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openSUSE 11.1 KDE Quick Start Guide
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Getting Started

When you start your system, you are usually prompted to enter your username and password. If you did not install your system yourself, check with your system administrator for your username and password.

After logging in to KDE for the first time, you see the KDE desktop, which shows the following basic elements:

Desktop Folder: By default, the desktop folder shows the contents of its ~/Desktop directory. Whenever you insert some file into this directory, it appears in this view too.

Desktop Context Menu: Right-click an empty area on the desktop to access the context menu for configuring the appearance of the desktop, adding panels or widgets to the desktop, configuring your desktop settings, locking the widgets in their current position, or for leaving the current session or locking the screen.

Desktop Toolbox: Move your mouse pointer to the icon in the upper right corner of the desktop to access a menu that lets you add or lock widgets.

KDE Panel: By default, the panel of your KDE desktop consists of the main menu icon on the left, further widgets and program icons, and the panel settings icon on the right. If you hold your mouse pointer over an icon in the panel, a short description is displayed.

Modifying Desktop Panels

The bottom panel can be customized to suit your individual needs, and additional panels can be configured to further personalize your desktop.

To add a new panel, right-click an empty area on the desktop and select Add Panel. To delete a panel, right-click a blank space in the panel and select Remove This Panel. openSUSE requires that at least one panel is left on the desktop.

To add new widget, proceed with Adding and Removing Widgets.

Adding and Removing Widgets

Widgets are small applications that can be integrated into your panel:

  1. To add a widget to the panel, right-click an empty patch on the panel, and select Panel Options > Add Widgets.

    If these menu items are not available, your desktop elements are probably locked. Unlock them first as described in Locking and Unlocking Desktop Objects.

  2. In the dialog box that appears, you can limit the selection of widgets that is shown with the drop-down list at the top.

  3. Select a widget and click Add Widget. The widget appears in your panel.

openSUSE 11.1 KDE Quick Start Guide
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