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OpenSuSE 10 Quick Start Guide
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1.13 Performing the Installation

After making all installation settings, click Accept in the suggestion window to start the installation. In the dialog that opens, confirm with Install. Some software may require a license confirmation. If your software selection includes such software, license confirmation dialogs are displayed. Click Accept to install the software. When not agreeing to the license, click I Disagree and the software will not be installed.

The installation usually takes between 15 and 30 minutes, depending on the system performance and the selected software scope. During this procedure a slide show introduces the features of openSUSE. Choose Details to switch to the installation log or Release Notes to read important up-to-date information which was not available when the manuals were printed. As soon as all packages are installed, YaST boots into the new Linux system, where you can configure the hardware and set up system services.

NOTE: Release Notes

The release notes that can be viewed during this step are the ones printed on the installation CD. A newer version may be available on the Internet. When configuring network and Internet access as described in Section 1.14.3, Network, the latest version of the release notes will be displayed at the end of the installation.

OpenSuSE 10 Quick Start Guide
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