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OpenSuSE 10 Quick Start Guide
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1.10 Clock and Time Zone

In this dialog, select your region and time zone from the lists. During installation, both are preselected according to the selected installation language.

Figure 1-3 Clock and Time Zone

To set up the clock, choose between Local Time and UTC (GMT) for Hardware Clock Set To. If you run another operating system on your machine, such as Microsoft Windows*, it is likely your system uses Local Time. If you only run Linux on your machine, set the hardware clock to UTC and have the switch form standard time to daylight saving time performed automatically. Click Change to set the current date and time.

You can either enter time and date Manually or Synchronize with an NTP Server. See Section 24.0, Time Synchronization with NTP, (↑ Reference ) for more information. When finished, click Accept to continue the installation.

OpenSuSE 10 Quick Start Guide
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