
make it fast. This is true even if you are certain that a piece of code is
really important and that it will be a principal bottleneck in your system.
Don’t do it. Get the system going first with as simple a design as
possible. Then if it isn’t going fast enough, profile it. You’ll
almost always discover that “your” bottleneck isn’t the
problem. Save your time for the really important
- Elegance
always pays off. It’s not a frivolous pursuit. Not only does it give you a
program that’s easier to build and debug, but it’s also easier to
understand and maintain, and that’s where the financial value lies. This
point can take some experience to believe, because it can seem that while
you’re making a piece of code elegant, you’re not being productive.
The productivity comes when the code seamlessly integrates into your system, and
even more so when the code or system is
- Remember
the “divide and conquer” principle. If the problem you’re
looking at is too confusing, try to imagine what the basic operation of the
program would be, given the existence of a magic “piece” that
handles the hard parts. That “piece” is an object – write the
code that uses the object, then look at the object and encapsulate its
hard parts into other objects,
- Don’t
automatically rewrite all your existing C code in C++ unless you need to
significantly change its functionality (that is, don’t fix it if it
isn’t broken). Recompiling C in C++ is a valuable activity because
it may reveal hidden bugs. However, taking C code that works fine and rewriting
it in C++ may not be the best use of your time, unless the C++ version will
provide a lot of opportunities for reuse as a
- If you do
have a large body of C code that needs changing, first isolate the parts of the
code that will not be modified, possibly wrapping those functions in an
“API class” as static member functions. Then focus on the code that
will be changed, refactoring it into classes to facilitate easy modifications as
your maintenance
- Separate
the class creator from the class user (client programmer). The class user
is the “customer” and doesn’t need or want to know
what’s going on behind the scenes of the class. The class creator must be
the expert in class design and write the class so that it can be used by the
most novice programmer possible, yet still work robustly in the application.
Library use will be easy only if it’s
- When
you create a class, make your names as clear as possible. Your goal should be to
make the client programmer’s interface conceptually simple. Attempt to
make your names so clear that comments are unnecessary. To this end, use
function overloading and default arguments to create an intuitive, easy-to-use
- Access
control allows you (the class creator) to change as much as possible in the
future without damaging client code in which the class is used. In this light,
keep everything as private as possible, and make only the class interface
public, always using functions rather than data. Make data public
only when forced. If class users don’t need to access a function, make it
private. If a part of your class must be exposed to inheritors as
protected, provide a function interface rather than expose the actual
data. In this way, implementation changes will have minimal impact on derived
- Don’t
fall into analysis paralysis. There are some things that you don’t learn
until you start coding and get some kind of system working. C++ has built-in
firewalls; let them work for you. Your mistakes in a class or set of classes
won’t destroy the integrity of the whole
- Your
analysis and design must produce, at minimum, the classes in your system, their
public interfaces, and their relationships to other classes, especially base
classes. If your design methodology produces more than that, ask yourself if all
the pieces produced by that methodology have value over the lifetime of the
program. If they do not, maintaining them will cost you. Members of development
teams tend not to maintain anything that does not contribute to their
productivity; this is a fact of life that many design methods don’t
account for.
- Write
the test code first (before you write the class), and keep it with the class.
Automate the running of your tests through a makefile or similar tool. This way,
any changes can be automatically verified by running the test code, and
you’ll immediately discover errors. Because you know that you have the
safety net of your test framework, you will be bolder about making sweeping
changes when you discover the need. Remember that the greatest improvements in
languages come from the built-in testing that type checking, exception handling,
etc., provide, but those features take you only so far. You must go the rest of
the way in creating a robust system by filling in the tests that verify features
that are specific to your class or
- Write the
test code first (before you write the class) in order to verify that your class
design is complete. If you can’t write test code, you don’t know
what your class looks like. In addition, the act of writing the test code will
often flush out additional features or constraints that you need in the class
– these features or constraints don’t always appear during analysis
and design.
- Remember
a fundamental rule of software
All software design problems can be simplified by introducing an extra level
of conceptual indirection. This one idea is the basis of abstraction, the
primary feature of object-oriented
- Make
classes as atomic as possible; that is, give each class a single, clear purpose.
If your classes or your system design grows too complicated, break complex
classes into simpler ones. The most obvious indicator of this is sheer size: if
a class is big, chances are it’s doing too much and should be broken
- Watch for long
member function definitions. A function that is long and complicated is
difficult and expensive to maintain, and is probably trying to do too much all
by itself. If you see such a function, it indicates that, at the least, it
should be broken up into multiple functions. It may also suggest the creation of
a new class.
- Watch
for long argument lists. Function calls then become difficult to write, read and
maintain. Instead, try to move the member function to a class where it is (more)
appropriate, and/or pass objects in as
- Don’t
repeat yourself. If a piece of code is recurring in many functions in derived
classes, put that code into a single function in the base class and call it from
the derived-class functions. Not only do you save code space, you provide for
easy propagation of changes. You can use an inline function for efficiency.
Sometimes the discovery of this common code will add valuable functionality to
- Watch for
switch statements or chained if-else clauses. This is typically an
indicator of type-check coding, which means you are choosing what code to
execute based on some kind of type information (the exact type may not be
obvious at first). You can usually replace this kind of code with inheritance
and polymorphism; a polymorphic function call will perform the type checking for
you, and allow for more reliable and easier
- From
a design standpoint, look for and separate things that change from things that
stay the same. That is, search for the elements in a system that you might want
to change without forcing a redesign, then encapsulate those elements in
classes. You can learn significantly more about this concept in the Design
Patterns chapter in Volume 2 of this book, available at
- Watch
out for variance. Two semantically different objects may have identical
actions, or responsibilities, and there is a natural temptation to try to make
one a subclass of the other just to benefit from inheritance. This is called
variance, but there’s no real justification to force a superclass/subclass
relationship where it doesn’t exist. A better solution is to create a
general base class that produces an interface for both as derived classes
– it requires a bit more space, but you still benefit from inheritance and
will probably make an important discovery about the
- Watch out
for limitation during inheritance. The clearest designs add new
capabilities to inherited ones. A suspicious design removes old capabilities
during inheritance without adding new ones. But rules are made to be broken, and
if you are working from an old class library, it may be more efficient to
restrict an existing class in its subclass than it would be to restructure the
hierarchy so your new class fits in where it should, above the old
- Don’t
extend fundamental functionality by subclassing. If an interface element is
essential to a class it should be in the base class, not added during
derivation. If you’re adding member functions by inheriting, perhaps you
should rethink the
- Less is
more. Start with a minimal interface to a class, as small and simple as you need
to solve the problem at hand, but don’t try to anticipate all the ways
that your class might be used. As the class is used, you’ll
discover ways you must expand the interface. However, once a class is in use you
cannot shrink the interface without disturbing client code. If you need to add
more functions, that’s fine; it won’t disturb code, other than
forcing recompiles. But even if new member functions replace the functionality
of old ones, leave the existing interface alone (you can combine the
functionality in the underlying implementation if you want). If you need to
expand the interface of an existing function by adding more arguments, leave the
existing arguments in their current order, and put default values on all of the
new arguments; this way you won’t disturb any existing calls to that
- Read your
classes aloud to make sure they’re logical, referring to the relationship
between a base class and derived class as “is-a” and member objects
- When
deciding between inheritance and composition, ask if you need to upcast to the
base type. If not, prefer composition (member objects) to inheritance. This can
eliminate the perceived need for multiple inheritance. If you inherit, users
will think they are supposed to
- Sometimes
you need to inherit in order to access protected members of the base
class. This can lead to a perceived need for multiple inheritance. If you
don’t need to upcast, first derive a new class to perform the protected
access. Then make that new class a member object inside any class that needs to
use it, rather than
- Typically,
a base class will be used primarily to create an interface to classes derived
from it. Thus, when you create a base class, default to making the member
functions pure virtual. The destructor can also be pure virtual (to force
inheritors to explicitly override it), but remember to give the destructor a
function body, because all destructors in a hierarchy are always
- When you put
a virtual function in a class, make all functions in that class
virtual, and put in a virtual destructor. This approach prevents
surprises in the behavior of the interface. Only start removing the
virtual keyword when you’re tuning for efficiency and your profiler
has pointed you in this
- Use data
members for variation in value and virtual functions for variation in
behavior. That is, if you find a class that uses state variables along with
member functions that switch behavior based on those variables, you should
probably redesign it to express the differences in behavior within subclasses
and overridden virtual
- If you
must do something nonportable, make an abstraction for that service and localize
it within a class. This extra level of indirection prevents the non-portability
from being distributed throughout your
- Avoid
multiple inheritance. It’s for getting you out of bad situations,
especially repairing class interfaces in which you don’t have control of
the broken class (see Volume 2). You should be an experienced programmer before
designing multiple inheritance into your
- Don’t
use private inheritance. Although it’s in the language and seems to
have occasional functionality, it introduces significant ambiguities when
combined with run-time type identification. Create a private member object
instead of using private
- If two
classes are associated with each other in some functional way (such as
containers and iterators), try to make one a public nested friend
class of the other, as the Standard C++ Library does with iterators inside
containers (examples of this are shown in the latter part of Chapter 16). This
not only emphasizes the association between the classes, but it allows the class
name to be reused by nesting it within another class. The Standard C++ Library
does this by defining a nested iterator class inside each container
class, thereby providing the containers with a common interface. The other
reason you’ll want to nest a class is as part of the private
implementation. Here, nesting is beneficial for implementation hiding rather
than the class association and prevention of namespace pollution noted
- Operator
overloading is only “syntactic sugar:” a different way to make a
function call. If overloading an operator doesn’t make the class interface
clearer and easier to use, don’t do it. Create only one automatic type
conversion operator for a class. In general, follow the guidelines and format
given in Chapter 12 when overloading
- Don’t
fall prey to premature optimization. That way lies madness. In particular,
don’t worry about writing (or avoiding) inline functions, making
some functions nonvirtual, or tweaking code to be efficient when you are
first constructing the system. Your primary goal should be to prove the design,
unless the design requires a certain
- Normally,
don’t let the compiler create the constructors, destructors, or the
operator= for you. Class designers should always say exactly what the
class should do and keep the class entirely under control. If you don’t
want a copy-constructor or operator=, declare them as private.
Remember that if you create any constructor, it prevents the default
constructor from being
- If your
class contains pointers, you must create the copy-constructor, operator=,
and destructor for the class to work
- When you
write a copy-constructor for a derived class, remember to call the base-class
copy-constructor explicitly (also the member-object versions). (See Chapter 14.)
If you don’t, the default constructor will be called for the base class
(or member object) and that probably isn’t what you want. To call the
base-class copy-constructor, pass it the derived object you’re copying
Derived(const Derived& d) :
Base(d) { //
... - When
you write an assignment operator for a derived class, remember to call the
base-class version of the assignment operator explicitly. (See Chapter 14.) If
you don’t, then nothing will happen (the same is true for the member
objects). To call the base-class assignment operator, use the base-class name
and scope resolution:
operator=(const Derived& d)
Base::operator=(d); - If
you need to minimize recompiles during development of a large project, use the
handle class/Cheshire cat technique demonstrated in Chapter 5, and remove it
only if runtime efficiency is a
- Avoid the
preprocessor. Always use const for value substitution and inlines
for macros.
- Keep
scopes as small as possible so the visibility and lifetime of your objects are
as small as possible. This reduces the chance of using an object in the wrong
context and hiding a difficult-to-find bug. For example, suppose you have a
container and a piece of code that iterates through it. If you copy that code to
use with a new container, you may accidentally end up using the size of the old
container as the upper bound of the new one. If, however, the old container is
out of scope, the error will be caught at compile
- Avoid global
variables. Always strive to put data inside classes. Global functions are more
likely to occur naturally than global variables, although you may later discover
that a global function may fit better as a static member of a
- If you need
to declare a class or function from a library, always do so by including a
header file. For example, if you want to create a function to write to an
ostream, never declare ostream yourself using an incomplete type
specification like this,
ostream; This approach leaves your code
vulnerable to changes in representation. (For example, ostream could
actually be a typedef.) Instead, always use the header
file: #include
<iostream> When creating your own
classes, if a library is big, provide your users an abbreviated form of the
header file with incomplete type specifications (that is, class name
declarations) for cases in which they need to use only pointers. (It can speed
compilations.) - When
choosing the return type of an overloaded operator, consider what will happen if
expressions are chained together. Return a copy or reference to the lvalue
(return *this) so it can be used in a chained expression (A = B =
C). When defining operator=, remember
- When
writing a function, pass arguments by const reference as your first
choice. As long as you don’t need to modify the object being passed, this
practice is best because it has the simplicity of pass-by-value syntax but
doesn’t require expensive constructions and destructions to create a local
object, which occurs when passing by value. Normally you don’t want to be
worrying too much about efficiency issues when designing and building your
system, but this habit is a sure
- Be aware of
temporaries. When tuning for performance, watch out for temporary
creation, especially with operator overloading. If your constructors and
destructors are complicated, the cost of creating and destroying temporaries can
be high. When returning a value from a function, always try to build the object
“in place” with a constructor call in the return statement:
return MyType(i,
j); rather
than MyType x(i,
j); return
x; The former return statement (the
so-called return-value optimization) eliminates a copy-constructor
call and destructor
call. - When creating
constructors, consider exceptions. In the best case, the constructor won’t
do anything that throws an exception. In the next-best scenario, the class will
be composed and inherited from robust classes only, so they will automatically
clean themselves up if an exception is thrown. If you must have naked pointers,
you are responsible for catching your own exceptions and then deallocating any
resources pointed to before you throw an exception in your constructor. If a
constructor must fail, the appropriate action is to throw an
- Do only
what is minimally necessary in your constructors. Not only does this produce a
lower overhead for constructor calls (many of which may not be under your
control) but your constructors are then less likely to throw exceptions or cause
- The
responsibility of the destructor is to release resources allocated during the
lifetime of the object, not just during
- Use
exception hierarchies, preferably derived from the Standard C++ exception
hierarchy and nested as public classes within the class that throws the
exceptions. The person catching the exceptions can then catch the specific types
of exceptions, followed by the base type. If you add new derived exceptions,
existing client code will still catch the exception through the base
- Throw
exceptions by value and catch exceptions by reference. Let the
exception-handling mechanism handle memory management. If you throw pointers to
exception objects that have been created on the heap, the catcher must know to
destroy the exception, which is bad coupling. If you catch exceptions by value,
you cause extra constructions and destructions; worse, the derived portions of
your exception objects may be sliced during upcasting by
- Don’t
write your own class templates unless you must. Look first in the Standard C++
Library, then to vendors who create special-purpose tools. Become proficient
with their use and you’ll greatly increase your
- When
creating templates, watch for code that does not depend on type and put that
code in a non-template base class to prevent needless code bloat. Using
inheritance or composition, you can create templates in which the bulk of the
code they contain is type-dependent and therefore
- Don’t
use the <cstdio> functions, such as printf( ). Learn to
use iostreams instead; they are type-safe and type-extensible, and significantly
more powerful. Your investment will be rewarded regularly. In general, always
use C++ libraries in preference to C
- Avoid
C’s built-in types. They are supported in C++ for backward compatibility,
but they are much less robust than C++ classes, so your bug-hunting time will
- Whenever
you use built-in types as globals or automatics, don’t define them until
you can also initialize them. Define variables one per line along with their
initialization. When defining pointers, put the ‘*’ next to
the type name. You can safely do this if you define one variable per line. This
style tends to be less confusing for the
- Guarantee
that initialization occurs in all aspects of your code. Perform all member
initialization in the constructor initializer list, even built-in types (using
pseudo-constructor calls). Using the constructor initializer list is often more
efficient when initializing subobjects; otherwise the default constructor is
called, and you end up calling other member functions (probably
operator=) on top of that in order to get the initialization you
- Don’t
use the form MyType a = b; to define an object. This one feature is a
major source of confusion because it calls a constructor instead of the
operator=. For clarity, always be specific and use the form MyType
a(b); instead. The results are identical, but other programmers won’t
be confused.
- Use the
explicit casts described in Chapter 3. A cast overrides the normal typing system
and is a potential error spot. Since the explicit casts divide C’s
one-cast-does-all into classes of well-marked casts, anyone debugging and
maintaining the code can easily find all the places where logical errors are
most likely to
- For a
program to be robust, each component must be robust. Use all the tools provided
by C++: access control, exceptions, const-correctness, type checking, and so on
in each class you create. That way you can safely move to the next level of
abstraction when building your
- Build in
const-correctness. This allows the compiler to point out bugs that would
otherwise be subtle and difficult to find. This practice takes a little
discipline and must be used consistently throughout your classes, but it pays
- Use compiler
error checking to your advantage. Perform all compiles with full warnings, and
fix your code to remove all warnings. Write code that utilizes the compile-time
errors and warnings rather than that which causes runtime errors (for example,
don’t use variadic argument lists, which disable all type checking). Use
assert( ) for debugging, but use exceptions for runtime
- Prefer
compile-time errors to runtime errors. Try to handle an error as close to the
point of its occurrence as possible. Prefer dealing with the error at that point
to throwing an exception. Catch any exceptions in the nearest handler that has
enough information to deal with them. Do what you can with the exception at the
current level; if that doesn’t solve the problem, rethrow the exception.
(See Volume 2 for more
- If
you’re using exception specifications (see Volume 2 of this book,
downloadable from www.BruceEckel.com, to learn about exception handling),
install your own unexpected( ) function using
set_unexpected( ). Your unexpected( ) should log the
error and rethrow the current exception. That way, if an existing function gets
overridden and starts throwing exceptions, you will have a record of the culprit
and can modify your calling code to handle the exception.
- Create a
user-defined terminate( ) (indicating a programmer error) to log the
error that caused the exception, then release system resources, and exit the
- If a
destructor calls any functions, those functions might throw exceptions. A
destructor cannot throw an exception (this can result in a call to
terminate( ), which indicates a programming error), so any
destructor that calls functions must catch and manage its own
- Don’t
create your own “decorated” private data member names (prepending
underscores, Hungarian notation, etc.), unless you have a lot of pre-existing
global values; otherwise, let classes and namespaces do the name scoping for
- Watch for
overloading. A function should not conditionally execute code based on the value
of an argument, default or not. In this case, you should create two or more
overloaded functions
- Hide your
pointers inside container classes. Bring them out only when you are going to
immediately perform operations on them. Pointers have always been a major source
of bugs. When you use new, try to drop the resulting pointer into a
container. Prefer that a container “own” its pointers so
it’s responsible for cleanup. Even better, wrap a pointer inside a class;
if you still want it to look like a pointer, overload operator-> and
operator*. If you must have a free-standing pointer, always
initialize it, preferably to an object address, but to zero if necessary. Set it
to zero when you delete it to prevent accidental multiple
- Don’t
overload global new and delete; always do this on a class-by-class
basis. Overloading the global versions affects the entire client programmer
project, something only the creators of a project should control. When
overloading new and delete for classes, don’t assume that
you know the size of the object; someone may be inheriting from you. Use the
provided argument. If you do anything special, consider the effect it could have
- Prevent
object slicing. It virtually never makes sense to upcast an object by value. To
prevent upcasting by value, put pure virtual functions in your base
- Sometimes
simple aggregation does the job. A “passenger comfort system” on an
airline consists of disconnected elements: seat, air conditioning, video, etc.,
and yet you need to create many of these in a plane. Do you make private members
and build a whole new interface? No – in this case, the components are
also part of the public interface, so you should create public member objects.
Those objects have their own private implementations, which are still safe. Be
aware that simple aggregation is not a solution to be used often, but it does
Explained to me by Andrew Koenig.