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OpenSuSE 10 Quick Start Guide
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4.2 Internet Connection Via Network

If your machine is part of a network which is already connected to the Internet, it is very easy to gain Internet access—just connect your machine to the existing network and you are done. This not only applies to large company networks, but to small home networks as well. Even if the machine you are installing is only connected to a router (e.g. a DSL router) it is already part of a network.

NOTE: Routing and Name Services

In the following it is assumed that the network is connected to the Internet and provides routing and name services. In case these services are provided by a router, make sure the router is configured correctly before setting up the client.

4.2.1 Checklist Network

If your network provides DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) check the appropriate check box when setting up the network card and you are done—all parameters needed will be provided by the DHCP server.

In case DHCP is not available, ask your network administrator for the following details:

  • Hostname

  • Name server

  • Gateway

For configuration details, refer to Section 20.4.1, Configuring the Network Card with YaST, (↑ Reference ).

OpenSuSE 10 Quick Start Guide
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